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Book online «My Sweet Valentine, Dairenna VonRavenstone [web based ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Dairenna VonRavenstone

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coldchill in the air made her feel refreshed. Plus when she was doneshe could curl up by the fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate andread. She frowned lightly as she pushed more snow towards her lawn.She missed Greg again.

When theycleared the snow together they would collapse into a snowball fightsometime during the process of trying to clean snow. Then theywould be soaking wet to finish the chore before running inside. Wetclothes would be flung down at the door and they would go aboutmaking hot chocolate in the light shirts and shorts they layeredunder the heavier clothes. Once the hot chocolate was made, theywould snuggle under the big red blanket and read together by thefire.

They wouldfinally venture out of the cocoon around lunch time to eat beforesnuggling back into the warmth. Amber would reluctantly get out ofthe cozy position in his arms before getting ready for work or bed.It depended what time she actually worked. She was happier when shewas on the day shift because then she could snuggle with Greg infront of the fire place until they went to sleep that night.

She pushed theshovel along the driveway, her earlier enthusiasm gone with thepining for her husband. She was used to this emptiness as he had totravel a lot for the company. It never got easier the more times hedid leave and she suspected it never would.

As she piledmore snow onto her lawn she heard snow being crunched under heavyboots. She peeked out from under her wool cap to see a tall slimman walking by. His brown hair was tied back in a low pony tail andhe struck her as familiar. She blinked a few times as he continueddown the street.

She tried tofigure out where she had seen him before but by working at a busyhospital for six years she had seen hundreds of thousands ofpeople. Patients, visitors to patients, hundreds of people passedher on a daily bases. She frowned and shook her head at the vaguefeeling that she should know that particular man but pushed itaside to finish her chore.

An hour latershe was curled underneath the big red blanket with a mug of hotchocolate in front of her. She was trying to read but the wordswere not sticking and she found herself re-reading the samesentence over and over again. Finally Amber put down the book andstretched out to take a nap.

Someone knockedon the door and she jolted, noting that she had in fact fallenasleep for about half an hour. She struggled to get out of thetangle of blankets and almost fell to the floor in her haste. Freefrom the warmth she shivered as she made her way to the door in aquick trot.

She peeredthrough the peep hole but again, no one was there. She scowled andopened the door. Instead of stepping out in her bare feet shepeeked down in curiosity. Sitting on the clean front porch was anenormous white teddy bear clutching a sparkly red heart with thewords “I love you” embroidered in white. Amber chuckled lightly andlifted the bear, noticing as she brought it close that a card wastied around its neck.

Amber pressedthe bear against her chest to remove the card and it startled herby proclaiming its love for her. Amber giggled again and pulledfree the same card that had appeared on both the roses and thechocolate box. She again tried to look down the street but sawnothing but snow and empty streets.

With a smallshake of her head, Amber retreated back into the house and itsoffered warmth. She hugged the bear close to her chest and wonderedhow Greg’s delivery man was so perfectly timed to get her when shewould take too long to get to the door. All of his friends had beenfast runners so in retrospect, she knew they did not need her to bedelayed for long to dash off before she spotted them.

Amber settledback into the red mass of blankets and snuggled with the teddy bearas she thought of her husband’s cute little surprises. The littlesurprises helped her through the day when she felt as if somethinghorrible was about to happen even when she knew that wasimpossible.

The feeling ofbeing watched had not gone completely away either. Amber looked atthe bear in her arms and a smile graced her features when thoughtsof her husband over-rode the depressing musings. She fell into alight sleep but still wished the house did not feel so large andempty.

Valentine’sDay, six years prior:

Amber rubbedher wilting eyelids for the umpteenth time as she read over herrough draft of an essay that was due. She checked the clock and sawit to be nearing 9PM. Greg was lounging around in the living roomof their shared apartment and she assumed he was seeing if theycould afford to live in the apartment another month.

She massagedher temples this time as she felt the beginnings of a headachecoming on. She only had five more pages to type and she could callit a night. She bleary continued on her mission and wondered howmuch caffeine she would need the next morning when she had toawaken early for a morning class.

She heardshuffling from behind her and did not bother to turn. Strong handsfell upon her shoulders a moment later and begin to gently rubthem. Amber smirked and leaned back into the touch as Greg leaneddown and kissed her neck gently.

“Want togo for a walk?” he questioned lightly.

The breathagainst her ear made her shiver lightly in pleasure. His words hither a moment later and she turned to stare at him incredulously. Hewas grinning at her and she frowned lightly. Taking a walk nowwould me having to stay up even later to finish her essay.

“I can’tright now. I have to finish this,” Amber told him with a shake ofher head.

Greg scowledlightly at the statement and ran a hand through his hair. He lookedat the mass of papers and books she had piled around her laptop andAmber saw a thoughtful look cross his face. She assumed theconversation was over and turned back to finish typing.

“The airwill clear your head though,” Greg pointed out

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