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Ever wondered what happened to that girl that you bullied everyday?

I know for a fact there are places in Him that are hidden and are full of the treasures of His Wisdom and Knowledge. The reason I can attest to this fact comes from my experience in researching and writing Solomon’s Secret.

This is God's Supreme question directed to the church and body politic around it. Since the beginning of my preparation for this message, I have known the topic title: "How in the world did we wind up here?" What I did not know was how the Lord wanted the topic developed.

Series Collection of Bible Studies from C.R. Oliver's newsletters used with permission. Book 8

bad enough that Autumn seems not to be able to make friends at her new school, she is being watched. she dreams of evil and it seems that there is something in the shadows that want her. can she figure out what is happening at her new school before it to late. (sorry it not finsish i will carry on if enough poeple want me to )

"living my life like a action movie only grew harder then i could handle....why did i receive that note... why did i have to go to the destination noted on the note...i ask "why?" to these questions but they cant be answered, all i do is try to understand... but that is hard"