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the soldier's bedding. They don't have the free time you apparently do!"
"What?" She looked disappointed, but I honestly didn't have time to wait this out. Slipping away, I headed for the Priestess's den.
"Priestess?" I called into the den.
"Come in Mist Weaver."
I slipped into her den and saw a younger tom I'd seen a few times but not spoken too much. He nodded toward me. I noticed blood on the leaves, and smelled his pad's infection.
"You shouldn't let thorns get that bad." I told him, amused.
He licked his shoulder, embarrassed.
"As you can see, I'm preoccupied." Priestess meowed. "Is it your leg?"
"Yes. I twisted it."
She sighed. "I told White Fox not to allow a straight out brawl..."
"It was my fault, really..." I told her. "I tried to improvise a move I hadn't thought out or ever done."
She shook her head. "Try to perfect it a little, then, when you've healed. Until then, I recommend going easier on that leg. Now, is it swollen?"
I sniffed it and nodded. "I figured a little horsetail and..."
She looked at it a little closer. "That's defiantly twisted. I'd say horsetail and no more training for the next couple of days."
She gave me a look.
I hung my head. "Three days, right?"
"That's more like it. Now get me the marigold while you're in the storage."
I nodded. Going back, I picked up some marigold leaves after applying some horsetail to my knee and ankle. Then I put it at her paws and headed out.
"You better tell Singing Lark I said no straining your leg!"
"We're doing other stuff today."
"Good. And for the next three days."
"Yes, Priestess."
I headed for the tunnel and carefully jumped through. Singing Lark sniffed my knee.
"No poppy?"
"Common then."
"I'm not supposed to train for three days, though."
She nodded. "I thought it'd be something close. That's why we won't be training physically. You're going to learn about the Spirits and their laws."
"I know about the spirits...I heard them in stories all the time. And the laws,too."
She purred in amusement. "You know the beginning.

But there are other laws. And I've not seen you pray once. You have only given respect through the Priestess."
"Why don't you ever call her a name? Why only The Priestess?"
"That's one of our many laws, child. Now, come with me."
She bounded out of camp with ease. I gingerly followed her, making sure when I landed that I wasn't too obvious about favoring my pained leg. Still, the calico gave me a look.
"It's fine." I soothed. "I swear."
"We have a long way to the Sacred Tree. Maybe we should just stay in camp and talk..."
" expect me to sit there and stay awake while you ramble on and on about history, laws and spirits?"
She blinked. "You have a point..."
"Which way?" I sniffed the air.


Publication Date: 03-21-2011

All Rights Reserved

To my family, friends and Erin Hunter, who inspired me to keep on writing.

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