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After Douglas Carl Engelbart passed away in July 2013, a group of people got together to continue Engelbart’s invisible revolution. With the 50th anniversary of the Great 1968 Demo coming up on the 2018-12-09, planning began to create a new, modern demo which would inspire and invite such work, research and bootstrapping to be picked up again for our time. After some years passed, from the 2017-11-08 on, a series of regular online calls were conducted. What follows are the summaries of a few of

There is a mechanism to all ‘probabilities’ in life, which we call God’s will. This mechanism has its own energy and patterns of possibilities. Those, who succeed, decipher this mechanism and the patterns, which are there for anyone to see. We attain success and excellence, as we align our personal energy with this energy of the cosmic mechanism. God’s will is then in linearity with our wish.

Enjoying life, living richly and happily successful is great. However, all attainments and accomplishment are not about life-engineering but ‘I-Management’. Primary success is Self-Actualization. Sadly, I or Self is the worst-handled enterprise of humanity. In new millennium, we need to unlearn the archaic yet all-embracing stupidities of self. This ‘Be Yourself’ I-Expressions need reality-check.

Be witness to; imbibe, entirely novel idea of you, life-living, success; especially; dimension of life called love. You enter a landscape of unfamiliar potentials and mine a wealth of unusual worth. You end up being someone, even you would wonder, ‘Am I the same?’ In contemporary chaotic times; you journey settled optimism and arrive at blissfulness. You deserve this experience. No lockdown here!