» Psychology » Do You Ask It Right, Santosh Jha [best reads .txt] 📗

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By Santosh Jha


Copyright 2021 Santosh Jha


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Mouth and Ears were once good friends. The Ears would lend their optimal attention to anything Mouth said. The Mouth always ensured; Ears were introduced only to the best of sounds. Mouth created the musicality and Ears turned the ‘beats’ into dance of body and mind. Life-living was one long journey of Song and Dance. But; they couldn’t live happily thereafter…

Mouth unconsciously tasted the sugar of Self-Consumption and Ears unintentionally got hooked up to Fake Information. The close ‘neighbors’ drifted apart. Ears developed Distrust; Mouth aligned with Cacophony. The body-mind stopped singing-dancing…

Mouth now asks all unreal Questions… Ears listen only to untrue Answers…

The all-pervading Distrust and Disharmony has made Mouth and Ears confined to their Smart Phones. They share emojis; only on birthdays…

Thankfully, You and I Are Not Mouth and Ears…


You are not only something; you somehow, are ‘something’ of everything. You are not only your nomenclature of subjective and cultural identities; you are; can be; much beyond them. You Are PROBABILITY…

Like; the book in your hand; is not yet a book, though perfectly so in nomenclature and identity. It is just a Probability. This book is only as short or long, as you like to journey through it. It could be a few words, paragraphs, pages or the whole book. You are also a probability like that. You too are only as ‘part’ or as ‘whole’ as you consciously and willfully decide to journey through you. ‘You’, or for that matter even ‘I’ or ‘They’, in its holism, is a reference to this probability, which is there, waiting to be unraveled and blossom. As this book needs ‘You’ and your journeying into it, to unleash all probabilities, embedded in its pages; ‘You’ need you; your consciousness, to be precise; to set free and flying, all probabilities that can and must, to attain its fullest and ultimate potentials.

You and your entrenched Probabilities is the ‘Protagonist’, at the center-stage of the theatre of life-living. You enact the marvels and novelty of potentials. Unlimited and unfettered Causalities are waiting for you to happen and reach you to finalities of attainments of arriving; as You successfully journey into the multidimensional landscapes of probabilities. A Journey may begin by simply taking the first small step. However, you know it very well that you do not begin a journey without good and right preparations…

What is this preparation? You already know; it is about having pre-hand Information about as many aspects of probabilities associated with journey. Most probable journeys do not get a start as, preparedness never happens. This Journey is novel and different because you are journeying into probabilities. Preparations are done for definitiveness, which you may pre-plan, as you do with most journeys. You cannot prepare for probabilities. You however can Resolve – Not to be bothered about any preparedness and simply Witness-Observe-Absorb, as probabilities unravel themselves en route. Probabilities are Information; emergent and evolving.

Every novel probability makes you richer as it unravels new and alternative information to you. Information is the most precious thing in the world. And; the Asset of Information is unlimited. You get as rich as you journey deeper and longer into the landscapes of probabilities. I know; I am addressed to probable richest person. This eBook and You align their probabilities and journey together…



You cannot accept; you are not what you think and feel. Always done so; since long! Habituality, often, is auto-learnt artistry of life-living. If consciousness is a ‘suitcase’ entity; you usually stuff it with comforting clothing of habits and don’t even remember. Science of Reality however, tells you; you may be a Simulation of Information; zillions of bits of Information; emerging and evolving as some sort of holographic imagery, as part of cosmic computational mechanisms and processes…

The perceptibility of palpability and tangibility of body; you are so used to; habituated to and flaunt as yours; is just a Media, very much like the hardware of computers. But; the software; this emergent feel and sense of You; you may call it consciousness or soul or whatever; is pure Information. This information itself may be an expression of the tangibility and physicality of matter but not explicit and conspicuous; very much like energy or force. The matter of body itself is evolving media of zillions of particles, which is dualistically ambivalent as Wave as well as Particle. Ultimately, you are nowhere near, what you think and feel of You. You are innately and primarily a humungous Packaging of some Reality, which probably can be realized only as some convenient metaphor of reality but never as pure reality.

You may think and feel; it is all crap. But then; contemporary human knowledge of science of reality firmly accepts this piece of information as very probable; if not definitively true and real. You may accept; what you believe as true and real. Reality probably has no inclination of taking you along. It journeys its own landscapes. You may your own. However, your destiny is innately and intrinsically aligned to Reality. You may live in blissfulness of Denial and Deception; as most humans do; of Reality. The Reality however, shall write its script, you shall have to enact, in the theatre of life-living and then, you shall keep wondering and remain hooked to Questions, the true and real Answers of which may always elude you…

Unreal and untrue questions are less likely to have real and true answers. Information works this way. This is cosmic and macrocosmic logic of information as building blocks of Reality. As is the logic of information processing in all systems – Garbage in, Garbage out! The Theory is true and right only when the Hypothesis is true and right. Human history of celebrated stupidities and golden hypocrisies is marvelously documented Information of habitual and un-conscientious garbage of hypocritical hypotheses of reality, engendering more garbage and average humanity Living It Out as true, real, good and right.

Beyond belief and perceptions; reality has to be tested for veracity. Naturally; things ultimately boil down to the finality of – ‘Do You Ask It Right?’


You in the Time-Span of 24 hours of the day and your Life-Span in universe’s expected timeliness of 35 billion years; are two different dimensions of the same Information, called Reality…

You, however, do not seem to be the SAME, in both dimensions. You find it tough to happily live past the minutes and hours of the day. The cosmos merrily passed 14 billion years, before you were born and it shall pass 20 billion more years, after you are dead. And; you won’t feel the passage of either of both. Your hours and days mean Nothing to the cosmic reality. For you, it is Everything; as it is Your Cosmos and you have only this much. Life-span and time-span are just different dimensions of the SAME Reality and therefore, un-contextual to observance; irrespective of massive difference in scales; they are singular Reality.

But; you are too egoistically obsessed and blinded by instinctive propensity of Self-Validation to understand and accept anything beyond your personal Lifespan Reality. The Time-Span Reality, however, has no Ego, no Self-Validation Will and not even registry of scales of spans. Your Life-span, anyway, is too negligible and insignificant for Time-span to even fit it, into its registry mechanism; if it has any…

It is the cosmic information. You and your Lifespan have questions; the Time-span has none. It only has Information, which you decipher and accept as Reality, through the cyclicality of questions and answers. If you decipher and accept the cosmic information and Time-span Reality; you too won’t need questions and seek no answers. You shall become ONE and SAME with Information and all cognitive walls between Life-Span and Time-span, segregating the two, shall crumble and vanish. You and your consciousness shall become One and Same with Holism of Reality.

This is what Philosophy-Spiritualism has been recommending since thousands of years and now contemporary science of reality prescribes as Ultimate Pragmatism Of Idealism. You have the Will and Choice to align with Questions or become Information itself; which, as Reality, is Seed-Situation for all true and real answers. Habitual, auto-mode, subconscious and intuitive life-living is the big barrier, prohibiting this transference from question to information. Since childhood, you were never mentally trained to seek and look at Seed-Situation of Information in its holism. You only looked at the Tree-Eventuality of Questions as it came natural to you and very localized, ambient and conflated information landscape had jungle of tall trees of questions and only curled up expanse of vines of answers. Who cares for seeds when juicy mangoes of all shades are readily available! Who needs answers, when questions fetch the blissfulness of egoistic and self-validation satisfaction…!


Question has everything. It is information unto itself and is truly multidimensional. Somehow, question is also identity of consciousness as it showcases the Inventory of your consciousness upfront, very much like the mannequins on the shop-front. Question, can therefore, be as calamitous, as innocent and innocuous it may. What questions you own, possess and how you contextualize your question to the specificity of situations, reflects how you align with information and its dimensions. This alignment with information is the Causality, which shapes up your Destiny. Questions are however, only one part of your destiny. The other part of your destiny is the answers you accept as real, true and right…

You probably feel, you own and possess your questions. But, in probable reality, you may not. For decades after your birth, you were commanded and conditioned by your parents, family, society, culture, politics, faith systems, et al. Your consciousness was stuffed with information you didn’t decide and could judge their veracity-validity of. You were born and grew up under the infinite cosmos but your consciousness was incarcerated within the ambient, narrow Walls of the ‘House’ of parents, family and society-culture. Your question, as well as answers, you think you own and possess, may not actually be yours but that of the ‘Walls’ and they were installed in your consciousness long ago. You were then too naïve and helpless when this all happened. However, even later, you probably never bothered to check and test the ownership of a borrowed possession. You are, probably, rather instinctively and intuitively, too egoistically inclined and loaded with visceral Self-Validating attitudes to doubt your own slavery of ‘Walls’…

Beware of your questions and guard against un-conscientious and intuitive propensities of accepting any answer as real, true and right. You alone own your destiny; even when it has been destined to shape up sans your conscientious consent. The universe, as Information, is not interested in conspiring to align favorability of realities with your probable eventualities. The favorable universe hypothesis is probably borrowed information from externalities, you probably never bothered to doubt and check. You must! Nothing external has any meaning, worth and utility to you. You own and possess only what you internalize after assigning it to high and objective benchmarks of skepticism. This enterprise covers you too!

Because, you are information too; a precarious and conflated packaging of information, the ownership, origin and sourcing of which are unsettled. You need to be sure what you own and possess. Do you own your body, your mind

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