» Philosophy » SEGREGATION, JAMES BERNARD MYERS [black authors fiction txt] 📗

Book online «SEGREGATION, JAMES BERNARD MYERS [black authors fiction txt] 📗». Author JAMES BERNARD MYERS

The separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethnic group of gifted children into accelerated classes
Now I want to talk about what we have all been guilty of at one point of time in our lives and that is to segregate. Whether we have been doing it for the purpose of hate or jealousy, we have all been guilty. Now back in the 60’s it was a thing know as Jim Crow and we today have a new Jim Crow. We have been hurt by this and we still feel the affect of it from the past. Now I do not know why we were as blacks been thought of as being dumb and stupid. Why did we have to be the ones to have been talked about and thought of as being a mole. Why was we hated and why was we looked at as being a race of monkeys and such. I hate that we still have affects of that today. I hate that every time I see a glimpse of the past I feel mad at the world. But if you know like I know we had the opportunity to have all that we have today and even more. We had all that we had back in the day we had not the need to go to the other side of the fence to get it either. I do not know why that it went down like it did and it did not have to go down like that either. All that we wanted or thought that we wanted was to have the same as the whites had. But the down side to that is that we had all the they had and more. We did not have to go anywhere and get nothing. We had all that we needed. I think this is what probably took place at the time. Now it was a time that a family was out of the proper sphere and they wanted to go and get something to eat and already the whites had it set up to the point of that they did not want any black to come into their stores and use their restrooms and ride the buses too. So this one person or family wanted to go in and then that is where it all started I guess. I can only assume that is what took place and I hate that it went down like that to the point that people got killed and hung by trees and shit. Now why did we have to go and mess up what we already had. Now I can say for a fact that back in the late 1800’s, there was a man by the name of John Hurston. He was a free man and a man on a mission. This man had a wife and kids. Now this one daughter that he had was a trailblazer of her time. Now this took place in a state that is now know as a racist town and a place where whites and blacks still have differences, but to a point that some of them go out and sleep with the enemy. Now the place is called Eatonville, Fl. This was one of the first all established black towns that we may know of today if not the second. But it is one of the ones that stands out to all black America that knows about this man. He got there and he became the town his self. He was the mayor, the judge and the jury, he was everything in that town. He built stores and it became a town just for blacks. So we did have a lot that we had and we did not have to go out of the box to have it any other way, but some of us wanted to go and eat with the rich white folks, why? Why would you want to go and do that when you had all that you needed right there. So now that you know in a nutshell that we did have a lot and we needed not to go out of the box to get more. The Harlem Renaissance, it was a movement for blacks and still we have Harlem today. Now even though the whites went to Africa and took that over, and they still have it today but Harlem they will never take. There comes to mind another man that stands tall in my mind as far as a nation of blacks that had it all. Have you ever heard of a man named Shaka. This was a man that was known for his battles and the way that he trained his warriors. Shaka fought off the British that thought that they could come over and take the land that he had. But little did they know that they had to go up against millions of Zulu warriors. Now you may want to know what does this have to do with what the topic is all about, well it has to do a lot with the topic and more. The moral to the story is that we did not want to be first taken away from what we had and from what he had made and built. We did not want to come to this America that one Columbus said that he discovered when he had slaves on the Santa Maria Ship. You all do know that was the ship that he had and it had slaves on it too? We did not want to leave Africa and come to your United States of America. Now my thing is how can you say you discovered something when it was already there. That has been the problem with white folks. They want the credit for every mother fucking thing. So anyway, we talk about being segregated and all and we did not want to go as far as we did with this things and it got ugly for decades. But this is the thing that sticks out to me and what others failed to look at. The mind set of blacks back then was totally different then and they were in the slave mentality of it all. They had just been freed and they were not aware of how to go and do things on their own and some of them ran away and got free before freedom was awarded. So now that you have some that was free and some that bought their freedom and some that died for it. So now that you have this one set of peoples that knew how to handle the end of going about and getting what they wanted and that is want Mr. Hurston did. He made it possible for all blacks to see that yes we can have it all and we can have all that we want with out asking for a cent from the white man. All that I have to say now is that when we did get the opportunity to go to the same schools as the whites did, some of them felt that they would be losing something. Now we all know that most of the blacks back then were smart and knew more than what they thought they knew. Now this was very upsetting to some of them and some of them were willing to let them come in and teach them a thing or two. Yes blacks were born with a gift as all people were born with, but some more than others. So we will still continue to live in a segregated world and we will learn not how to get along and do things right. We have just taken this a little to the extreme, but whites more so. We have been find guilty of it and there is nothing that we can do about it now. It has now been plagued into America and it is gonna plagued our children and their children. So stop using this a tool for hate and a tool for evil, we have all been a part of this and now it is time that we face the music and go on about our lives and live it to the fullest. So what is the point of this to be made, there is no point to be made.



Publication Date: 01-09-2011

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