» Pets » life of a horse, kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee [classic romance novels TXT] 📗

Book online «life of a horse, kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee [classic romance novels TXT] 📗». Author kindy mined, caley paters, paterson lalaburty, mycayla lee

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once opon a time there was a horse,

The sky was clouded, an incoming storm. Yellow lightning lit up the frightening black clouds, pushing and swirling, brewing up chaos. Thunder rumbled like a viscous beast, hungry for fear. A band of wild horses anxiously looked around at their surroundings, nostrils flaring, ears rotating in every direction. They stomped their hooves, tossed their heads, and flicked their tails. A mare even reared because of sensing danger. She neighed and screamed, stamping her hooves. The black clouds chased the horses as they bolted down hills, across a flooding creek, and around rocking mountains. The rain finally came. It came down in sheets. Pure white, almost impossible to see. Horses neighed and reared, and circled and kicked. The foals were tossed around trying to find their moms, mares froze in fright, the stallion dashed and kicked. A crack of lightning split the sky, right in the middle of the Wyoming band of horses. They bolted each way, mares losing foals, foals losing mares, the stallion losing all. The poor stallion bolted to what he thought was his band. But he was only chasing thunder. The stallion ran for as long as he could before he collapsed, lying in the cold rain soaking wet. He was bound to get sick. He neighed and whinnied for help, but no one replied. After a few more minutes, two bright lights and the sound of an old engine cluttering appeared. The stallion tried his best to get up, but it was no use. Then two slamming noises came from the lights, and a voice was heard. "Hey Carter, I've found one. He looks wounded or somethin' like that." "Great. Get it into the trailer, and we can head back to the 'house." They were definitely men. And they were up to no good.


September 12 2015, Lexington Kentucky, 3:54pm.Me and my Dad climbed out of our muddy Holden Colorado and ambled over to Seth Quincey's old mossy wooden house. My father knocked his hairy knuckles on Seth's door and he and I waited for an answer. A few minutes later a hunched over old man in a floppy brown leather hat appeared behind the fly screened door. "What ya want?" He questioned us in his scratchy old voice. He opened the nearly broken door and looked at my Dad puzzled."We're here for the two horses for sale," my father said a little to loudly."Oh! Come with me then." He grumbled.Seth hobbled over to a run down barn just opposite his house. He opened the creaky stable doors and walked into the darkness. My Dad and I soon followed him in after sharing a nervous look. "Here they are," said Seth. "Don't know why you would want them Ken, there as useless as dirt. The female has a bit of a temper and the male has no heart for racing. I'll give them to you for $5000 each. How about that!?"The two horses were in the worst condition possible. The female was a Cremello thoroughbred and the male was a chestnut. Both of their manes and tails had been matted so much that I looked as if it had started to matte their coats as well. Their coats looked as if they hadn't brushed or clipped in years. They also smelt of their own manure. Ticks covered their muddy body's and their hooves were a whole other story.My face showed only one emotion: horror. "That's perfect!" My father said a little too embarrassed to negotiate with him.


"I'll take them now if that's okay with you?" "Be my pleasure." Seth smiled for once. "I don't have room for useless pieces of meat to sit around and do nothing." I stood there with my hands in my pocket looking at the cobwebbed roof. I had been so bored. At the time I had no interests in horses but that was all about to change.Everyone told me that I was in over my head or that I was crazy. But they were wrong. I sat in the truck with my sister, my mom, and my dad, which pulled a horse trailer. The horse inside of it was an Arabian gelding named Walter. He was one of the sweetest horses you could think of, and he was all mine. The car slid to the right side of the rode, hitting another car in the process. The trailer came loose, falling down a hill until it hit a tree. I screamed as we made contact with another car and everything went black. I awoke in a blue hospital bed, with a few nurses checking over me. No family. Weird. I sat up, but the nurses wouldn't look at me. "They died, didn't they?" I swallowed hard. They all nodded and helped me out of bed, so I could get ready to leave. Later on at the front desk, Uncle Joe sat in a black Ford truck, picking through radio stations. When he saw me, he unlocked the car and said, "Get in, Alyssa." I couldn't look at him when he was being rude, so I just asked, "Is Walter okay?" And I slid into the seat.Joe nodded and we headed for his ranch.  A beautiful chestnut mare bucked and kicked in the pasture. Clouds shaped themselves in the sky. "Oh, come on girl! There going to put you down soon if you won't let us train you," Iris moaned. The mare snorted her disapproval. Iris watched her run around the pasture.The mare showed no fear. "You still can't get her to come to you?" Penny asked, leading Macho. "Nope! She won't listen to me," Iris said. Macho tossed his head in fright. "What's the matter, boy?" Penny asked. Macho reared, Penny lost her grip on the lead rope. He went flying off, almost trampling Penny. "Are you alright?!" Iris asked. "I'm fine. Go get Macho!" Iris looked around, she saw a horse tethered nearby. A boy was walking toward the horse with a saddle. Iris ran over and hopped onto the horse. " Sorry! I'm just burrowing him," Iris apologized. She galloped off trailing behind Macho. Iris held onto the horse. She didn't have a saddle to balance herself in. Macho was two horses ahead of them. He could trip over that lead rope and hurt himself, Iris thought. Iris felt the horse quicken his pace. In no time, Iris was side by side Macho. Iris reached out for the lead rope, she felt herself sliding off. She straightened herself and tried again. Iris grabbed the lead rope and felt herself almost being jerked off. "Easy boy!" Iris called to Macho. Macho slowed his pace and walked. Iris slowed the horse she was riding and trotted back to the stable, Macho following. Penny was with Iris's parents, talking. "Iris! Are you alright?" Iris' mother asked.


"I'm fine, help me check Macho," Iris replied. "I'll go take Sun Rise back to Baron", Penny offered, grabbing Sun Rise's reins. Iris checked Macho's hooves and legs for any scratches, cuts, or wounds. " That was dangerous, you could have hurt yourself", Iris' father snapped."I know, but I brought back Macho," Iris protested. Iris' father led Macho to his Stall. Iris turned her attention to the chestnut mare. "Mom, do you think this mare frightened Macho?" Iris questioned. "How could she, she is in a pasture. And plus, she is not even scary," Iris' mother laughed. Iris stared at the mare. Her eyes shone, showing fire and hatred. This mare had a fiery spirit, yet, a very dangerous path. Was this horse ever going to start trusting Iris?  I made my decision and went for the white gray stallion instead of the gray mare. We lived in a small mine village with around hundred houses. The head of the security company already had two horses, Dante and Chika, at the end of the village about thirty houses from us. It was a Tuesday afternoon when Uncle Marb called my mom and said he was bringing my Stallion. He wanted to keep it a secret, but my mother couldn't keep the excitement from me. I quickly changed into my riding jeans, the ones with the torn knee which I got from falling, even though I knew I wasn't going to ride him today. The 2 guys unload him from the horsebox and I could tell he was happy to be out. He pulled on the halter and wasn't easy to handle, when he saw the other horses he wanted to run to them and pulled hard on the halter. Uncle Marb was talking about cleaning briddles and the horses he had on the farm. I usually enjoyed talking and learning new things about horses but all I did was stare at the beautiful horse that was now mine. "Are you happy now, my dear?" My mom asked me. I wanted to scream, throw myself on the ground and roll in the dust but all I said was: "Yes! Oh thank you mom! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"There was a smile on her face but when she looked at the stallion there was a bit of doubt a across her face. The head of security, Mr Taylor, was talking to Uncle Marb about his old days and the horses he had that had champion blood lines. My Stepbrother took photos of my Stallion for me.


 On Monday morning my throat felt like it had a hair ball in it. Then I failed math I tried my very best, but of course it wasn't good enough. In my mind I broke my pencil and threw it all the way across the room. Later I fell asleep during Geography, found out that the new P.E. Teacher was a nightmare, threw up in lunch because of the mystery meat, and was one point away from failing Science. The only subjects I liked were History and Writing.After school I whipped out my iPhone and quickly punched in the number of my mom's cell phone. When she didn't answer I left a voice mail that sound like this:"Um mom I'll be back for dinner around six. I won't be to um... answer my phone till I come back. Uh... g-good bye I-I-I guess." Okay so sometimes I stutter... okay a lot. I rode my bike as fast as I could to North Houston Horse Park. I smiled when Caterpillar ( the oldest pony) nickered. I hopped off my bike and winked at Quincy one of the sweetest ponies ever. For the first time in for ever I laughed. I laughed at all the horses that I hadn't cared to look at on Saturday. My mom was right, I missed all my old horse pals. I had been prideful, selfish, and stubborn. I didn't visit Studded with Silver ( the horse before Shooting Star). Then I remembered why I had come. I dashed to the stable. When the palomino filly wasn't there. I slowly walked up to my old friend Lindy. "Ummmm... w-w-where i-is new filly g-g-gone?" Then I realized that I didn't used to stutter. "OMGOODNESS! Girl where have you been!!!!!!!!!!!" Lindy cried as she squeezed the living day lights out of me. "Uh hi." Then I blinked back tears. Lindy still liked me! "I believe the palomino racing horse is with the vet. He's checking out her cannon bone." I dashed over to the vet. "Will she be alright?" I said without stuttering. "I'm sure as Shootin' that with the right time and care she'll be just fine."


"Horses can be superstars even if they're not Olympic standard," I said, walking to isle 1."How about you pick, I check after. I'm going to find your Mother," he said, walking off.I smiled and carried on walking down the isle.I couldn't find any horses that I liked. These all just

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