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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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enough he’s going to Kumba to see the Master. Hecontemplates for long hours at a time, but what concerns me most ishe’s no longer interested in the war.”

“Almost dying can cause majorspiritual awakening in people,” Michio said. “It will take himawhile to readjust to this world.”

Koriann sighed deeply. “I knowand I should have expected it; it’s just that he’s so different.”

“He’s the same,” Toemekasaid. “Nearly dying just caused him to become more inwardlyfocused. Give him time.”

“He didn’t want to return tothis world and wouldn’t have if it hadn’t been for me.” Shefelt a guilty twinge for being impatient with him instead of justbeing grateful he was alive. “What am I to do? Samrat Condor andKing Zanton could attack at any time and Erling, who’s been leadingthe whole planet’s defense, is detached and uninterested when weneed him most.”

“Koriann, this is somethingErling has to work out for himself,” Michio said. “I’ll takehim to see the Master when he’s well enough. He’s stillrecovering and troubled spiritually. Sometimes it’s necessary for aperson to take time to rebalance after a trauma. The life of aCoalition agent didn’t allow Erling much time to focus inwardly.Now he needs to find himself. In the meantime, I’ll handle thedefense of the planet.”

“Thank you. I appreciate allyou have done and are continuing to do.”

At breakfast, Toemeka noticedMichio absentmindedly pushing his titzle lizard eggs and vegetablesaround on his plate. Toemeka wondered what was bothering him.Finally, he excused himself and walked out of the dining room,leaving a still-full plate of food.

Toemeka also excused herself.Koriann was so engaged in a heavy conversation with General Dursky,Captain Flint and Captain Orneil that she hardly seemed to notice.Toemeka slipped out of the room and followed Michio into the study.

“May I come in?” she asked atthe doorway.

“You should finish yourbreakfast. You’re eating for two.”

She ignored his remark, knowinghow much she ate wasn’t what weighed on him. “What’s botheringyou?” she asked, coming over to him and putting her hand on hisarm.

Their eyes met and he looked asif he was trying to decide what to say. “Zac and Onolyn disappearedon Haklute without a trace. Hendora has gone there to see if she canlocate them.”

“Oh no! Something must havehappened. Erling was right; they were both too young andinexperienced for the mission. We shouldn’t have sent them.”

“They were the only Coalitionagents available. I’d like to go after them myself, but that’simpossible now that I’m head of Jaipar’s defense.”

“Has the information Erling andI stole been delivered to the Coalition?”

“No, we’re trying to figureout who can deliver it. It has to be someone the Coalition will trustenough to let aboard their starship in the middle of war.”

“They trust me.”

He winced as if in pain. “Iknow.”

“It wouldn’t be thatdangerous.”

“Yes, it would. The travelroute between Borko and Alandra is filled with Condor’s starships.”

“True, but trade ships andordinary passenger ships travel that route as well. Too much is atstake to delay any longer. I’ll fly to the Coalition’s militaryspace station outside Alandra.”

“What if you’re interceptedon the way and the ship is searched?”

“Then I’ll destroy theinformation. There will still be a copy of it here on our computers.”

“Are you physically up to it?”

“Yes, I’m fully recoveredfrom my last mission.”

His shoulders slumped inresignation. “I don’t want you to go, but I don’t see a bettersolution. You can travel on a large military spaceship with a fullcrew and military personnel.”

“That will arouse suspicion andinvite trouble. I’ll take a one-person aircraft. I can leave in afew hours since I won’t have to wait for a crew. The informationshould’ve been delivered days ago. I know who to contact at theCoalition and how to get results.”

“You can’t go alone. Youcould faint or get motion sick.”

“I’m past the first trimesterof my pregnancy. I feel much better now.”

Michio’s brow wrinkled, but hedidn’t put up any further argument. “Maybe it’s for the best.It’s no longer safe here either. Samrat Condor or King Zanton’sair fleet could attack at any time.”

A flood of energy flowed throughToemeka. She wanted and needed to be part of the war effort. Sheimmediately left to make arrangements for a spacecraft.

Onolyn sat in the cage, rubbingher arms for warmth. Her legs were cramping and she wished she couldstretch them out. Two days! Seetva’s left me here for two days without food andwater. The heartless bitch!

Her throat felt parched andconstant hunger pains clawed at her stomach. Not having water worriedher more than not eating. A person could live without food, but theycouldn’t survive long without water. She felt her body weakeningand tried to rest, but terrible nightmares came whenever she slept.When she was awake, it wasn’t much better; her thoughts ran wild.Did Seetva plan to make her into a zombie like Zac or starve her todeath if she continued to resist her?

She didn’t want to die—shewas too young to die! Someday she wanted to get married and havechildren. Tasting salt, Onolyn realized she was crying again andwiped away her tears. She was done with crying. She’d shed enoughtears the day before as she sank into deep despair: worrying aboutErling being cremated alive, that Zac would never escape Seetva’spower, and Jaipar might be under attack. She’d failed miserably inher mission to spy on King Zanton and could do nothing to help.

Today she’d done better. She’dsang HU constantly while focusing her attention on Master Bakka.

The dim light coming through thesmall workroom window faded as the sun set. Everything was worse whenit was dark and her terror heightened. The door creaked and a chillshot up her spine. Onolyn began shaking. Was Seetva back to tormenther?

Instead, Zac entered carrying aburning candle set in a brass candlestick holder. His shoulderstensed as he glanced outside before shutting the door behind him.Then he crossed over to her. After setting the candlestick holder onthe floor, he passed a glass of water to her through the bars. Theirfingers touched; her eyes met his and held for a moment in theflicking candlelight. In his eyes, Onolyn saw her own distressreflected back. She drank half the water in a few gulps.

Zac glanced around the room,twitching nervously. “Hurry! I can’t leave the

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