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My SweetValentine

By DairennaVonRavenstone

Copyright 2011Dairenna VonRavenstone


SmashwordsEdition, License Notes

This ebook islicensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not bere-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to sharethis book with another person, please purchase an additional copyfor each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did notpurchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then pleasereturn to and purchase your own copy. Thank you forrespecting the hard work of this author.


To all my fans(even if there is just a handful of you), to my friends and myfamily. A special thanks to graphic designer Paul Murray who allowsthe free download of the chains used on the cover. My own graphicdesigner sings your praises.


Afterwriting Have a Bloody ChristmasI figured I would stick with the whole horror-themed holidayidea. You’ll notice that these two (this and Bloody Christmas) are even sectioned out thesame. Anyway, since I decided to do the 12in12 challenge Idesperately needed another novella for my second month into theinsanity, pardon, challenge.

As I’m typingthis, it’s January 28th and I have 9,000 for this month. I needanother 11,000. What you are reading now is my idea-gatheringbefore I actually start writing the story. That’s right thisinspiration section is nothing more than me gathering mythoughts.

As forwhere the actual idea for the following novella (shortstory/whatever this turns out to be) came from, I’m not entirelysure. I did think of the movie My BloodyValentine and cursed the use of ‘bloody’ in the titleas I wanted to use it. Then I thought of some high school nerdbeing scorned, going insane and killing his classmates at areunion. But that’s too close to the aforementioned movie so Ichanged it. I don’t know if I’ll like it better, I’ll get back toyou on that.

Part 1:February 10th

Her name wasAmber. I have loved her since the day I first saw her in highschool. It was September, the first day of school and the weatherwas balmy. She was wearing the school’s uniform kilt and her shirtwas a loosely tucked in. Her silky blond hair was framed herheart-shaped face in gentle curls and waves that made her blue eyeslight up. I decided then that I wanted her for my future wife.

I wanted to askher out so much but decided that I had to get to know her betterfirst. Some people called me a stalker but I think I was (and stillam) hopelessly in love. She was perfect. Not a genius but smartenough to carry on a conversation, not super-model gorgeous butbeautiful in her own way. I wanted her so badly.

This year, I’mgoing to make her mine.


The middle ofwinter was always her favorite time of year. It because the snowgave everything a surreal and almost impossible feel to the world.It was as if a tree was not really a tree but a piece of artcovered in glittering white masses of fluff. Winter also made herremember the day her husband asked her out which was their firstdate during their final year of high school.

They had beengood friends since the first year of high school when he told somecreepy guy she had no interest in to leave her alone. From therethey had a lot in common: the same movies, books and televisionshows. She did have to admit to herself that he enjoyed some genresmore than she, and she would never want to play hockey.

It had been apleasant surprise when he asked her to dinner one cold Valentine’sDay. She had thought she would go through her entire high schoolcareer with only one creepy stalker following her with other boysonly dating her because she was pretty.

Winter alsoreminded her of when he proposed four years later. He was finishinghis final term in business school and she was finishing her secondchoice in degrees once she found her original career choice as anEnglish teacher would not work out well. This second choice hadbeen nursing which she took up because of the ability to helppeople. Despite the tougher regime she loved her job.

It had beenafter a long day of studying that he insisted on a walk in thepark. At first she disagreed to the suggestion but not because ofthe weather. Walking through snow made her exuberant. But she had aproject to finish that was due the next day. He persuaded her inthe end and half-way through their walk around the man-made lake inthe park he got down on one knee and presented her with a slim goldband with interlocking hearts.

The ring washallow where the two hearts joined, a jewel was supposed to bepresent there but he said he had no money for the diamond at thetime (she could attest to that, schooling and basic survivalwithout outside aide was expensive) but he knew the ring was theone for her. She said no diamond was needed as the ring was perfectwithout it.

Two yearslater, he presented her with a single diamond that fit perfectlyinto the ring. It had been a gift on Valentine’s Day, a holidaythat she had started to warm up to since they began dating. Everyyear he surprised her with gifts: roses, stuffed bears thatproclaimed their love when squeezed, expensive chocolates that sheloved but would never buy for herself and other such things. Hehardly ever gave her jewelry unless it would mean something to themas a couple.

She hoped thisyear would be no different, but only time would tell. Three daysprevious, he had been called into the office and was told he wasflying to his company’s location in Texas. Depending on how wellthe meetings went, he might not make it back on time forValentine’s Day.

The telephoneringing brought her out of her thoughts and she rushed through thetwo-story bungalow to grab the slim portable phone. She took a deepbreath and hit the “talk” button.

“Hello?”she questioned smoothly.

“I’vemissed you sweetie,” came the distinctively male voice from theother end.

She allowedherself a small grin as heat rose to her cheeks. Even after beingwith him for ten years, he could still make her blush.

“I’vemissed you too Greg,” she replied with a little giggle.

“I’ve gotsome bad news, Amber,”

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