» Performing Arts » The Other Side, Alison Garza [best romance novels of all time .txt] 📗

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no answer shes afraid that laicee was telling the truth. she texts laicee one last time.


(in a text message)

hey im sorry for how i was acting why dont you meet me at school tonight in the lowered amp. we can talk there. dont bring anyone else.


ok how about 8.


fine by me

int. jts house

jt walks into the house it is empty she sees an old notebook lying on the floor. she picks it up. a message is written on the inside.

im sorry about your mother jt hope things get better <3 abby.

jt tears out the page and begins to write. when she finishes its night time. she writes the final words and leaves it where someone can find it. she then goes to the school.

ext. school ampatheater.

jt walks into the ampatheter and sees laciee sitting on the bottom step.


hey laciee.


hey jt im glad that you finaly came round. there is so much you need to learn. you have so much power in you.


i didnt bring you here so you can teach me


then why are we here for?


this is going to be the last time you are going to see me as a mater of fact it will be the last time you will see anyone.


wh. what do you mean JT


i mean that you are not going home tonight. your not going anywhere


you cant do anything to me JT im your sister im like your blood.


like doesnt count. i have no one no mother no father no one im all alone. thats why i brought you here today because i want you to be all alone in your final moments.


you wont get away with this JT they will catch you.


im planning on that i already left a journal on the table explaining everything thats been going on all the deaths everything. and i told them where to find me.


please dont do this. its too late.


your right it is too late for you.

jt takes off her shoelace belt and prepares to get laicee.


dont move i hear it hurts the more you move.

she lunges towards laciee and grabs her neck with the shoelace. laicee is struggling to get away. abby runs down the steps.


jt! stop stop it now. your hurting her.


i know you are just an illusion. i know ive finnaly gone mad.

abby runs into jt showing that it is real.


so you didnt die?


no it was all a trap we needed you home and we knew that if you thought i was dead you would come back to us.


i cant believe that you would do something like that to me. i guess im going to have to change my plans. i guess im going to have to kill you both.


jt we are your only family your only life you cant get rid of us.

jt pushes abby out of the way and jumps on laciee's back. and tries to take her down.


jt stop, your out of control.

jt doesnt hear her because of laciee's screams, they are on the ground now and jt is on top of laicee pinning her down and punching her with her other hand. laicee passes out.


jt what have you done omg im calling the cops.


your not calling anyone abby.

jt runs at abby now abby falls on the bottom step hitting her head, shes now bleeding. jt grabs the shoelace and gets ready to wrap it around her neck.


if you had left me alone when i asked none of this would have happened.


i didnt mean to JT i swear pleaze dont do this please.

jt goes for the lunge out of nowhere jake runs into jt. and holds her tight against his chest. jt starts to cry.


shhh jt its alright i got you, its jake im here to protect you.


im so sorry i didnt mean for it to get this bad i was just so miserable and everything got out of hand and they wouldnt leave me alone, they kept telling me that i couldnt leave and i felt trapped.


calm down jt nothings going to harm you im right here you dont have to listen to them anymore. its ok its ok.

jt doesnt want to move they are still in the grass and jt is still sobbing while jake whistpers its ok its over repitedly. jake is too busy taking care of jt to notice laicee get up. she takes out a knife and walks towards them slowly. she gets close to JT and Jake. jake sees laicee raise the knife at JT's exposed side he moves jt over and raises his arm up. the knife goes into his arm and he gasps in pain.


jake! jake! are you alright?

jake doesnt answer he gets up and pulls the knife out going towards laicee. he uses some karate moves and ties her up with the shoelace that was sitting on the ground still. abby is in shock so he just has her sit on the step still. she is still bleeding.

jake calls the cops and the girls all get arrested.

jt(in cuffs)

jake im sorry it had to be like this.


its ok im sure they are going to find you inoccent.


but i killed people.


i doubt that jt who made you belive that.


jordyn said that you never came back and that they made me kill people.


if i have never been there for you in the first place how would i know to find you now.


how did you find me tonight?


easy i got a text saying that you were sorry and to meet you here. i thought that u wanted me here for a reason.


im kinda glad my phone messes up now.


hahah ya well i gotta talk to the police and ill post bail as soon as i can i have some good news for you but i dont want you like this when i tell you.


ok love you Jake.


i love you too jt i always have.

jt gets into the car and gets driven off.

montage jt gets out of jail and so does laicee and abby.

ext. restaurant

jake picks up JT and takes her to eat. they are sitting eating when a man in army uniform walks up behind JT.


jt remember when i told you that i have something important to tell you that night/




well i dont think im the person to tell you.


im the one who should tell you.

jt hasnt seen her dad in years but she knows that its him. she starts to cry and runs into his arms


its ok Jamie everything is going to be fine.


where have you been dad?


its along story that ill tell you when we get home.




yeah i bought a house nearby. we can stop by your apartment and pick up anything you might need.

they leave and montage starts summer passes quickly and jake turns 18 and decides to stay with her. school starts again.


jake and jt are sitting in the car before school.


you going to be ok jamie?


ya i think so.


i found this notebook when we went through your appartment. i think you should finish it.


i have time.

jamie starts to write in the note book finishing the story.


dear notebook i lied last time that wont be the last entry and neither will this one be the last. my life wasnt at its end before and neither was laicee or abbys. turns out jake was here for me after all and everything is going to be alright. im going back to school today. and this time it will be diffrent. because no longer will the other side of life affect anyone. it is over and all of them have gotten help. the other side was an experement by immature girls who wanted to know what control would be like and in the end it almost cost all of us our lives. i gotta go to class and see all the teachers now catch you later...Jamie. not JT

jt gets out of the car and walks onto campus, laciee and abby are standing together near by. they give her a smile and not. everything is fine.

Inside JT’s house-late afternoon

a girl is at a desk she has short dark brown hair that is tangled up. she is wearing torn black skin tight jeans a holey purple t shirt she has unlaced boots on that go to her knees. she has pale white skin and bright green eyes.

JT writing:

Today will be the first and last day I will write in this journal. This past year has been a gift and a curse to me. I have changed so much that I fear that I can never be the same again. The thing is this is all about my sisters, Abby and Debbi. We were best friends we did everything together and they showed me the popular side of school. Yet they held a dark secret and because of this, they have caused me to take drastic measures. Even though they were my best friends, I had to kill them and within these pages, you will find out why.

New School: morning

JT enters a new school. Her clothes are worn and she gets stares from the students. she wears old torn up jeans and a plain black t shirt her hair is long and dark brown, and in tangles she smells because she hasn't showered in a while.


You are the new student right?


Yes, I just moved here from out of town


Well I'm Abby and if you need any help, I'm here for you It looks like we have first period together.


Yeah that sounds good...

abby is not discouraged by JT's silence and continues to chatter while they walk to class.

In the class room august

they walk into the class room the school is brand new and everyone who goes to the school is very wealthy.


So how long have you been going here?


I've gone to school in this area since middle school. How about you? Where did you move from?


Well ever since my dad died, I move around a lot this is the second new school that I have been to in the past few
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