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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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I think it means they’re planninga rendezvous on Delga on its dark side. Delga is one of Borko’smoons.”

Jake’s eyes widened withinterest. “It makes sense. The starships could make a space jump tothe light side of the moon where Jaipar can’t detect them. Thenduring the eclipse, they can fly around the moon and launch asurprise attack on Jaipar.”

“Space jumps useelectromagnetic emissions from the sun of a solar system to calibratetheir position. The hyperspace jump system relies on the signature ofthe sun, moons and planets. When ships come out of a jump, they haveto recalibrate their position. Normally this isn’t a problem, butif they do it during an eclipse and fly to the dark side of the moon,they will temporarily lose their reference points. What if weinfiltrated their jump system right as they come around the moon?”

Jake’s face lit up. “It couldwork!”

“We’ll have to figure out howto get into their jump drive system so when they’re in therecalibrating phrase they’re fed false information and sent on ajump to a distant part of the galaxy.”

“What’s stopping them frommaking another jump right back to Borko?”

She rubbed her temples. “Ihaven’t figured this whole thing out yet.” She lowered her hands.“What if, when we tap into their jump system, we infect it with avirus: a virus that completely destroys their jump system, so theycan’t make another jump. Such a deadly virus that it alsointerferes with other onboard computer systems and won’t bediscovered until it’s too late.”

Jake leaned back in his chair,looking pensive. “Difficult, but doable. Let’s call the teamtogether and get started.”

“Should we let CommanderQuintary know that we’ve come up with a plan?”

Jake grinned. “Probably.”

She laughed and put her hand out,palm facing outward. He slapped it in the universal gesturesignifying, “We did it.”

On Erling’s fifth day in Kumba,he spent the afternoon contemplating by a mountain stream. Thecheerful, rushing sound the water made as it gurgled along, windingin and out of the rocks, reminded him of a Sound Current he’d heardin the Inner Worlds. While at the monastery in Kumba, he spent longhours hiking in the woods, in contemplation and in classes. He feltrejuvenated and filled with inner peace. For the first time in hislife, his attention was completely focused on spiritual growth. Hehad no interest in returning to Jaipar, although he missed Koriannand was concerned about the war.

In tune with nature, he began tohike back to the village. When he reached the vegetable gardensoutside the monastery, he saw Hendora sitting on a beach. He paused,feeling as if his sanctuary was intruded upon. She could only be hereto see him.

Hendora rose and bowed.“Blessings, Erling. You’re looking well.” She didn’t evencome up to his shoulder, but her stocky build made her seem bigger.

He returned the formal bow,thinking how different Hendora was from Onolyn and Toemeka; both ofthem would have greeted him with an exuberant hug. “What brings youhere?”

“I need your help.”

His chest constricted. “In whatway?”

“I couldn’t find Onolyn andZac on Haklute or even a trace of what happened to them. All theirthings were left in their hotel rooms as if they meant to return, butnever did.”

Erling glanced at the monasterydoor, wanting to escape to its serene interior. His inner calm wasalready crumbling. He didn’t want to take up the responsibilitiesof the world or feel the pull back into its clutches to try and solveits problems. Master Bakka said there would always be problems. Theworld was a school. Solve one problem and another would crop up. Andsomeplace the world would always be at war. It was a warringuniverse.

But now that a chasm in his calmhad been opened, he couldn’t just tune out his concern about Zacand Onolyn. The last time he’d seen Onolyn was right before he’dlost consciousness from the poison. He vaguely remembered trying towarn her about something. He’d seen something dark in her futureand told her to protect her Soul. He’d said he’d come to her. Didhe mean outwardly or inwardly? Regardless, he was their superiorofficer, so they were his responsibility. No, they were Hendora’sresponsibility now. She took over his position. His first allegiancewas to Koriann and Jaipar.

“I can’t go,” Erling saidat last. “I’m responsible for Borko’s defense.”

She raised her black eyebrows. “Ican see how hard you’re working for Borko’s defense.” Sarcasmrang in her voice.

“As soon as I’m fullyrecovered, I’ll return to Jaipar and resume my duties.”

“There isn’t any more time.”

“Hendora, I've risked my lifefor the Coalition for the last nine years. I can’t keep pushingmyself. Even if I did want to go, I promised Kori I’d quit theCoalition and not go to Haklute.”

“Every moment you’re herelessens the chances of finding them alive.”

“I can’t save everyone,Hendora!”

Her eyes flashed in anger. “Ofall the ungrateful people I’ve ever met, you’re the worse! You’reshallow, unfeeling and insensitive. Onolyn and Zac went to Hakluteand found the antidote that saved your hide and now you’re turningyour back on them.”

“They stayed on Haklute becauseyou gave them orders to spy on King Zanton. I was against the missionbecause they were too inexperienced, so don’t blame mefortheir disappearance.”

“We got the antidote fromextraordinarily beautiful woman with dark powers. I know somehowshe’s connected to their disappearance. Onolyn and I paid for theantidote with the gold jewelry we wore. Zac offered his aviator’swatch, but she refused, saying she would get something else fromhim.”

Erling felt as if cold water hadbeen dumped on him. “Was her name Seetva?”

“You know her?”

“On our last mission to Jaiparshe nearly killed me when Toe and I went to General Bhandar’smilitary headquarters to rescue Kori and Mich.” He suspected Seetvawas spinning a web to catch him, using Onolyn and Zac as bait. Thiswas his fight. His time at the monastery was clearly over. I’lltell the head of the Temple I’m leaving.”

“What? You mean you’ll helpfind them?”

“Yes, we should leave forHaklute immediately.”

“Not so fast. We’re at warwith Haklute. It’s going to take careful planning to figure out howto get into the royal city and where to search once we get there.”

“I have a feeling we won’thave to search. Seetva wants me to come to her.”

Hendora stared at him with alarm.


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