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body. Koriann appearedin his inner vision. A feeling of deep, warm love washed through him.The illusion Seetva created shattered like a mirror breaking into amillion pieces.

He staggered back from Seetva,exclaiming, “No! I don’t want you. I love Kori.” Inner strengthflooded through him and he spoke again with more confidence. “Youhave no power over me, witch! I am an initiate of Master Bakka. Inhis name I demand that you get out of my space.”

Seetva began to change beforehim. Her face turned into a mask of death and her hands into claws.She grabbed him around the neck, strangling him with super-humanstrength.

“You can’t harm me!” hechoked out, gasping for breath. Inwardly he felt Michio’s presence,giving him strength. “I am a warrior of God,” he said withconviction. He broke Seetva’s hold on him and shoved her away. “Nonegative force can stand against the power of love.”

The room became electrified withan exchange of positive and negative energy as she continued to fightagainst the positive force flowing through him. Gradually, her powerweakened. “I’ll defeat you!” Seetva screamed in a rage, hercheeks red-blotched with fury. “You may have won this round, butthings are far from over between us!” A fire rose up around her andshe disappeared in its flames.

Erling shook uncontrollably andfelt depleted, as if he had just come through a great battle.

“Gosave Jaipar. Zanton is attacking and your people need you.” Michiowhispered inwardly.

Erling felt the Light and Soundcoursing through him: purifying, uplifting, and deeply connecting himto Spirit. Rejuvenated, he left the building and started across thebusy military compound. He forced himself to walk, rather than run,through the busy military airfield, trying not to draw attention tohimself.

Seetva had probably alerted hermen by now and they would be hunting for him. If he was caught, hedoubted he’d survive another encounter with Seetva. Fortunately,there was so much activity on the airfield in preparation for theupcoming battle that no one noticed him.

He left the airfield by a sidegate that led to the barracks.

Once out of sight of the guards,he headed into the woods and began to run toward the rendezvous pointwhere TheBlue Ladywaited. As he raced through the trees, he hoped Zac and Onolyn hadn’tleft without him. He needed to get to Jaipar before King Zanton’sair fleet attacked.

The ancient woodland was filledwith tall, mature trees with little growth on the forest floor,allowing him to quickly cover the seven miles to the border ofHaklute and Bhusong. Soon after crossing the border, he joggedanother three miles until he reached the hidden valley where he’dleft the ship. Relief flooded through him when he saw it was stillthere. They’d waited for him!

He dashed up the ramp. Zac andOnolyn sat in the pilot and co-pilot seats. “Bless the stars,you’re still here!”

“We just arrived a short timeago,” Zac said. His face still had a gray cast to it.

“We need to get to Jaipar. Takeoff immediately.”

Erling slid into the seat behindZac and fastened his seatbelt. Then Zac started the engines and theship blasted into the air.

Upon reaching the palace, Erling,Onolyn and Zac hurried to the control room where they found Michioand Koriann talking with Jaipar’s top military personnel.

“Erling! You’re back!”Koriann exclaimed, rushing into his arms. Erling savored the moment.Holding her was a healing balm after his encounter with Seetva. He’dalmost succumbed to the sorceress’ spell, but his love for Koriannhad saved him.

“Where’s Hendora?” Koriannasked, looking from Zac to Onolyn.

Erling shook his head and a lumpformed in his throat. He’d lost too many friends in this war. “Shedidn’t make it.”

Koriann’s eyes filled withsorrow and understanding. “Oh Erling, I’m so sorry. Whathappened?”

Erling swallowed and shook hishead. “We’ll discuss it later.” He wasn’t ready to talk aboutHendora’s death, especially not in front of Zac, who lookedstricken. He changed the subject. “I have pressing news. KingZanton’s air fleet is about to attack. We need to ready the troopsand get an update on what’s going on.”

“We’re glad you’re back,”Michio said. “Condor’s air fleet is also expected to attack atany time and we’re badly outnumbered.”

“What about our allies?”Erling asked.

“King Zanton’s allegiance toSamrat Condor has divided the planet,” Michio said. “Somecountries are joining us in defense of Borko and others are aligningthemselves with King Zanton, who has promised safety and immunity toall countries joining the fight against Jaipar and her allies.”

“Make a list of all the leadersaligning themselves with King Zanton,” Erling said. “I’llpersonally contact each one of them. There’s still a chance ofmaking them see the danger in trusting Samrat Condor.”

Erling worked with Michio andKoriann in assigning orders to the generals. Once the generals leftto prepare their men for the aerial attack, Erling turned hisattention to Zac and Onolyn. “Are you two recovered enough fromyour ordeal on Haklute to join the battle?”

“I am. I want to join thedogfight,” Zac said with conviction.

Erling studied Zac, uncertain ifthe youth was ready for the challenge of aerial combat so soon fromafter being free of Seetva’s power. But Zac looked composed and nodoubt needed to redeem himself after killing Hendora. Moreimportantly, he was a competent fighter pilot.

Onolyn had nothing to prove. Hershoulders sagged at the suggestion of going into battle. “I need anhour, then I’ll be ready,” she said, sounding as if she dreadedthe idea.

“Good, we need every pilot withcombat experience in the air. Take an hour to eat and change, thenreport to your squad commander.”

Watching them leave, Erlingwished he could take an hour off as well, but duty and hisresponsibilities were too pressing. Michio had taken the burden forthe defense of Borko long enough. It was time he took over and hisfirst concern was for Koriann’s safety. “Kori, you need to gowith your bodyguards to the secret command center in the Snow PeakMountains. You’ll be safe there while still being able to do yourjob.”

“I’m staying here to keep mypeople informed. Many are already evacuating the City of SilverLight.”

“Erling’s right, Koriann,”Michio said. “It’s too dangerous for you to remain here.”

“The palace could be bombedand, if we lose the battle, King Zanton and Samrat Condor will try tocapture you,” Erling added. “Jaipar’s spirit and freedom aredependent on knowing their Queen is safe and alive.”

“Do we have

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