» Psychology » Do You Ask It Right, Santosh Jha [best reads .txt] 📗

Book online «Do You Ask It Right, Santosh Jha [best reads .txt] 📗». Author Santosh Jha

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the body-mind can be successfully tricked to process and engender the same true and real end, which an otherwise true and real means would have achieved for us. Again; can we say, it is all about ‘Which side of the question you are?’ Or more precisely, ‘Which side of the information you are’! We shall come back to it later.


There is this very meaningful saying in science, which goes like – You are in your perspective and your perspective is in you. It somehow also conforms to the above-mentioned reality about different dimensions of Information. You are also a bundle and package of information. You happen to be one dimension of the information. Your perspective is a personalized and subjective bundle of information, which you may not have consciously chosen. The information in your perspective is usually packaged by your subconscious and unconscious self. This however is another dimension of information. There is cyclicality between these two dimensions. When you are the witness, observer and absorber; your perspective becomes the landscape of information and you journey into it. Inversely, when your perspective is observing you; you become the landscape and your perspective journeys into it.

However, the biggest trouble is that the overall landscape of cosmic information or even the ambient milieu information is colossal. You and your perspective put together are just like a grain of sand on the vast stretch of expansive beach of a sea. The question you form in your perspective or the perspective forms in you are very restrictively miniscule portion of the holism of Information.

Then; we are all very lazy and bad travelers. We seldom wish to journey beyond our familiar and safe landscape of self-perspective. It is only very natural that most of our questions are egoistically inclined towards validation and propagation of self and our perspective. Only naturally, our answers are not easy to come and when they finally arrive; they are bound to be not true and real answers but simply an extension of the egoism and validation of self. This very trap of question and answer is the worst tragedy of life-living. We can come out of this trap and slavery of self and its perspective if we understand and accept the holism of Information and its dimensions.

It has to be understood. If I ask the question, ‘Does she love me?’, what recourse I have to get a definitive and true answer? Most certainly, I have to go to the woman in question and get her to answer my question. However, I may not have the courage to go to her and ask her. Why? Because I am in my perspective and my perspective is in me. I simply cannot go beyond the margins of my perspective, which confines me and my question too. The fact remains there within my perspective that I am actually not interested in having answer of my question. I am actually not asking any question. I am in fact just expecting my perspective to come true. I want the love of the woman and I am just faking myself and my perspective in the garb of a question. I also know, if I ask the woman and if she says no, I cannot handle it. Therefore, it is always better to be on the inner side of the safety of the question and not journey into the landscape of the Information, which is on the other side, at the end of the woman in question.

This probably is not the end of it. I am happy journeying into the familiarity of the landscape of my own perspective-information in search of an answer, which has elements of propitiation for my egoism and self-validation. Therefore, I pick up selective and catalytic information from my memories and experiences and fit them into my own desire of having a specific and favorable answer. So, instead of asking the woman, I try to answer myself, saying, ‘She did this to me on that day and it showed she has some feelings for me’. Or I would say, ‘She said this to me on that occasion and it seemed to suggest she loves me.’ This would not end here. Even if I get definitive information, from the woman herself, clearly stating that she does not love me; I shall keep journeying into my familiar landscape of personal perspectives and say, ‘Oh! She is saying this to test my patience!’ Or I would say, ‘In her no is her yes; I know her’. Well, this is trap! What then is the way out? What ideally is the approach to handle love information; or for that matter any information? Hmmm…! More questions…! We shall come back to it, later.


We are hovering around the idea of question and answers but it is not something, which matters much in our overall scheme of things for life-living wellness, excellence and success. We have talked so far about them only because something is required as tool to decipher and unravel something, which is at the core of our life-living reality and even our own being. As we have been talking about questions and answers, we have tried to touch upon them. We need to invest our energies on this core element of our life-living reality and our own self. We must begin our journey into this critical information landscape of core idea.

First and foremost, we list out what has come out of our deliberations so far –

Everything in our contemporary life-living, consciousness, external milieus and knowledge probably needs a complete reconstruction. Even Reality, which we accept as real and true, has to be revisited and reoriented as reality, as we usually perceive and accept; is also just a miniscule portion of the overall Information, which is there in the vast universe. As our questions and answers are irrelevant, because they emanate out of our restricted perspective and exposure, the popularly accepted reality too is irrelevant and very partial. The holism of Information is the only true and real reality and it is always probabilistic; never definitive. Naturally, we need to reconstruct everything in our life-living and start to invest ourselves in holism of Information.

Information in itself is value-neutral; it is neither good nor bad. Our value judgment about a situation or a thing emanates out of how we position ourselves vis-à-vis the information. As we said, it is all about which side of the information we are. Therefore, we have been trained to accept ourselves as important and our egoism makes us accept it happily that we are the movers and shakers of reality. However, when we look at the holism of Information, we can clearly see, we are irrelevant. What is critical in probability of a reality and its value judgment, are the twin factors – Information; how we journey into the information landscape and align ourselves with the holism of Information.

If we accept the above hypothesis, then we can say, at the core of our life-living reality and that of our own reality is Information and its alignment with us. Therefore, when we accept this novel hypothesis, we can clearly see, how irrelevant everything becomes in our lives. We can also see and accept that as we reconstruct our perspective on the basis of this new hypothesis, we shall have to revisit everything in our contemporary life-living, within our own being and external milieus. We shall have to reorient and reconstruct the idea and idealisms of success, wellness, utility, worth, righteousness, satisfaction, et al. We shall definitively need to reconstruct the contemporary cultural and personal benchmarks of good-bad, right-wrong, just-unjust, appropriate-inappropriate, etc.

We shall deliberate on this hypothesis, we have accepted so that we can be very sure of its righteousness and utility. This shall lead us to talk in detail about possible reconstruction we all can enterprise in our life-living. The idea is to investigate into different aspects of probable, alternative and novel life-living realities, grossly different from our contemporary life-living and cultures. We shall do it by working on the hypothesis we have worked on above – decipher Information in its holism and then align ourselves with different possible dimensions of the information to test out what novelties and alternatives they throw up for we to accept for a better future.

There are universal and generic limitations we all feel in our life-living. These limitations and consequent suffocation of the restrictions somehow outline the limits of our probable destinies. These constricted destinies, offering small and selective successes and attainments in turn limit our perspectives and consciousness. This is the worst tragedy of humanity and life-living. We have the universe to journey into but we seldom move out of our miniscule, localized and ambient milieus, we are born and live out.

The information landscape available to every human being is colossal and hugely diverse. There is very little physical limitation and restriction in journeying into the length and breadth of this mega information landscape. The journeys into this landscape are brilliantly and mesmerizingly beneficial for an individual as it opens up the horizons of possibilities and potentials for optimization. The tragedy is that in our ignorance, egoism, false pride and restricted consciousness and cognition; we are never inclined for journeying into this marvelous information landscape. Generally, most people are not even aware that there is this landscape of massive potential available to them!

This eBook is an enterprise of journeying into this information landscape. We shall deliberate on the form and familiarity of this magically marvelous landscape of information. We shall journey deep and wide into this landscape, explore, observe, absorb, investigate and imbibe every possible undulations and entities of this immense landscape. Then, together, we shall try our optimal best to work out an alternative and novel life-living model, by placing and aligning ourselves with different dimensions of the information. This model shall be judged upon after we test the validity on the basis of contemporary scientific knowledge of humanity; discarding the faith and belief based insinuations and rigidity of resolves. It seems a difficult and complicated journey. It is not. It is beautiful, very satisfying and full of thrill and joy of novelties; as are most of the journeys. Human life-living is akin to being a tourist and we all love to travel and go to places. It is fun and happy enterprise. Let us begin it; not bothering to carry loads of old baggage but simply walking away with our pockets full of humility and simplicity.



The Information Landscape

We begin this journey afresh by revisiting some of the issues we had talked about at the beginning. This may facilitate our overall understanding of what is actually meant by Information and what constitute its Landscape. Anyways, a forehand preparation of any journey involves a pre-knowledge of the details of the landscape we propose to journey into. At the beginning, we had somehow dwelt on only one dimension of the information; the inquisition part of it. Naturally, the holism of reality necessitates that we complete the cycle by journeying another dimension of probable and consequent answers.

At the very start, we had talked about the idea of optimism and pessimism. We had also talked about why it is very important to have true and real basis and foundation of any situation of reality we accept. Be it optimism or pessimism, our acceptance of either of the two diametrically opposite of the two realities must be based on objective and logical factuality of holism of information. If we broad-base this issue, we can extend the same benchmarks for all aspects of life-living. It shall then incorporate ideas like good and bad, right and wrong, utility and futility, success and failure, happiness and sadness, et al.

There are two aspects of this assertion about having assessment and examination of every probable reality on the basis of objective and logical benchmarks of righteousness and appropriates. First aspect is to always be wary of being too reactionary,

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