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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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The Marsindi Palace

Koriann was reading a report whenErling walked into her office with a purposeful air. Her eyes widenedin surprise. “Erling, I didn’t know you were returning to Jaipartoday.” She rose from her chair, not knowing what to expect fromhim. He’d been so distant before he’d left and hadn’t contactedher while he was gone.

“I wasn’t planning to returnso soon, but Hendora convinced me to help her search for Onolyn andZac.” He drew her close and kissed her lightly. “I missed you,Kori.”

A warm feeling spread through herand she wished he’d kiss her with more passion. “I missed youtoo.” He looked fully recovered, radiating life and vitality. Thesun had brought color back to his face and bleached out his blondhair.

“Can’t someone else helpHendora search for Onolyn and Zac?” she asked.

“I feel responsible for themsince I’m their commanding officer. Besides, I owe them. They savedmy life by finding the antidote. Will you release me from my promiseto quit the Coalition and not go to Haklute?”

“It’s too dangerous for youto go there and you’re needed here to lead Jaipar’s defense.”

“I consulted with Michio. He’swilling to continue as the head of the military.

“Be honest with me, Erling.Have you changed your mind about marrying me? Would you rather be aCoalition agent than a ruler? Is that why you’ve been so remote?”

He took her hands in his. “Istill want to marry you, if you’ll have me. I’m sorry I’ve beenremote. I’m just having trouble adjusting to the physical world. Iknow you need me here, but I also suspect there’s something biggergoing on behind Onolyn and Zac’s disappearance and I have to findout what it is. I think Seetva’s captured them.”

The hairs on the nap of Koriann’sneck rose. She’d been with Erling several months ago when Seetvahurled a ball of fire at him. “What if it’s a trap? She’spowerful and could kill you.”

“It’s a risk I have to take.”

Onolyn didn’t know how muchtime had passed or even how many days she’d been in the cage. Timeseemed to mesh together. Zac hadn’t come again and she was alonewith the spells in the room, weak from lack of water and food. Herhead throbbed and her whole body felt stiff and cramped. Was deathnear? She no longer cared. She was no longer so attached to thisworld. Death would be a welcome reprieve.

The door opened and she turnedher head to see Seetva walk into the room. Onolyn’s heart stopped.She didn’t have the energy to fight the sorceress. Zac followed herin and Onolyn studied his face to see if he was completely underSeetva’s control or if his own spirit still flickered. His face wasgaunt, his cheeks hollow, and his eyes sunken with dark circles underthem. And as he walked toward her, his movements were jerky.

Seetva came over to the cage andgazed at Onolyn. “She still lives.” The sorceress unlocked thepadlock and opened the door. “I’m sorry you made me treat you soharshly, Onolyn. You may come out of the cage now.”

Onolyn tried to move, butdiscovered she hadn’t the strength.

“I can’t,” she croakedthrough dry, cracked lips.

“Pull her out of the cage,Zac.”

Zac grasped Onolyn by hershoulders and pulled her out.

“Bring her to the bedroom youprepared for her,” Seetva said. She walked to the bookshelf andtook down a book.

Zac lifted Onolyn into his armsand stood. Onolyn was dimly aware of being carried out of theworkroom, across the grass, and into the house. He took her to one ofthe bedrooms and set her down on a soft mattress.

She stretched her legs out,grateful to be free from the cage. Zac covered her with a blanket.“I’ll bring you some water.”

He left the room, returning a fewminutes later with a glass of water. He helped her sit up and broughtthe glass to her lips. She took a few sips.

“Drink some more,” heencouraged.

She took another swallow, thenasked, “Why did she let me out of the cage?”

He looked down, not meeting hereyes. “Seetva is using you to control me. She knows I care aboutyou.”

“Why does she want to controlyou?”

“It has something to do withErling. Seetva told us before that he’ll come looking for us. Whenhe does, she wants us to capture him. He is the military commander ofBorko, leading the planet’s defense against Condor’s air fleet.”

“So Erling is alive. Hendoragot there with the antidote in time.”

“Yes, I’ve overheard Seetvaand King Zanton talking about him. Zanton wants him dead. Seetvathinks he’s more valuable alive.”

“So we did some good by cominghere.” Onolyn’s hand shook as she wrapped it around the glass andtook another sip. When the glass was empty, Zac lowered her onto thebed.

“Are you hungry?” Zac asked.“I can bring you something to eat.”

“I don’t think I can eatmuch.”

“A little gruel, perhaps?”

She nodded. “Okay.” As hestarted to leave the room she said, “Seetva won, Zac. I can’tfight her spells anymore. I’m retreating into the Inner Worlds. Shecan have this body. I won’t be a part of capturing or destroyingErling.”

Zac came over and knelt besidethe bed. He lowered his head to the mattress. “Don’t leave mealone with her.”

Onolyn put her hand on the backof his head. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

That evening, Erling left thepalace and headed down to the ocean. He zipped up his jacket andshoved a hat on his head as he trudged through snow to the windyshoreline. Large waves pounded the rocks and spray flew into the air.The raw force of the waves reminded him of how powerful nature wasand of the impermanence of life in this world.

He’d just come from a meetingwith Koriann, Michio and the heads of Jaipar’s military and neededto escape from all the pressures of being a military leader. He drewin a deep, calming breath and imagined himself back in the Master’shut, listening to Bakka’s words of wisdom. Tension eased from hisshoulders and back as he once more began to feel the Master’spresence. How had he lost his inner peace so quickly?

But then again, how could anyoneremain serene when the Raptor air fleet was expected to attack in afew days? Worse, he was leaving in the morning to search for Zac andOnolyn instead of taking

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