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My little town. How could anyone be from anywhere else? Good, close memories, especially about my Dad and his barber shop.

There is a magical world in the region of Eunemphia (pronouced yew-nem-fee-a) called Chickenland, where chickens roam free. However, theses aren't any ordinary chickens, these are magical chickens. They come in all shapes and sizes, and each one is the perfect pet to someone. Learn all about how to care for them with HOW TO LOOK AFTER YOUR MAGICAL CHICKEN.

One day I looked out my window and was amazed by what I saw. I hope you find not just the picture, but my words as lovely as the picture is!

Tersa, or Ter, is a girl who thinks things a bit different and wants to be solitary. Once she's out of a horrific place, she has to go to another. She hates her life a lot. But when she meets someone new, what will she do? Find out in the next book~

This short story is more of a suspense thriller /dark story about traveling in the in the world of crime and the ghosts of the darkness that lurk the highway i hope everyone enjoys the read

This is the end!Have you been pushed to your edge and cant take life any more well thats how i felt when in the end you just want to die and you cut every day...

Where there is light, there is always dark. Where there is love, there is always hate. And where there is night, there is always the moon.

When I got to the door, I noticed that it had something carved into it. I took a closer look at the door there are two creatures in battle. One of the creatures is gigantic wolf with sparkling, white feathery wings coming out of its back. The wings were opened as the wolf was crouching and Bering its teeth. Then I noticed that there was a girl behind the wolf with her eyes closed as she had just fallen on her butt and to me the wolf looked like it is protecting her from the other creature.