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her mother and throws a bottle at her.


well this is goodbye jt i don't know when ill be back i think distance might be good for us anyways.


I'm going to miss you

not being able to bear seeing jt in pain Jake walks out and gets into his car driving back home


this is all your fault i just lost my one and only friend because of you.

she runs out of the house and goes to the school hoping that she can find someone to talk to. she no longer cares about anything. she gets to the school and forgets that its Monday. she shes a kid working at the school store.

ext. school store


hey jt want something to drink?


no I'm just here to chill for a bit.


okay well do you need a job? we are a little short staffed and the owners wanted to hire someone.


well i do need a job, hows the pay


its pretty good its minimum wage. but it looks good for future jobs


well how do i apply?


consider yourself hired just show up in the morning before school starts about seven to work. did i mention the people who opened up the campus store are my parents?


haha no but i bet that helps with getting jobs ill make sure to be here right on time

jt leaves and goes home in a good mood.


did you get anything while you were out?


yeah i got something you never can have: a job. see you later I'm going to bed i have WORK in the morning.

jt goes to bed and wakes up early in the morning, she showers and looks nice.


hi I'm the new girl, I'm supposed to start work today.


that's right, my son told me about you.

she takes JT into the back room and shows her where the supplies are, the room is very clean and tidy with everything labeled where its supposed to go.

jt gets fired and gets back on drugs

montage JT works hard and is supporting herself as she works in the shop you can see the weather go from rainy march to sunny may she is doing well


JT I'm sorry but we are shutting down the business we are just not making enough. the economy hit the school hard and we cant pay for things anymore.


i understand it was good working for you.

JT is devastated by the loss of her job she passes her old dealer in the street. he notices that she is looking at him


heyy JT you wanna buy sum thin i got what eva you need.


yea i want just a small bag ya know like 10 pills of speed its been a few months but hey why not just get some more.

JT goes home and goes into her room it is spotless for once and she just doesn't care anymore she throws her work uniform on the floor and goes into the living room her mother is no where to be found. she goes to the phone and calls up abby.


abby I'm so sorry for the way i have been acting. i know that you are my sisters and i shouldn't have left you and laciee. i couldn't help it.


I'm glad you called i have missed you so much. all of us have. hey did you hear about Alex?


no Alex was the quiet one right?


ya well a few weeks ago we were doing the usual rituals and stuff and he thought he hear something.




well he took a gun outside and thought he saw someone running towards him so he pulled the trigger turns out it was Kevin he had snuck out of his house and was coming to meet us.


Kevin is dead?


yeah and now Alex is in prison, he got an easy sentence though because he told the police about us.


what happened?


well the cops came and asked about.

a bang is heard from abbys side of the line.


is everything alright abby.


i gotta go ill see you at school tomorrow then we can talk...

jt worries about her friend and decides to go to the school to check out the hideout.

ext. school at the hide out

jt walks up to the school there is caution tape on the door on the room they used to hide in. some of the school is still going for after school classes so jt quietly walks into the room.

int. hideout.

Laicee is sitting in the middle of the room crying.


hey lace.

jt goes and sits down next to her.


hey Jamie.


are you alright?


he died because of me if i hadn't started all of this he wouldn't have died.


its not your fault none of us could have known that Alex would pull the trigger.


did you know we were in love, Kevin and i?


no but i figured i mean you were at his house all the time.


yeah we stopped talking a while back. and now i feel bad for not making things better with him.


why did you stop talking?


because i had gotten prego and he was all excited that he was going to be a dad and because i was always drinking i lost the baby.


why would you ever be stupid like that.


don't even judge me JT your the one who was found with Jake.


how did you find out about that?


nothing is kept a secret here you should know that.


you haven't changed a bit have you?

jt gets up and leaves laicee on the floor.

int. class room morning.

the next morning jt gets up and ready for school. she has class with laicee in the morning.


jt I'm sorry for yesterday.


don't be sorry just stop talking to me.


i cant help it you are my sister I'm not going to walk off on you like you do to everyone else.


i left because i didn't want to be part of this anymore cant you see it was ruining my life.

even though the girls are in class they start to yell.


all you want is a pity party. its like omg my dad died poor me i hate my life my moms a druggie and a drunk.


at least I'm not like you,

( imitating laicee)

my life is soo miserable and my dad beats my mom. and i slept with one of my friends and got knocked up. and i can read everybody's mind because I'm special. stop the crap laicee!


you are the one with drama you stop.

jt gets up and pushes laicee out the door. the kids in class are excited and go to see if there is going to be a fight.


cant you just get over yourself?


there's nothing to get over you are just a hater because you cant do all the stuff i can do.


if i was a hater i would try to be like you and trust me i would rather die than be as pitiful as you are.


than do something about it!

mad jt and abby start to fight kids surround them and make it hard for the teachers to get through. laicee is bleeding from her lip and jt has a black eye. jt tackles laicee to the ground and is pounding her. a teacher gets through finally and tries to pull off JT. jt wont move shes too busy fighting. laicee starts to feint. realizing what she is doing JT stops and allows the teachers to pull her off.

int. deans office.


why did you do that JT?


things have just gotten out of control i mean she always is beating on me and just trash talking me behind my back.


i think that you shouldn't go here anymore.


wait. what? i cant move schools not now anyways.


it seems to me that you are failing classes anyways. all your grades have been in the gutter. true you tried to turn things around for a bit but then your grades fell again.


i cant help that everything had gone down the drain. i cant help that my mother is an alcoholic. i cant but I'm trying.


fine ill give you one more try if you mess up again I'm going to have to send you somewhere else. I'm giving you a 3 day suspension right now.

jt feels bad and walks out of the office knowing that things are going to be different. she sees all of her "family" waiting outside all looking the same with hostile looks on their faces. she hangs her head and walks off the campus because her mom cant pick her up. she walks out to the school parking lot. her family follows her.

ext. school parking lot.

in the parking lot there is a group of people waiting for her she hadn't realized that so many people had joined the group. she only recognizes jordyn in the group all of the other faces are new and unfamiliar.


hey jordyn whats up who are all these people?


you know what you did JT. you messed up the family how could you hit your sister.


shes not my sister and none of you are my family. i don't even know half of you and the ones i know i just know them from sight.


you made a pact jt you promised to protect us at all costs.


but there is no family don't you understand. its a cult they are forcing you to believe in things that aren't really there.


no you are the one who doesn't see whats going on we have been telling you for weeks.


nothing has been happening i haven't even been here a lot honestly i don't know what everyone is talking about.


you don't remember coming down here at night. escaping from your house? you don't remember bringing the gun that killed Kevin.


i didn't do any of those things.


then you must not remember going along with lace and abby late at night killing all of those people.


what are you talking about i didn't kill anyone. Ive been with Jake.


jt i think you have gone mad. Jake was never here. you have been
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