» Psychology » Do You Ask It Right, Santosh Jha [best reads .txt] 📗

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consciousness; the information, which construct your form and feel, your thoughtfulness; or its nonexistence; behavior and actions, etc? It is a valid and probably good question to ask!


The legendary poet of Indian subcontinent, Mirza Galib asked –

Maut Ka Ek Din To Muaiyyan Hai,

Neend Kyun Raat Bhar Nahi Aati?

(Day of death is definite; why sleep doesn’t come whole night?)

Was he asking? Perhaps not! He was just wondering. Or probably, he was just stating the obvious. In all his innocence, honesty and simplicity, stating something, most people stand in complete denial of. He was actually being ONE and SAME with Information and its Reality. Mortality is not a question; it is singular, objective Information and the finality of all Realities. Mortality therefore, has no answer. Humanity has designed many; but they probably are denial and deception of the reality of mortality or a mystically metaphoric representation of reality, as probability of an answer.

Reality; in its absoluteness, holism and entirety is just Information. Question and answers, as we have been mentally trained to ask and accept; are often, cultural designs and craft of Denial and Deception of Reality or; metaphors.

Another great poet of Indian subcontinent, Firaq Gorakhpuri asked –

Tum Mukhatib Bhi Ho, Kareeb Bhi Ho,

Tum Ko Dekhein Ki Tum Se Baat Karein?

(Seemingly asking to his beloved – You stand addressed to me and also very close; should I look at you or talk to you?)

At the literal level of meaningfulness; it may seem a question being asked to the beloved by a seemingly happily confused lover. However, at the level of poetic metaphor; the lover is essentially not asking anything but stating a reality of his heart and mind. In fact, the lover is simply being ONE and SAME with Information and its Reality. The lover is portraying the information about the Reality of beauty and splendor of his beloved and her propinquity, in metaphoric language. The lover is not at all confused but in full and singular awareness of acceptance of the Reality of love and its dimensions, which attains its finality as his beloved is not only close to him but also attentive to his presence. What beyond this a lover may ask for and what the poet said was not a question but pure Information conveyed to his beloved about his Reality of perfect Blissfulness...

Bliss, especially that of love; is beyond question and answers. Like mortality, Blissfulness in its holism, is Information, which needs no question and seeks no answer. The famous saint and poet Kabeer said, ‘Goonge keri sharkra, chakhe aur muskaye (a dumb person gets sugar and as he tastes it, he smiles). Why a dump person; even a normal person, who can speak, shall not say anything but only smile, if his or her mouth is filled with blissfulness of ‘sugary’ delicacy! What is there to say, when the bliss is mouthful! Even if someone says something, would he ever ask a question, when his or her mouth is full of bliss of tastefulness? Would anyone seek any answer when filled with perfect song and dance of bliss? He or she would just sing and dance. He or she would simply be ONE and SAME with Information and its Reality…

Ask a person; who is ONE and SAME with the information and reality of Love, ‘How does it feel being in love?’ and the person would close her/his eyes, she/he would join his palms and rest it on her/his heart; her/his face would light up with radiance of serenity and; she/he would say nothing. If the person, asking the question, also has the understanding about real, true and right information; she/he too would say nothing; the questioner would accept the answer in its purity and magnanimity…

But then; we all know, we live in a world where questions are everywhere and everyone is asking them. The information and reality are already there still, people keep asking questions and seek answers. However, one cannot be sure, when the question asked is real, true and right. Same is the confusion about answers.

A small kid was watching a video of his father on a laptop. The kid watched curiously and then asked, ‘Dad, you are so big; how you could sneak inside this small and thin screen?’ The father was busy doing something; he replied frustratingly, ‘Don’t trouble me; ask your mother; she has this nasty habit of sneaking things here and there’. Now, we cannot be sure whether the question was real, true and right. Some may say, it is a genuine query and anyway, a kid being curious and inquisitive about anything is right, even if the kid is unable to frame the question right. They would advocate that the spirit and intent of the question was right. Some would however say, the question was invalid and therefore could not have fetched real, true and right answer. The same dualism remains about the answer of the question of the kid. However, this situation is not something a kid lands him or her. The adults do it most of times…

A woman asks her lover, ‘How much do you love me?’ The question is very similar to a kid asking about how the big dad could sneak into thin-small screen. The woman seeks a ‘dimension’ of information, which cannot justifiably be anything but abstract and metaphoric. The lover cannot say, ‘I love you too much’ as he knows it very well that this simple and probably ‘true’ Information is not what the woman is willing to accept. The lover knows; most questioners do not ask questions because they do not know answers; rather they ask just to get confirmation of an answer already accepted by them as true and right. The lover also cannot say I love you 5 metric tonnes and 10 billion dollars. He has to answer the metaphoric and abstract question with similar information as ‘answer’, and he would say, ‘I love you more than stars in the sky and water in the ocean’. The woman would probably happily accept it as real, true and right answer. She wanted only this as answer! But, here, neither the woman, nor the man is ONE and SAME with real, true and right information. The question as well as the answer are metaphors of Information; very much different than the real, true and right information.

There is another woman and she also has a question. She is the mother of a teenage girl and she asks her husband nervously, ‘I am so worried; your daughter is blossoming and going places; what should I do?’ The relaxed and confident husband replies, ‘I trust my daughter; we have talked and I have shared relevant information about her body-mind and safety with her. I know; she cannot commit a mistake, which I cannot forgive. She knows; mistakes is her genuine right and home and family is where, she shall come first to decipher its pathology’.

This probably is the real, true and right information interaction between a question and answer. The question is real, true and right and spelt with clarity and specificity of intent. The answer is real, true and right too as it optimally supplies the appropriate information, which settles the deficit of information, which had caused the question. Moreover, the questioner; a mother of a teenage girl; is perfectly real, true and right in her question as her own possession of the emergent information genuinely gets the shape of the information, which she presented and that too, to the very right person. The answer is probably real, true and right as it presented the questioner with real, true and sincere information, with not an iota of abstraction and frills of linguistic metaphors. The answerer; the father of the teenage girl; is also the most authoritative and eligible person to supply the relevant information sought in the question. This however does not happen in real world. It should; it must…

It seems; it is probably about how you invest; not about how much you invest. Most of us remain heavily invested in questions and seldom think of the possible requirement to recheck the utility-worth of them. We also remain invested in answers, we culturally and intuitively accept as true and real assets. We even don’t recheck them. A good investor however, is a very well-informed and always curious person. His or her Portfolio is always shuffling and he accepts only those as assets, which fetch him or her optimal profitability with no frills. Your true and real assets grow, as you know how to invest – In Life-Living Information. Your Portfolio truly and rightly reflects the golden shine of specificity and logical selection of objective Information for benchmarking your utility and worth.


What is the most wasted and grossly squandered resource and wealth in the universe? ‘The human life…?’ Okay! Let us broad-base it and ask again, ‘Life; in all its multidimensionality and entirety?’ The valid and consequential question next is, ‘How do you define wastefulness?’ Still; a more specific and pointed question is, ‘How do you truly and rightfully define something?’ Innately, at the bottom of it; the question settles down to the seed-level inquisition, ‘What is True, Real and Right?’

Essentially, the very reason of existence of questions and thereupon the need for answers, happen only because of this critical information, missing in the human life-living and human systems of families, societies and cultures. If there could be a singular, objective, measurable and logically scalable Information about Truth-Reality-Righteousness as universal benchmark and anvil of all things in the cosmos; there could probably be no need of questions and no seeking of answers. Probably, this Benchmark could have by now become embedded and integrated in subconscious brain wiring of all living being.

But then; a question still seeks its justification; drowned under the cacophony of questions and answers. This question is – ‘Are we sure, this hasn’t happened yet?’ Can we say this with definitive and conscious thoughtfulness that the universalization of true, real and right Information as singular, objective, measurable and logically scalable benchmark of all things in the cosmos hasn’t happened and it has already not been wired in subconscious brain states of all living being?’

That is probably why; there stands this above mentioned question; in all its truthfulness and credibility, ‘What is the most wasted and grossly squandered resource and wealth in the universe?’

Not to have something is sure very sad and unfortunate. To have it and then taken away is bigger misfortune. However, to have it; know its utility-worth and still waste and squander it is criminal, corruption, mediocrity of highest order and conscientious stupidity of colossal magnitude. Humanity has done this and continues to keep squandering the wealth of real, true and right Information it had and still has, with blissful and conscientious impunity. Very naturally; human life is probably the most wasted and grossly squandered entity in the cosmos as humanity has this scammed consciousness to consciously and unconsciously preserve the Devil; squander the God; and still spend hours and most precious of resources, talking and shaping up the glory of God…!

That is probably why; loads of questions happen and their answers create more questions! The massive magnitude of hypocrisies and deceptions, which are required to be pervaded in life-living and cultures to justify and immunize the willful and conscientious squandering of real, true and right, can only breed these fanciful frills of frivolous fabrications. Ask an average man or woman about all ‘good and right’ things and they know it reasonably well, as all the good and right information have been handed over to them since long by parents, families, cultures, schools, colleges, books, religion, customs and traditions et al. Human hypocrisy is brilliant for others as we all teach and sermon all goodness and righteousness to others and even expect others to practice them without fail. However; geniuses as we are

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