» Pets » Terra's Adventure, Bravestar ("Luna") [good non fiction books to read txt] 📗

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her alone!" He sniffed her again. "Hey, I know you! Thistlerose! You get away from my mate and her brother!"

"Robin, you stay out of this too," Thistlerose hissed, unsheathing her claws.

Terra growled. "I don't know if you know this, Thistlerose, but your mate died when he threatened my other sister and her Clan!"

"So you admit it! You killed Sol!" Thistlerose started pacing in a circle around Terra, her eyes locked on his accusingly.

"No! I-I mean, yes, I mean...I didn't mean to! It was an accident!" Terra started backing away and crouching in fear. "He...he was threatening my Clan! I didn't want to..."

"But you did!" she hissed. "And now my kits have no father, and my nest is empty at night except for those little balls of fur." She stuck her muzzle close to Terra's face. "You have no idea how lonely it is. How would you feel if someone killed your mate?"

Terra glared back at her. "If Sol didn't threaten to, we wouldn't be having this conversation," he hissed.

Thistlerose growled. She backed up a few steps, then lunged forward at Terra, pinning him to the ground with such power, he would never be able to throw her off.

"Get off of him!" Robin leapt forward, knocking Thistlerose to the ground. He unsheathed his claws and raised his paw, preparing to scratch her on the face. "Leave us alone!" He was about to hit her, but hesitated.

Thistlerose laughed and struggled out from under his weight. "You were always too kind, hon," she said with fake adoration in her voice. She lunged for him and bit into his neck, leaving deep teeth-marks. She looked around challengingly at Terra and Aqua, who were in shock. "You two are next. But not today. I don't know when I'll kill you." She looked at Aqua, "But Terra, I'm going to make you watch them all die. So maybe you will feel my pain. She

already does." With that, she disappeared into the forest again.

Aqua shook her head and leapt over to Robin's side. "Robin...Robin!" she cried. "Robin, you're gonna be okay, right?"

Robin shook his head weakly as more blood spilled out of his neck wound. "Aqua, my dear...don't hold this against her. I would have done the same thing if anyone did something to you..."

Aqua shook her head. "No! Why did you hesitate to slice her face? Why didn't you just kill her?"

Robin's dark-amber eyes were starting to become dull. He looked at Aqua one last time and said weakly, "She..she was my ex-mate." The light faded altogether from his eyes, and he became limp.


" Aqua let out a wail so hearbreaking, Terra's heart felt almost as torn-up as Aqua's must be. Not to mention the guilt that came with the realization that, had he not killed Sol, Thistlerose would not have done this, and Robin had attacked her to save Terra.

Terra sat down next to Aqua sadly and stared at Robin's body. "It's all my's all my fault..." he murmured over and over. They both sat by Robin's body all night, mourning, until both eventually fell into a nightmarish, restless sleep.



Text: For now, the only characters this part is about will be mine...but soon, I'll be adding Silver's and Darkpaw's characters and their actions, thoughts, dialogue, ect., so those are not mine! Cover picture: Panther by ~Brayla (deviantART)
Publication Date: 06-09-2010

All Rights Reserved

To my friends on AshClan... ~darkclaw~ and silver eclipse!

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