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that we learn about divinelove. It’s not necessary to retreat from life to reachGod-Realization. We can unfold to our fullest potential while livinga full, active life.”

Erling listened, then shook hishead. “I was too attached to this world. When I’m in the middleof a mission, it becomes all-consuming. At the monastery, it will beeasier to focus on God and rise above the mundane things of thisworld. When I was on Flo Shah, I was so out of balance I even usedamphetamines.”

“We’ve all done things thataren’t in our best interest spiritually. At least you realized itand don’t want to fall into that trap again. Seeing the Master andspending a few days at the Temple will be good for you. It’ll helpyou rebalance and rejuvenate. Many challenging experiences lie aheadand you’ll need to be inwardly strong to go through them.”

Michio paused. Through the openwindow he heard the endless rhythm of the ocean waves beating on theshoreline. While listening to the ocean with its power, beauty andunchanging qualities, he felt closer to God.

Returning to current problems,Michio told Erling that Onolyn and Zac had disappeared in Haklute,Toemeka was delivering the matrix crystal, King Zanton had launched asurprise attack on Mithra, and the entire planet of Alandrasurrendered to Samrat Condor.

Erling’s face drained of color.“Alandra surrendered! How will my family ever escape now?” He rana jerky hand through his hair. “As for Mithra, King Zanton launcheda surprise attack to take out our strongest ally, so they can’tgive us military support when Samrat Condor’s air fleet attacksJaipar.” He rubbed his forehead. “This is giving me a headache. Ican’t save Borko any more than I could save Alandra. I never could.I just wanted to believe it was possible. Mich, I don’t have anyfight left in me. You can watch over Toemeka, Hendora will find Zacand Onolyn, and there are plenty of soldiers to fight the war.”

“Soldiers yes, but notleaders.” Michio sighed. “Perhaps I shouldn’t have told you.You’re still recovering.”

“Told him what?” Koriannasked, entering the room.

“About Alandra surrendering,”Michio replied.

“And Zac and Onolyn missing,Toe’s latest mission, and the attack on Mithra.” Erling’s voicesounded weary.

Koriann crossed over to Erlingand stood defensively between him and Michio. “Why did you tellhim? It’s his first day out of bed. What do you expect him to do?Do you want him to keep going until he’s dead?”

“He has a right to know,”Michio said. “I learned that from Toemeka. You can’t shelter himfrom what’s happening; this war involves all of us.”

“He almost died! Give him achance to recover.”

“Kori, it’s all right. I’mglad Michio told me. Don’t worry, I’ve already told him the warcan go on without me.”

Michio helped Erling back to bed.“I’ll come see you tomorrow and, if you’re up to it, take youto see Master Bakka.” Michio left the sleeping chamber.

Koriann followed him into theouter room of Erling’s bedroom suite and shut the door. “Erling’snot well enough to make a trip to see the Master tomorrow.”

“This is the only chance I’llhave to take him there before my duties make it impossible. Reportsare coming in that Samrat Condor’s air fleet was spotted on theroute between Alandra and Borko.” He wiped his sweaty hands on hispants. “Do you realize Toemeka’s flight will take her right whereSamrat Condor’s starships will be? If I’d known a few hourssooner of Alandra’s surrender, I never would have let her go.”



Toemeka knew something major hadhappened. The main route between Alandra and Borko was full of Raptorstarships. She’d just come out of a jump from Borko to a spacestation for refueling. A Raptor starship rapidly approached the spacestation from the opposite direction. She changed course, turning hership so quickly she was plastered into her seat by the g-force andthe ship almost stalled.

Toemeka cursed the civilianspacecraft she flew; she wanted a real ship, a fighter that wouldgive her the maneuverability her life depended on. Her curses alsoextended to the flashy flight suit she wore. Civilian flight suitsoffered less protection than military ones. She increased her speed,then set the computer controls for a jump.

Suddenly her ship started toshake and whine. Both engine dials swung up into the red overheatedzone. The ship started slowly moving backwards toward the Raptorstarship. Toemeka realized with a sickening feeling that her ship wascaught on a tracker beam and didn’t have the power to break out ofit. Toemeka switched off the engines so they wouldn’t burn out.

The matrix crystal, she was todeliver to the Coalition, was hidden as a hair barrette. They’dtorture, then execute her if it was found. She considered smashing itto pieces, but so much was at stake. The matrix crystal containedcrucial information that could save millions of lives. Her ship wasalmost aboard the warship, so she had to decide quickly. She drew adeep breath and rubbed the back of her neck. She’d come this farand would play her part, hoping they bought into her cover asPresident Alenzata’s daughter, an eighteen-year-old heiress knownfor her reckless escapades.

Toemeka had been concerned thatshe would look too old for the part as she was twenty-five. But themakeup artists had assured her that she looked young for her age,greatly resembled Felicia, and with her disguise it would be nearlyimpossible for anyone who didn’t know Felicia personally to knowshe was an imposter.

“It’s just you and me, MasterBakka,” she whispered, tuning in to his inner presence. She loweredthe landing gear as her ship was drawn into a one-ship landing bay.It came to a stop and the bay door shut with a resounding thud. Shewaited for the oxygen-rich air to finish pumping into the bay beforeremoving her helmet and opening the ship’s canopy top.

An armed military android walkedover to her and said in the Universal language: Throwdown your weapons.

“I don’t have any.”

“Exit the ship.” She climbedout and the android used a metal detector wand to scan her forweapons. “Subject’s clean,” it said.

The door opened and four humanoidsoldiers poured into the room, surrounding her. One stood over eightfeet tall. From his size, large hawk nose and hooded brow she knewhim to be of the Hinto race, a race of humanoids with a lifespan ofover two

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