» Pets » secrets on training your cat at home, john richards [romantic novels in english TXT] 📗

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Changing Cats Litter

Purchase a brand new litter tray you can use a large plastic storage container like better aware or tub aware and place the new litter in the brand new tray. then remember to put the new box along side the old one .

When the cat begins to use the new litter tray that you have put down. You can begin to switch the trays around. If you see that the cat starts to use the new one once or twice but uses the old one more frequently do not change the litter over! your cat may not want to use it.

If you hear what other folk think whats best to do with changing your cats litter but personally i think its a bad move.

They will say to lightly mix the litter from the old one to the new one until its complete but cats are very intelligent creatures and they are not stupid.

Here's why that is a very bad move:

If the cat wont like the new litter, they may accept it at first having a little bit of it in their litter tray, when its reached half and half with the other litter, the cat will just refuse to use the litter tray – and when this happens and there are no other way to do their business you be left with cleaning the carpet.

If the old litter is the same or similar to the new one the idea may work however, it could be a simple thing as a hit and miss method, the cat might not care and just starts using the new one but if you get it so wrong, then the cat won't be using any litter tray and just use the floor as there won't be an alternative.

What I would recommend you mix the new and old one together in stages until Its all transferred over rather than change to a new one, until you are happy that the cat will start using the new litter.

The simple reason for this is that the cat wont like a change of litter one bit even when it was placed next to the old one as cats are so fussy but mixing it in stages may not put the cat off so much than a new litter.

Another thing to consider is if you have been using bin liners over the tray under the Litter get rid of them as cats wont like them as claws can get stuck when they start to dig and they make a noise also.

Also liners for the litter tray will actually make the litter tray smell even worse when You get little puddles of urine will end up in the creases of the liner.
Chapter 6 Stopping Cats From Peeing & Pooping On The Carpet

Are you at your wits end trying to stop your cat doing its business outside of the litter tray frustrated but nothing you do seems to be working?

Is your cat doing things to annoy you misbehaving for attention or trying to get back at you have you done something that has annoyed your cat or is it doing it out of Spite?

Finding the solution to the litter tray problem can be very tough indeed, if you were given the correct lessons you would be able to solve your cat's inappropriate litter problem, instead of being at war with you cat you can have fun with your pet again.

That’s not all, you will have peace of mind knowing if the problem appears again you will have the solution to deal with it.

The best thing is that although you may feel like your cat is behaving out of spite
towards you".

Very sensitive creatures cats are, even more so when it comes to where they decide to deposit, out In the wild, cats will always conceal their scent from predators.

Chapter 7 Solving Cats Litter Tray Antics

1) The very first step you must do is remembering how it started, with this you will be able to take the right steps toward to solving it. This is the hardest part, it takes a slight bit of detective work, but you will know what you are look for.

Before you think of doing anything else, take your cat to visit the vet and rule out any problems like UTI Urinary Tract Infection. this is the no1 cause of litter tray avoidance problems.

2) The next step to do is create an environment where the cat has only few appealing options for dirtying anywhere else other than the litter tray, this will restricting access to the areas where the cat has been pooping&peeing inappropriately.

3) The next step is finding that solution to what had caused the problem in the first place, if it had started because the cat was in stress, a number of things will have had to happen to calm the cats stress and make it feel safe doing its business in the litter tray.

Has there anything you can think of that has changed, that the cat wasn’t happy about In its life for it to behave in this manner.

As i mentioned earlier regarding a new purchase of a litter tray? moving the litter tray can put the cat under stress? have you just moved to a new home? have you changed your supplier of litter? has the cat got frightened while its been in the litter tray?

Have you also noticed this behavior starting when the cat was declawed or neutered? have you brought a new dog or cat into the household? have you recently had any children or have they ever bothered the cat while it is using the litter tray?
As you have learned cats can be very sensitive creatures and with any change in their routine or environment this can cause behavior like a litter tray problem like this.

During the past years I’ve seen a load of different situations that have caused cats not to use the litter tray like toddlers watching them while they're peeing, to having a painful bowel movement in the tray.

The cat may think its associating the pain they are getting is with the litter tray the cat may think the tray is causing the Pain, even moving to a new house, other surrounding cats can intimidating it, stress/anxiety, even having surgery at the Veterinary clinic.

You may be surprised to know but pooping outside the litter tray is quite common and can often happen when a cat has had maybe painful movements of the bowel,
and the cat may have had the pain while it was in the litter tray and may now
become afraid to use the litter tray to do its business.

Tracing back to the problem which can be commonly be one of the following three things.

1- Fear
2- Pain
3- Stress

Another thing you may consider, is the litter tray two small if so this can result in the cat poops just outside of the litter tray, this may happen so the cat will stand inside the litter box, but then their backside hangs over the edge getting an extra large tray or replacing it with a rubber maid under bed storage container may solves this problem.

The idea is to make the litter tray the most appealing option to the cat, and making other areas unappealing and restricting access to any area your cat has been Inappropriately peeing.

You may need to keep all clothes off the floor, close all closet doors, bedroom doors Shut, stopping the cat going on the counters, and the furniture, and making sure your Cat has very few options for doing its business anywhere other than the litter tray.

At one point you may have thought that something has caused your cat to think that the litter tray is not the most appealing or safest place to do its business in peace.

This may be a traumatic experience for your cat having some part of its environment suddenly change, another cat or small toddler that bothers or intimidates your cat can cause the most uninvited stress.

Solving the reason why the cat is behavior in this way. How it started is the most important thing you need to do toward solving it. Think back very carefully about Something that may have changed at the time, or near the time the cat started behaving this way.

Once you've pinpointed that, you will be able to take the necessary steps to solve the Problem a lot quicker.

Do these action steps

1) Block the access to anywhere the cat has been pooping & peeing inappropriately. also block access to the areas they might have done their business in the past.

My advice is making things as simple as best you can start to create an environment where the litter tray truly 100% an appealing option for your cat.

In other words, if your cat has been peeing on soft surfaces such as pillows, rugs, blankets towels, making sure the new environment you have chosen has no soft surfaces around for them to choose over the litter tray.

2) Make sure you really clean all areas that the cat has pooped or urinated with a very strong, effective cleaner and odor remover. It will be a good Idea to get a small black light so you can see every single area where the cat has been urinating.

3) Find out the reason why the cat started this behavior.

4) Put the proper steps in place to solve the problem.


Chapter 8 How To Deal With Cats That Spray

Several practical methods can be done here however as urine spray is a specific problem and not uncommon with cats, of this kind of behavior and warrants its entry in this book.

You will come across this kind of behavior mostly with an neutered young adult male cats,

Any cat can display it, this spraying behavior is shown when the cat backs up to a Straight surface with his tail up and relieves urine, the cat may then tread with his hind feet, and there's a tell tale wobbling of the tail cats will sometimes show this kind of behavior without Spraying any urine. the main purpose of the cat spraying his urine is to mark territory.

However, male cats that are neutered before they reach full maturity usually by the age of six or seven months are much less likely to start spraying, once an intact male cat begins spraying, the habit will be very tough to break and Even after he's not been neutered. Do not bank on successfully correcting urine spraying if the cat is not neutered.

Decrease the stress, with spraying it can sometimes be a cat's way of saying maybe there's too much going on. a very common cause of stress-induced spraying is having a multiple cat household.

It's not the reason that the cat doesn't like living with other cats, he may just be that he feels the territory in the household isn't big Enough to accommodate everybody's Personal space.

If you think spraying may
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