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“Always so sure of yourself.Our relationship is based purely on our mutual need for oneanother—nothing more.”

She began to laugh in hersilvery, smooth pitch. “You really believe that, don’t you? Itwill hurt when you discover my hold on you.”

Zanton stared at her, knowingthere was truth in her words. If only she wasn’t so extraordinarilybeautiful and sexually appealing. He walked out without another word.

Toemeka stared at her monitor,wondering how to make the computer virus work. The team had workednonstop on the virus since she and Jake came up with the idea. Theyworked in shifts around the clock, barely taking time to eat orsleep.

They only had a few days untilthe eclipse on Jaipar. They’d already figured out how to make theRaptor starships jump from Jaipar’s moon to a distant solar systemor into an asteroid field. But unless they developed the virus, thestarships could just jump back. They were so close to figuring itout, but not close enough.

All day and well into the night,Toemeka tried to develop the virus. She was so tired that her backached and her eyes could barely focus. She was vexed by her own needto eat and sleep and rested her head on her folded arms, realizingshe had to accept being pregnant made her have less stamina. Perhapsa short nap would restore her energy and she could keep working.

Toemeka stirred as she was liftedout of the chair. She opened her eyes to see whose arms she was in.“Jake,” she muttered half-asleep and slid an arm around his neck.“I need to keep working.”

“You need sleep.” He placedher on a nearby couch and covered her with a blanket.

“We only have a few days untilthe lunar eclipse.”

“They brought in more computerscientists from a Coalition base. We’ll figure it out.” Jake’slips brushed against her forehead. Before she could rebuke him, heheaded back to his computer.

Toemeka drifted back to sleep,feeling her baby’s familiar presence. Who was this Soul that wouldbe her and Michio’s child? Someone she loved from another life?Toemeka found herself in the Inner Worlds in a comfortable room witha large curved window, looking over an ocean. Sitting on the windowbench was Baymond.

“Baymond!” She ran to him. Helooked the same as when she’d last seen him eight years ago, youngand full of life with black hair and olive skin.

He rose and embraced her. “Hi,little sister. I’ve brought something for you.” He held out Asta,her childhood doll.

Toemeka took the scruffy-lookingrag doll from Baymond. It was dirty and its face was almost wornaway. “I loved Asta. I took her with me everywhere until I losther.”

“Mother tried to give you a newdoll, but you never wanted any other doll.”

“That doll was real to me. WhenI love someone, I find it hard to let them go. Baymond, I ached foryou so much at first and never stopped missing you. We were veryclose.”

“Your pain was partly becauseyou miss having a family. Soon you will have a son who will bringgreat happiness and love into your life. Look in your arms.” Thedoll transformed into a newborn baby. “Meet your new son.”

Love filled her as she gazed atthe perfectly formed infant in her arms. “I know you had a hardtime of it after our parents and I died,” Baymond continued, “butyou know death is an illusion. We’ve met in dreams many times. Onlythe physical body dies. Soul is eternal.”

“I know, but it’s still hardwhen your loved ones die, especially when they’re brutally murderedin front of you. I was so alone after you and our parents left thisworld.”

“You were never alone. TheInner Master has always been with you.”

“The Master’s inner presenceis not the same as being with another person. His presence is likefeeling the essence of love or feeling the touch of the wind.Sometimes I can’t even feel that when I’m upset or frightened.”

“It’s time for you to let goof the pain of the past and embrace your new life with Michio andyour son. The baby is a Soul you have known in other lifetimes.”

Toemeka’s gaze returned to thebaby. “He’s so precious. Look at his tiny hands and feet.” Sheheld him to her shoulder. “And he has that sweet smell babies haveand his dark hair is so soft.”

“I knew you’d love him assoon as you saw him. It won’t be long before he’s be born.”

The baby disappeared and her armsimmediately felt empty. “Oh, don’t take him away!”

“You can’t have him yet. Ijust wanted you to have a glimpse of the future. I thought it mighthelp you accept the transition from being a Coalition agent to amother. Spiritually he’ll be born at the right time. He is aspecial Soul and has an important life ahead of him. You and Michioare the right parents to guide him on his journey, so he won’tforget his mission and the God Worlds where he is from.”


Rescue Mission on Haklute

Erling and Hendora cautiouslymade their way through the Haklute military complex. Rounding acorner, they came upon a squad of soldiers walking toward them. Thelead officer stepped into their path and put out his hand in anunmistakable signal for them to halt.

Erling’s heart accelerated ashe and Hendora moved close to the wall to make room for the squad.Once they’d marched past, the soldier nodded to Hendora and Erlingand said something in Haklute before rejoining his squad.

“That was close,” Hendorasaid once they were gone.

“Too close. Let’s go.”

They continued down the halluntil they reached the first corridor on the left. “This way,”Erling said.

“Do you still feel Onolyndrawing you to her?” He nodded. “You don’t usually go by whatyou sense.”

“I know, but this time isdifferent. I feel her reaching out to me.” They came to a door atthe end of the hallway. “They’re in this room,” Erling said.The door was locked so he wired the doorknob with a small explosive,then he and Hendora stepped back. The door handle blew off and Erlingkicked open the door and entered, laser gun drawn. Onolyn and Zacwere inside the small, cell-like room.

“You found us,” Onolyn said,rising from the chair she’d been sitting on.

“I said I’d come for you.”Erling slid his

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