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Melanie; an average girl with the looks.Ruby and Harriet; Melanie's trustworthy side-kicks.Namine; the new girl who has it all;the looks,money,style and boys.

We all have been there, yeah, there where there an infatuation springs out of nowhere at the meting of someone. it is the beginning of something, something that may end up to be something or something that end up to be nothing.

Suppose you were a gambler. Suppose you had friends, powerful friends. Would you risk betting your life to help them? lemmy Coidd had powerful friends.

„I tell you a big mystery: when God made the heaven and the earth, the visible and invisible things and the man, the speech of God’s mouth was the lan-guage of the Romanian people of today.”

„You should not be from the earth, for the mystery that comprises you is great. You are the sign of God through the times, and take this sign to all the margins, for the Lord’s judg-ment is written by God to all the margins. Amen. My people do not forget that you are a witness over time, that you are a sign that stirs up opposition over the people without the Holy Spirit.”

writing is what she uses to release her stress. she writes poems her thoughts and more to define her reality unknown