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My project is simple, I must find my happiness in myself. I can do that, but only if I realize my problems. I am going to write about it all and you can listen if you would like. Maybe you can start a happiness project of your own? Maybe you will learn about yourself and help me along the way. I don't care if you read this or not, my story still continues on and I need to save my sanity before it disappears.

Jack Weaver can’t seem to escape a life of lies. First as a Seal, then as an undercover CIA operative working in the largest drug cartel in Columbia Jack’s entire existence is based on being someone other than who he truly is. While serving as Chief Security Officer to one of the most dangerous men on earth Jack uncovers a plot to assassinate the President-Elect on Inauguration Day. Suddenly things become infinitely worse when his ex-SEAL commander who is now a Deputy Director with the CIA

Xlibris Publisher, USA A Book Review Let’s Stop “Killing” Our Children by Northwest Indiana Cardiac Surgeon Emeritus, Dr. Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS, is a challenging innovative health guide that advocates healthy lifestyle and disease prevention to start in the womb and dieting to begin in the crib to protect and preserve the full integrity of the DNA of children and lower their risk for developing diseases as they grow to middle age and beyond, Illnesses like high blood pressure,