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"The bandit parried William's first few slashes. Then he relented to the onslaught of his attack. William dispatched him much the same way as the other bandit. When he was done, he looked around. "That was quick," he thought. He climbed back into the carriage as the driver thanked him profusely. His uncle patted him on the back, congratulating him. Then William realized what he had done. He had just killed two men, killed without regret at the time. Killed without thinking. He

this is our kingdom kome when it feels your heat look into its eyes thses are our dreams of kindom come. dreams while we sleep made of gold may bleess you this my kingdom come

me and my cousins we are not all christain lol we just awesome awesome awesome awseome we are we are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is an example of the book I have written, hopefully the audience enjoys it, or, in this case--learns how to use this web 2.0 tool with decent efficiency.

These are some of my poems I have written. Some were written when I wasn't in a very good mood. And some were written from the little doodles I have drawn before. I hope use enjoy my poems.

A short story about John, the boy who likes to look at the clouds. One day he saw dark clouds which is a sign of a storm coming to their place.