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Ian- cold, arrogant, and malevolent are just some words to describe the third of the Vampire Council. As a Leader, every female wants him, even the Goddess of Blood Bonds. Yet he finds there is only one female that calls to him, his best friends only daughter. Will he be able to find himself for her before it's too late and disaster strikes? Elizabeth-Beth has never seen eye too eye with her father, which is what's led her to befriend the enemy. As an untransitioned female, when the third

[Completed but EDITING!] This book is under major editing right now and should be done soon! I will be fixing MANY of the problems it has, including elaborating on certain things, fixing grammar, and building up more romance and mystery within the story. So if you're willing to read it now, go ahead, but the updated version will be up as soon as I finish it! Keep a lookout for it! Taylor Daniels. Average name, average face, average girl. What about her life? Well, that's a bit complicated.

I wanted him to see me, to open his eyes and simply acknowledge my presence. But I knew he wouldn’t. To him, I was only a speck in the universe, a beautiful but unimportant creature. He would not see me, because right now... I was a butterfly. (Note: this is an unfinished book, I am adding more whenever I can:)

This classic play by Shakespeare is about Prince Hamlet avenging his father's death by his uncle.

For seventeen year old Ailith, grief and pain are the only constants in her life, other than the two girls she’s sworn to protect.

When a summer job opportunity rolled around for recent graduate April, she jumped on it. What's more, it was a coveted position to be a maid for the elusive millionaire Victor Carawell. A dream job for many, but April finds herself stumbling through her new duties as she is thrust into a unfamiliar world. Still, she presses on, finding herself enthralled with her new employer

When Eliza is captured by the Barbarians, her life is turned upside-down. She is presented as a gift to the Barbarian King to be his whore; she refuses to let him take her. Can the king talk his way into her bed? Can Eliza resist this man's impossible beauty?

Raheim Starz is the son of a dead man and the woman who killed him. He lives life with a deep seeded desire to never 'be like them' As a self proclaimed pretty boy/player he quickly learns it may not be that easy. Follow Raheim in this three part trilogy as one dangerous night in a club leads him down a fatal path of revenge and forgiveness and into the arms of the only woman prepared to love him. After the dust settles from his Platinum lifestyle you may be surprised to see who is the last one