» Psychology » Do You Ask It Right, Santosh Jha [best reads .txt] 📗

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mean? Which smart phone I should buy? Can I be as successful as he is? Etc. This list of our normal life-living questions itself is so long and exhaustive. There is so much to ask and so little to accept as true and right answers. Where is the time and energy left to delve into other stupid questions, which do not seem to be anyway associated with our normal lives? Our lives already seem so entangled with so many unanswered questions; why should we be burdened with more and that too ‘absurd’ questions. When I do not have answer of ‘She/he loves me or loves me not’, how can I be in a position to answer ‘why I am what I am’! Etc.

Somehow, it seems; there is this core issue of normal and absurd, when we are faced with the question of questioning! There seems an easy inclination for acceptance of something, which we all consider normal and prompt dejection of something we consider abnormal or absurd. So, another question that ensues is what is Normal and how do we decide, something as normal and other as deviant, absurd and Abnormal? The trouble does not seem to leave us! However best we try not to get embroiled in the trap of questions; it does not seem to vanish away. Does it mean, we and our life-living is all about questions; what questions we accept? Which side of the questions we are and how do we proceed to find and accept answers? Another question!

It seems, there is this inevitability and optionlessness about the questions in our life-living, which we may turn a blind eye to but it won’t leave us. Somehow, it is there for humble and honest acceptance that we are a bundle of questions and the answers we have accepted. Every individual may well be accepted as a precarious package of questions that he or she holds relevant and live for. This package then also includes the specificity of answers one accepts as true and right. This itself then leads to more questions – Have we consciously chosen our questions or have they randomly and subconsciously happened? Have we tested the veracity and validity of our answers or just accepted them as what was there for taking or was culturally and popularly predominant?

It is also a valid question to ask, ‘If we are a bundle of subjective and personal questions and answers, is it better to have huge load of questions? Is it good that we have more questions than answers? Is it true that larger and more varied this package of questions and answers, better a person’s wellness and success?’

However, the seed question; the mother of all questions is – if we simply cannot avoid and dump questions and if our questions define and shape up our individual and personal destiny, is it better that we very consciously choose our questions and make honest and persevered endeavors to have true and right answers; instead of leaving it on chance and randomization? The trouble does not stop even if we accept the seed question as questions are cyclic in nature and they are intrinsically linked and synced to each other. One question opens up another question or a set of questions and this in turn touches upon the domain of yet another question.

So, if we accept the mother of all questions, as mentioned above; the innate and embedded question that pops up is – How to consciously choose our questions and how to be certain that an answer is true and right?

As we have come this far about the inevitability and preponderance of questions and answers, it may be of great help if we ask, ‘What essentially is a question?’ Very naturally, we also have to ask, ‘What exactly is an answer?’

Essentially, if we wish to look at reality from the perspective of holism, we sure can see and accept that question and answer are very ‘partial’ entities of a larger reality. There is nothing as such, which may actually be termed as question or answer. In the holism of reality, everything is Information. Questions and answers are probably all about the dimensions of Information and the question or answer happens owing to our own positioning and situation in relation to the dimension of the Information. This must be understood very clearly.

There are realities all around us in our milieus as well as in our life-living. These realities present themselves as Information to our five senses, which in turn feed the information to the brain for arriving at a decision vis-à-vis some incoming information. For example, take the question, ‘Does he love me?’ This question has no meaning in itself if it is in vacuum. The meaning happens as there is a person in the external milieu and someone begins to love him.

Essentially, there are two shades of realities – one on the side of a woman, who juxtaposes it vis-à-vis the one on the side of a man. Essentially, there are two different sets of Information – one in the mind consciousness of the woman and another on the mind consciousness of the man. The woman’s consciousness has a certain set of information, which inclines her to take a decision of loving the man. There is another set of information in the consciousness of the man regarding the woman and it may incline him to either love her back or not love her back. The reality and the information are already there. The question happens as the woman does not have access to the information on the side of the man. The answer is also information already there on the side of the man, which he has not yet shared with the woman. Therefore, whatever reality the question ‘creates’ in terms of the answer; it is already there. The answer of the question, ‘Does he love me?’ has twin probabilities as yes or no and either of them would create different shades of sub-realities for the woman as well as the man.

Therefore, essentially, there is no valid and true question and no valid and true answer. Everything is just the dimension of the holistic reality of Information. Therefore, earlier, when we asked, ‘Which side of the question you are?’ we essentially should have asked, ‘Which dimension of the information you are?’ Question and answers are partial sub-realities of the larger and holistic reality of Information, which is already there but, it keeps evolving and changing. All realities keep changing their dimensions. We shall come back to it later.


You may think; we should now stop our deliberations about questions and should begin our journey into the domain of probable; more likely the right and true answers. Yes; you are right. But then, answers are already there. We just need to alter our context and relationships with the dimensions of the question and the answer shall automatically arrive to us. We won’t even need to journey our way to the answer. They are there and they shall come to us. Be assured. It is therefore better that we remain invested in the domain and dimensions of questions. This somehow shall enrich and enhance the quantity and quality of answer that shall arrive to us. More questions, more answers shall arrive! Probably!

However, as we have deliberated that questions are essentially just a part dimension of the holism of Information; we shall no more call our inquisitiveness as question. We shall say, we are journeying into different probable dimensions of Information, which are already there. So, let us journey into the information of God. As we have decided, we are not asking usual questions as, ‘Does God exist?’ or ‘Does God listen and respond to prayers?’ Etc. We are simply journeying into the domain of Information about God.

How do we journey into information? Better to ask, ‘How do you journey a landscape?’ You just walk in, keep moving, absorbing, observing, imbibing the landmarks, the elements of nature as well as humanly constructed things. You just be there; not even bothering to lend your attention to whatever realities the landscape is filled with. Journeying is essentially about being a ‘witness’ to some reality, which stands before your being and then; absorb and imbibe it. If we describe the situation in terms of holism of reality, we would say, ‘Journeying is all about being part of the information or associate and assimilate oneself with the information amidst which one happens to stand. As we said earlier; journeying is being ONE and SAME with Information.

Therefore, when we are journeying the information of God, we just become a witness and part of the information. However, the huge trouble with the information of God is the reality that it is not like a landscape, which has definitive form and physicality. Very true! Information comes in different dimensions and this information is the landscape of ideas and beliefs. They are information too! But; they are not definitive information; they are probable information. You may wish to accept the information or simply reject them. Whatever is your choice, the reality does not change much as the information, even if probable, is there as information landscape. Interestingly, mass majority of people hold the landscape as true, definitive and hugely beneficial. The simple and honest reality is that the Landscape of Information of God exists and huge number of people not only traverses them; they also add information to this ‘probable’, yet ever-evolving landscape. Therefore, probable or definitive; the journey into the information of God can be real, true and even beneficial. It is the artistry of journeying into information!

Let us unravel this artistry and understand the mechanisms and process of journeying into information, irrespective of actuality of its ‘form’, and benefit from it. We may understand it best if we take the help of another information, which we all are currently part of. This is the information about vaccination against Covid. What is a vaccine? It is essentially Information! But; this information has a unique dimension. A vaccine somehow ‘mimics’ a true and real Information. The real and true Information is the virus itself, against which the vaccine has been designed. What a vaccine does is, it takes a dead virus or an innocuous portion of the virus itself and mixes it up with necessary chemicals to stabilize it. This chemical solution, when it enters the body; somehow mimics the virus itself and then, the immune system of the body responds, fights it back with its anti-bodies and cells. Essentially, the body and mind is ‘tricked’ into an action, in response to some Information, which is not real and true. The seemingly unreal and untrue information turns into a probable landscape of Information, as the body-mind mechanism of information processing is tricked by mimicking information into some action, which is real and true. The information is unreal and untrue but the mind-body journeys into the information landscape and does the whole routine of observing, imbibing and reacting in definitive terms.

The whole process of vaccination-information can very well be replicated in the above-mentioned case of God Information. It does not actually matter whether God Information is real and true or not. Our body-mind can be made to process it as true and real if we simply ‘mimic’ the Information of God. We probably can trick the body-mind to process the God Information and unleash the curative processes, as the vaccine triggers in our body. God information has huge potential. Inversely; which may be more precise; human consciousness has huge potential to derive the embedded and entrenched curative and therapeutic benefits from God information.

As with all information; God Information is also value-neutral – neither good nor bad. We as individual install value to it by aligning with a particular ‘dimension’ of the God Information. Somehow, the means may not be true and real; it may just be a mimicry of the real and true but, as we know it very well from our knowledge of science,

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