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Becca loved him, even when he changed. Malcolm was still her life, even though he nearly ended hers. Though he broke his promises to her, she payed no notice.

Mellowness, that feeling when September comes around and the summer is passing us by, the time when leaves change colour and the harvest is brought in.

„Life is the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. I gave the man to know life and that is all. I did not give him to know the good and the evil, not life and death, but only obedience for eternal life.”

Isabelle and her friends find a diary in Isabelle's room and start reading it and they find out about Isabelle Alicia Rose Sterling Vampire Princess

Kingdom of a thousand™ the first sci-fi epos. Invention of sci-fi. Kingdom of a thousand characters, names, places, technologies & indicia are absolute © & ™ Eftos Ent. All rights reserved. It remains a mystery why the kingdom of a thousand is here. If Eftos would be before it all the first page would remain empty. Where are the neighbours? There will never be a single letter more. He wrote it: the kingdom of a thousand!

There is a new threat to security services all over the world. When bombings start in major cities, no one knows who is carrying them out.

will olivias mother ever reveal her past and secrets ... what would olivia do when se finds out who she truly is ???will she ever find love and learn to trust ???