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„I am telling you that God is long enduring and that man is not, and man should endure not God, for God is patient with the one who does not endure and He has long-endurance for him.”

„Red is the color and the sign of the antichrist, the man of lawlessness, the man who dressed Me two thousand years ago in chlamys of shame, and not as the people say that red is a royal color.”

„... the evil spirit born in man got into the snake and thus the snake served the man’s thought and praised man, and My creation did no longer listen to Me and listened to man instead;”

„Man needs prayer for the forgiveness of all his sins with which he afflicted Me and put Me on the cross, as it was for all the men’s sins by that time and after that that I was put on the cross then. ”

„The cup of lawlessness is full and it keeps shaking more and more to its overflowing over those who filled it, and then there will be a new heaven and a new earth, as I have promised, ...”

„What will happen with the people who persecuted and persecute the Lord on earth? There will be taken from them the stolen dominion, and they will even be required an answer, and the Lord will give His kingdom to all those who will have loved it with them and in them on earth. Amen.”

„I am speaking from heaven in the language of man by the language of the Roma-nian people, on whose hearth I have chosen to speak in the end, when everything and all go back to their first beginning, to the first love of God for those He has made by His word.”