» Philosophy » Unrest Of A Nation, Patty DeGroff [tools of titans ebook TXT] 📗

Book online «Unrest Of A Nation, Patty DeGroff [tools of titans ebook TXT] 📗». Author Patty DeGroff

All through my life I have read about countries that failed in time.Every one lead by those who
through greed leaves the people who makes that country great behind.Depriving them of their God given right to live free and without bondage.Slavory from long past has been stopped that is slavory in those days but yet there is slavory still being in our presents daily.The companies from our own country moving to other countries where the labor is cheaper using others as slaves yet profiting beyond their wildest dreams from it.Our country lets those items come back into our country for sale even though they didn't have to follow the strick codes that are required here for our safety yet those profiting are depriving this country of taxes and the priveledge to sale in this country foreign goods as the people who live and work here have to pay every day.
Sad it is for if all the jobs that were outsourced to other countries were here in our country today wq=e wouldn't have a job shortage. Oh they say our people wouldn't take those jobs .Well at the price they are paying the foreign help no we wouldn't for slave labor has been abolished in this country.But pay a man a fair wage and he wont miss a day. The prices from that low wage labor hasn't changed in the high cost here so the wealthy just keeps getting wealthier and uncareing of their home country and its downfall.Many people from the gas prices going up lost their homes trying to get to work and back and couldn't keep up with their morgages after many lost their homes the price of gas went down again but the damage had already been done. Many ordinary citizens live on a budget one where many live from paycheck to paycheck but can make that paycheck stretch and often do without necesities in order to pay their bills.We are considered as the little people and aren't asked our opinion but are always expected to help pay with our tax dollars mistakes of those at the top.
I see a grime future for our country and many more families pushed out into the streets.People who helped build this country with their own blood sweat and tears through hard work and faith that what they were doing was for the good of the country. Today we are seeing the direction our country is headed and the people are beginning to be wide awake and as each family from this time on fails due to higher taxes and losses there will be a day we the people wont take it any more. We see our leaders vacationing while our chidlren go hungry and they no longer have a home.We see money given to other countries and for dinners making us feel left out and alone.I say bring all the outsourced jobs back home.All the factories build it right here with and by our own people and stop the slavory jobs abroad. Create everything here and let Made In The USA have meaning again and pride for the work we do. Stop the welfaire and get the people back to work .If they refuse to work then in order to get help they have to do job training while getting paid their welfare checks let them learn while they earn their own pay.
To get this country back on track stop building for right now we have more houses and buildings open from job loss and homes empty its time we get people in those homes instead of building more . Get people who knows how to build our roads the right way the first time instead of taking the lowest bid then having to redo them in a year.
End income tax and tax everything across the board this way those who have more and buy more will pay more and there aren't any loopholes. This would be the fairest way to get this country back on track and that way the money wouldnt be spent wrongly. People could take care of their own and everyone would have a chance to prosper that worked hard every day. And above all put an end to the drugs for it infects every city in this country from ages four to 80.Turning our citizens into thieves and walking zombies with serious health problems causing abuse across the country like a wild fire.Breaking up homes and the suicides are getting worse every day with the schools its heart breaking .The penalties arent stiff enougfh for the drug dealers in this country and we must stop it soon or we wont have anyone left who is capable of careing for themselves anymore.
And for the school kids into drugs and sex like they are today it breaks my heart.Children being aborted and killed every day due to drugs and from sex too young yet parents care not for they too are so strung out they cant see any further than their next fix.God Help Us All unless we wake up and get this country back in order to start loving one another again and know nothing will work untill we do.


Publication Date: 11-16-2010

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