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Book online «Change of Darkness (The Change Series Book 3), Jacinta Jade [mobi ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Jacinta Jade

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had a roof, a large portion of the inside area was given over to sandy ground, similar to the arena. But unlike the arena, this space was filled with various equipment, including something that resembled a weird-looking tree but that seemed to be made out of metal. Other objects were more familiar to her—vaulting blocks, hanging ropes, climbing walls.

‘Hello, Lady Siraay.’

She snapped her head swiftly in the direction of the unknown voice.

A small male stood just two body lengths away.

How had she not heard his approach? Siraay got over her surprise fast and then critically evaluated the male. Smaller than she was, and lean, he was dressed in loose pants, soft boots, and a shirt that was tight around the forearms and the waist, while the rest of the material fit loosely. He smiled at her, but she just continued to eye him. This was a member of one of the elite units?

‘Who are you?’ she asked quietly but in a commanding tone, hoping to unsettle the male.

He only smiled more broadly. ‘I am Drosni, lady. The leader of your elite unit. I look forward to chatting with you further afterwards.’

Siraay frowned at him. ‘Afterwards? After wha—’

She broke off midsentence as a slight scrape sounded from above her. Responding to her training and Drosni’s wide smile, which made her feel unsettled, she looked up towards the soft noise.

Then she was diving forwards, her body rolling hastily as a pair of boots thumped into the ground where she had just been standing. As the momentum of Siraay’s roll brought her back to her feet, she spun quickly, outrage and uncertainty warring within her.

How dare anyone attack her, a Lady of Xarcon?

She felt like threatening to report them to Chezran, but then a cold thought washed through her. What if the whole thing had been a trap? Have her walk herself down into the enclosed training area of the elite units under the pretence of meeting them, where they could take her down or contain her with little trouble.

The theory spun through Siraay’s mind as she swiftly assessed the threatening figure who had leapt down from the high rafter. Trap or no, she didn’t like this, and when her anger joined the adrenaline rushing through her system, she moved.

They didn’t expect her to be so fast—that much was obvious, but she did have to admire how speedily they adapted. Instead of backing farther away following her roll, Siraay launched herself towards her attacker just a breath after his feet had touched the ground, the speed and strength behind her leap fuelled by muscles that had already begun to Change.

Thus, she landed on the strange male’s chest and pinned him to the ground with her weight, growling fiercely as she brought her head down low before she butted her nose upwards. Although it might have seemed like a playful move, it was anything but, given the size and weight of her sevonix skull and the strength contained in the muscles of her neck.

The bridge of her flat nose knocked into the male’s much smaller chin with enough force to cause his head to snap backwards and bounce off the ground. Siraay only hesitated long enough to be sure she had at least dazed the soldier before she whipped her head around to check her surroundings once more. Because while she had been attacking the male, she had heard the soft approaching steps of two more pairs of boots.

Aware that those feet had begun moving more rapidly, Siraay leapt forwards off the male’s still body and whirled around, letting loose an angry roar that stunned the onrushing figures, one male, one female, into stillness.

If it hadn’t been for the urgency of the situation, she might have been happy with her new display of sevonix prowess, but it was not the time for self-congratulation.

Indeed, this new pair only paused for an instant before they realised she hadn’t moved from her spot, then they resumed their quick run towards her once more.

The male Changed as he ran across the sand, and suddenly, Siraay found herself facing an onrushing blirrus. Instantly, she lowered herself closer to the ground and began lashing out with her claws extended, warding off the little beast.

Although small, the blirrus was one of Kaslon’s most ferocious animals, it’s surprising speed, strength, and aggression allowing it to drive off, or take rather large chunks out of, much larger predators. Conversely, its own skin was thick enough to deflect the fangs of some animals, and the skin around its middle was loose enough to allow the animal to turn and attack any creature that had a hold of it.

Not an animal that Siraay wanted to expose her vulnerable belly to.

So she kept lashing out at the blirrus, which growl-screamed at her in frustration when it couldn’t get close. She made herself keep circling, forcing the creature to move with her, while keeping one eye on the female who had also charged her.

That soldier hadn’t Changed, but she was obviously trying to find a way around to get at Siraay’s back.

And she had to keep checking to see if the first male had recovered his wits yet.

Siraay knew it was only a matter of moments until she lost—one of the three would distract her while the others took her out. All appeared to be experienced fighters, knew the space they fought in, and had caught her by surprise.

She needed to get distance between herself and them—only then could she deal with them both successfully. Her eyes were darting around, her mind counting each breath, when she remembered where the first male had come from. She glanced up, her mind judging the distance in an instant.

She leapt.

Her body made a huge effort, her muscles coiling in and then unfolding in a fluid motion that belied the force she was exerting upon the sand. As Siraay’s back legs extended to their full reach and her body was driven up into the air, she stretched out with her front

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