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the cement floor of her room. she passes out and Laicee jumps back out the window.


JT! are you all right?

no response. her mom calls 911 and for the first time she notices that jt is really unhealthy looking and seems her face has a shallow look to it. her eyes have dark circles and she looks very pale. the paramedics get there and take her to the hospital

int. hospital- before dawn


where am i?


your in the hospital hunny, you cut your wrists do you remember?


not really i just remember fighting then i don't know what happened next


the doctors said it was all the drugs in your system it made you hallucinate and you cut your wrists. they also said that you hadn't been eating which made the drugs stronger.


I'm sorry mom i didn't mean to get this bad.


its fine there are some really good rehab places here and I'm planning to go too.


wait you want to send me to rehab?


that's what the doctors suggested.


i wont go, ill be fine i just need to get my head clear.

jt stays in the hospital for a week she blames Laicee for putting here here in the first place. but knows that it was for the good of the future. she returns to school soon after.

EXT. SCHOOL- MORNING late October early November

Laicee confronts JT in one of the empty class rooms there is no one in sight and they are the only people in the room there are over turned desks and something that looks like blood on the old carpet.


jt i told you not to break any rules and you have broken almost half of them in the past week


i couldn't help it i was in the hospital they forced me to eat and do all that stuff. besides your rules are stupid i better have saved your life by cutting because that hurt sure i heal easily because of my powers but it still hurts


you are part of us now it doesn't matter you should follow the rules strictly. and yes you did save me and what does it matter if you pull some stunts?


because even my drunken stoned mother is starting to notice that I'm not my self any more we have to be on the dl for a while.


(she closes her eyes and looks like she is concentrating on something)

i just looked you are going to be fine nothing wrong is going to happen.


what are you going to do force me to obey you and your cult?


you don't understand JT I'm here to help you right now you don't understand whats happening you've been pushed into a new world where there are rules and you need to learn that I'm here for you.


what ever.

they get closer while Laicee tries to calm JT down JT refuses to listen so laicee pushes her against the wall and punches her once on the nose


I'm sorry, JT you just weren't listening and i needed you to understand that i need you.

Int.class room first per.-morning


JT what what happened to your face, your bleeding.


its nothing i just fell down.


it doesn't look like you just fell is someone beating on you


look its none of your business if i wanted you to know what happened to me i would tell you leave me alone.


i will have to report this if you come in to my class looking half dead again.


Its just a bruise and my nose is only bleeding a little bit.


jt what happened?


like i told the teacher i fell


i don't believe that tell me what happened. we are sisters


quit pulling that sister crap you don't know nothing all you now is what Laicee tells you.


that's not true.

already in a bad mood jt storms out of class she knows that she has Laicee in her next class so she ditches and runs home. she is too suborn to admit that Laicee is only trying to help her.

int. JT's house-mid day

she gets home and is surprised to see her mother home, her mother looks nice with makeup on, then she hears the shower running, of course her mother had just brought home another looser looking to get sum.


what are you doing home?


i had an accident and fell my face got all banged up so i decided to come home.


that looks like someone beat on you. who hit you I'm going to call the cops.


i told you i fell nothing happened i fell hit my face and was embarrassed so i came home.


i don't believe you

jt angry that for once her mom sees through her lies goes into her room. she looks at her messy room wishing for once that this want her room and that she was far away with a new different family, she wished that she had never met abby or Laicee.


mom I'm going to the store is there anything you need.


no I'm fine just hurry home i don't like it when your out so late.


okay mom ill be back.

jt walks slowly to the store wondering what Debbi will say when jt tells her that shes no longer going to follow their stupid rules. Laicee walks up


hey jt whatcha doing?


its none of your business


its all of my business we are sisters. i see you making a big mistake i don't want you to get hurt.


no we are not, sisters don't beat each other up or tell each other to cut them selves. and i can look out for my self.


hey i didn't want you to cut yourself i was only trying to protect you. turns out while you were in the hospital a group from up north heard of your abilities and came to kill you i saved your life.


when are you ever going to learn there are no visions, no mind control, no mind reading, and no seeing the future. and no others that are coming to get me.


your the one not learning one day you will appreciate everything i have done for you. please don't act like this.


I'm acting normal something you cant do.


don't talk like you are any better than me, we are equals there is nothing wrong with that.


it doesn't matter just get out of my way.

Laicee gets in front of JT


cant you just listen?


get out of my way now!

JT grabs Laicee by the shirt collar and pushes her into a nearby alley. she throws her against the wall and starts punching her profusely, Laicee is shocked and does nothing to prevent the beating. it feels good to let the anger out. a large biker chick with tattoos on her arms and steel toe boots on with hair that looks like it hasn't been washed in days, is walking down the street sees whats happening, thinking that its a mugging she grabs JT by the shirt and pulls her down and starts to kick her JT throws up some blood and the biker chick tells Laicee to run.

jt blacks out and comes around ten minutes later, she slowly gets up and starts to make her way painfully home.

when she gets home her mother is passed out on the couch again. she makes sure that there are no guys in the house and then goes into her room, sitting on her bed is abby.


what the hell are you doing here!?


i saw you walk home limping and looking hurt so i jumped through your window and waited so i could hear your story.


there is no story i told you i fell, now get out


i have fallen just about every where and i have never looked that bad your not telling me something


so what! do i have to tell you everything! I'm not going to argue with you just get the hell out of my house and stop talking to you i don't want to talk to you ever again get out of my life.


whoa jt don't be so harsh here take a pill it will chill you out.


no get out i mean it I'm changing all my locks tonight and i don't want to ever speak to you again.

seeing that jt is serious this time abby hops out the window and disappears into the night. jt examines the wound her entire mid-section is pure purple her pale white skin is hidden and she can see the places where the biker chicks steel toe boots kicked her dead on. she swears that she will never talk to Laicee or abby again. she gets a thick bandage and wraps it around herself hoping that it will keep the cracked ribs from moving she takes a sleeping pill and passes out.

the next morning


jt you need to get up for school.


I'm sick i cant go Ive been puking my guts out


okay that's fine if you need anything let me know.


okay thanks mom.

jt waits for her mom to shut the door then slowly gets out of bed, the bruises look worse in the daylight she feels around and knows that nothing is broken just beaten badly she gets up trying to get dressed she finds a loose shirt and pulls it slowly over her face. she goes to the bathroom and looks at her face she looks like someone took a hammer to her face. she puts heavy makeup on trying to cover up the damage as much as possible. she goes and sits in her room and looks through her back pack. she notices that she has a lot of missing assignments.


i thought you were sick why are you doing homework?


i noticed that i have been falling behind so i thought id do as much work as possible so i can get a better grade. also i was wondering if i could have some money to go buy new clothes.


what brought all of this on you have never wanted to improve before.


i decided that my friends aren't the most important things in the world and that i need to do good.

surprised her mom gives her the money leaves jt puts the money in a safe planning to save it. she gets up carefully and leaves the front door. after she gets around the corner she decides to take a short cut she goes through an
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