» Performing Arts » Eclipse: The Play, Adapted By: Elena Two [ebook reader library .txt] 📗

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notices Edward is following her.)
Charlie: Bella?
Bella: Hey, Dad.
Charlie: So how was your day?
Bella: Good. They didn’t need me at work, so I went down to La Push.
Charlie: How’s Jacob?
Bella: Good.
Charlie: That’s nice.
Bella: I’m going to study.
Charlie: See you later.
(Edward in Bella’s room)
Bella: Hi. Er…so, I’m still alive. No harm done.
Edward: Bella. Do you have any idea how close I came to crossing the line today? To breaking the treaty and coming after you? Do you know what that would have meant?
Bella: You can’t! Edward, they’d use any excuse for a fight. They’d love that. You can’t ever break the rules!
Edward: Maybe they aren’t the only ones who would enjoy a fight.
Bella: Don’t you start. You made the treaty, you stick to it.
Edward: If he’d hurt you…
Bella: Enough! There’s nothing to worry about. Jacob isn’t dangerous.
Edward: Bella. You aren’t exactly the best judge of what is or isn’t dangerous.
Bella: I know I don’t have to worry about Jake. And neither do you. I’m sorry I made you anxious.
Edward: Anxious is a bit of an understatement. It’s been a very long day.
Bella: You weren’t supposed to know about it. I thought you’d be hunting longer.
Edward: When Alice saw you disappear, I came back.
Bella: You shouldn’t have done that. Now you’ll have to go away again.
Edward: I can wait.
Bella: That’s ridiculous. I mean, I know she couldn’t see me with Jacob, but you should have known…
Edward: But I didn’t. And you can’t expect me to let you…
Bella: Oh, yes I can. That’s exactly what I expect…
Edward: This won’t happen again.
Bella: That’s right! Because you’re not going to overreact next time.
Edward: Because there isn’t going to be a next time.
Bella: I understand when you have to leave, even if I don’t like it…
Edward: That’s not the same. I’m not risking my life.
Bella: Neither am I.
Edward: Werewolves constitute a risk.
Bella: I disagree.
Edward: I’m not negotiating this, Bella.
Bella: Neither am I. Is this really just about my safety?
Edward: What do you mean?
Bella: You aren’t… I mean, you know better than to be jealous, right?
Edward: Do I?
Bella: Be serious.
Edward: Easily… there’s nothing remotely humorous about this. Bella…
Bella: What now?
Edward: Well…don’t be offended, but you smell like a dog.
Scene 12
Bella: Hey, Alice. Where’s your brother?
Alice: (Humming)
Bella: What’s going on? Where is Edward?
Alice: They left early.
Bella: Oh.
Alice: All the boys went, and we’re having a slumber party!
Bella: A slumber party?
Alice: Aren’t you excited?
Bella: You’re kidnapping me, aren’t you?
Alice: Till Saturday. Esme cleared it with Charlie; you’re staying with me two nights, and I will drive you to and from school tomorrow. Sorry, he paid me off.
Bella: How?
Alice: The Porsche. It’s exactly like the one I stole in Italy. I’m not supposed to drive it around Forks, but if you want, we could see how long it takes to get from here to L.A. I bet I could have you back by midnight.
Bella: I think I’ll pass.
Alice: Pretty, isn’t it?
Bella: Pretty over-the-top. He gave you that just for two days of holding me hostage? It’s for every time he’s gone, isn’t it? Alice, don’t you think this is just a little bit controlling? Just a tiny bit psychotic, maybe?
Alice: Not really. You don’t seem to grasp how dangerous a young werewolf can be. Especially when I can’t see them. Edward has no way to know if you’re safe. You shouldn’t be so reckless.
Bella: Where am I supposed to sleep? Can’t you just keep me under surveillance at my house?
Alice: What kind of slumber party would that be? You’re sleeping in Edward’s room. I don’t think he’ll have his phone on him.
Bella: I’ll leave a message. You are in trouble. Enormous trouble. Angry grizzly bears are going to look tame next to what it waiting for you at home. I’m done.
Alice: This hostage stuff is fun.
Bella: What the hell is all this?
Scene 13
Alice: I haven’t even gotten a chance to drive it.
Bella: Sorry.
(Bella goes to sleep)
Edward: Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. Aren’t you tired? I should let you sleep.
(kiss and it kind of gets out of hand)
Bella: No, I’m not. I don’t mind if you want to give me the wrong impression again.
Edward: That’s probably a bad idea. Good-night, Bella. Hmm. You’re quite adorable when you’re jealous. It’s surprisingly enjoyable. It’s late. Sleep, Bella.

Scene 14
Charlie: Did you have fun?
Bella: Yeah. Dad did you start the wash?
Charlie: No. Did you want me to?
Bella: No. I got it. Were you looking for something in my room?
Charlie: No. Why?
Bella: I can’t find a shirt.
Charlie: I haven’t been in there. Did you find what you were looking for?
Bella: Not yet.
Charlie: Door.
Bella: Don’t strain yourself dad. Edward? What…?
Edward: Give me two seconds. Don’t move. Someone’s been here.
Bella: I swear that no werewolves…
Edward: Not one of them. One of us.
Bella: Victoria.
Edward: It’s not a scent I recognize.
Bella: One of the Volturi.
Edward: Probably.
Bella: When?
Edward: That’s why I think it must have been them…it wasn’t long ago, early this morning while Charlie was sleeping. And whoever it was didn’t touch him, so there must have been another purpose.
Bella: Looking for me.
Charlie: What are you two hissing about in here? If you two are having a fight…well, don’t let me interrupt.
Edward: Let’s go.
Bella: But Charlie!
Edward: Emmett and Jasper are on their way. They’ll sweep the woods. Charlie is fine.
Bella: Where are we going?
Edward: We’re going to talk to Alice.
Bella: You think maybe she saw something?
Edward: Maybe.
Scene 15
Edward: What happened?
Alice: I have no idea. I didn’t see anything.
Edward: How is that possible?
Bella: Edward.
Edward: He was I her room, Alice. He could have still been there, waiting for her.
Alice: I would have seen that.
Edward: Really? You’re sure?
Alice: She was never in any danger. There was nothing to see.
Edward: If you’re watching Italy, why didn’t you see them send…
Alice: I don’t think it’s them. I would have seen that.
Edward: Who else would leave Charlie alive?
Alice: I don’t know.
Edward: Helpful.
Bella: Stop it, Edward.
Edward: You’re right, Bella. I’m sorry. Forgive me, Alice. I shouldn’t be taking this out on you. That was inexcusable.
Alice: I understand. I’m not happy about it, either.
Edward: Okay, let’s look at this logically. What are the possibilities?
Carlisle: Victoria?
Edward: No. I didn’t know the scent. He might have been from the Volturi, someone I’ve never met…
Alice: Aro hasn’t asked anyone to look for her yet. I will see that. I’m waiting for it.
Edward: You’re watching for an official command.
Alice: You think someone’s acting on their own? Why?
Edward: Caius’s idea.
Alice: Or Jane’s…They both have the resources to send an unfamiliar face…
Edward: And the motivation.
Esme: It doesn’t make sense, though. If whoever it was meant to wait for Bella, Alice would have seen that. He or she had no intention of hurting Bella. Or Charlie, for that matter. It’s going to be fine, Bella.
Carlisle: But what was the point then?
Bella: Checking to see if I’m still human?
Carlisle: Possible.
Emmett: Long gone, hours ago. The trail went East, then South, and disappeared on a side road. Had a car waiting.
Edward: That’s bad luck. If he’d gone west…well, it would be nice for those dogs to make themselves useful.
Jasper: Neither of us recognized him. But here.
Carlisle: No. Not familiar. No one I’ve ever met.
Esme: Perhaps we’re looking at this the wrong way. Maybe it’s a coincidence…I don’t mean a coincidence that a stranger happened to pick Bella’s house to visit at random. I meant that maybe someone was just curious. Our scent is all around her. Was he wondering what draws us there?
Emmett: Why wouldn’t he just come here then? If he was curious?
Esme: You would. The rest of us aren’t always so direct. Our family is very large…he or she might be frightened. But Charlie wasn’t harmed. This doesn’t have to be an enemy.
Alice: I don’t think so. The timing of it was too perfect… This visitor was so careful to make no contact. Almost like he or she knew what I would see…
Esme: He could have other reasons for not making contact.
Bella: Does it really matter who it was? Just the chance that someone was looking for me…isn’t that reason enough? We shouldn’t wait for graduation.
Edward: No, Bella. It’s not that bad. If you’re really in danger, we’ll know.
Carlisle: Think of Charlie. Think of how it would hurt him if you disappeared.
Bella: I am thinking of Charlie! He’s the one I’m worried about! What if my little guest had happened to be thirsty last night? As long as I’m around Charlie, he’s a target, too. If anything happened to him, it would be my whole fault!
Esme: Hardly, Bella. And nothing will happen to Charlie. We’re just going to have to be more careful.
Bella: More careful?
Alice: It’s all going to be fine, Bella.
Edward: You won’t be alone for a second. Someone will always be there. Emmett, Alice, Jasper…
Bella: This is ridiculous. They’ll get so bored; they’ll have to kill me themselves, just for something to do.
Edward: Hilarious, Bella.
Charlie: Jacob called again.
Bella: Is that a fact?
Charlie: Don’t be pretty, Bella. He sounded really low.
Bella: Is Jacob paying you for all the P.R., or are you a volunteer.
Scene 16
Edward: I got your mail.
Bella: Anything good?
Edward: I think so.
Bella: Dartmouth? Is this a joke?
Edward: I’m sure it’s an acceptance. It looks exactly like mine.
Bella: Good grief, Edward. What did you do?
Edward: I sent in your application, that’s all.
Bella: I may not be Dartmouth material, but I’m not stupid enough to believe that.
Edward: Dartmouth seems to think that you’re Dartmouth material.
Bella: That’s very generous of them. However, accepted or not, there is still the minor matter of tuition. I can’t afford it. And I’m not letting you throw away enough money to buy yourself another sports car just so that I can pretend to go to Dartmouth next year.
Edward: I don’t need another sports car. And you don’t have to pretend anything. One year of college wouldn’t kill you. Maybe you’d even like it. Just think about it, Bella. Imagine how excited Charlie and Renee would be…
Bella: Edward, I’m worried about living through graduation, let alone this summer or next fall.
Edward: No one is going to hurt you. You have all the time in the world.
Bella: I’m mailing the contents of my back account to Alaska tomorrow. This reminds me, could you ask Alice what she did with my stuff when she cleaned my room? I can’t find it anywhere!
Edward: Alice cleaned your room?
Bella: Yeah.
Edward: When did you notice your things were missing?
Bella: When I got back from the party. Why?
Edward: I don’t think Alice took anything. The things that were taken, these things you’d worn, and touched, and slept on?
Bella: Yes. What is it, Edward?
Edward: Things with your scent.
Bella: Oh! My visitor.
Edward: He was gathering traces, evidence. To prove that he’d found you.
Bella: Why?
Edward: I don’t know. But, Bella, I swear I will find out. I will.
Bella: I know you will.
Edward: Where’s the paper?
Bella: Why?
Edward: I need to see something. Did Charlie already throw it out?
Bella: Maybe.
Edward: Carlisle’s right…yes…very sloppy. Young and crazed? Or
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