» Philosophy » How Society should be, Sajad Sirat Haidari [the first e reader TXT] 📗

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How Society should be











How Society should be






By Sajad Sirat Haidari,

Lives in Khuraasaan (Afghanistan)



How Society should be

The building block of the society is the family. So, it is important to research on this building block more than the atom first. First things first. We all know what is family. Family is a group of humans that are biologically related to each other, living in a hood. They consist of father and mother, which may also consist of children or in some families even grandfather and grandmother or others. These things (existents) that live in a family are called “humans”. They, (humans) have something in them that makes them need to be loved, in other words they need love. So, family or in a larger scale society, must be in a way that humans give/support each other with love. Love is something that makes the social fabric of the society. In other words, it is something that gives serenity to the human. When you are connected to The Creator (intellectually), in other words, your God, this gives you serenity. You feel the love of your creator by observing and realizing or experiencing his gifts in the universe that you are living, and through that you reach to the serenity that you need. But that is not all the serenity that you need. God has created mankind in a way that they not only need love from their family (humans) but also from someone who can grant them complete ease, absolute peace, common serenity and happiness. Love is a feeling. The need for love is a gift of God. If you give love to someone they give love to you. And it has one condition that you should recognize and then give love to something. That condition is that the thing that you want to give love to, shouldn’t be “harmful”, in any way. Love is something that can keep two things (beings) together. This makes the two things work for each other and resolve each other’s requirements. God is the first love-giver and he is the most love-giver. It means you don’t give him love first. He gives you love first. Another rule in the universe is that if one gives love to someone, he/she gives the same love to him/her (we all know it through our experiences in our life). The only one that gives more love than what you gave him is, God (The Sustainer).

One of the things that keeps the social fabric of the society/family is called “Trust”. Trust is the feeling that you have when you want to resolve a requirement of yourself over something, after analyzing. This is love that creates the trust system for the society. If there is no love there is no trust and if there is no trust that indicates that there is no love. Trust is being kept in the family through the actions/interactions of the family members or in a larger scale in the, society. And while the building block of the society is the family, and everybody has been in state of childhood we should know that we shouldn’t lie to our children. Because when we lie to them, after some state, they find the truth, so what happens is that they trust on the truth-giver about the issue (the issue that you lied about). They lose the trust that they have on you but they may still love you, based on the intensity of the lie. Giving rational reasons to a child doesn’t work. Here, we have to remind ourselves from childhood that, we don’t have good understanding of logic in childhood. So, giving rational reasons for a child about a lie of yours is not the way of keeping the trust system working inside a group or society. Childhood is the state when you build a system of trust for yourself in a group, or especially your family and society. The nature of you (human) is in a way that throughout your life, you search for things that you can trust on so that you know the source of resolving your requirements. God is the source of trust. In other word, God is the source that gives you trust (the feeling). From childhood you try to find an algorithm for building the system of trust in your mind. You build this algorithm by observing, experiencing or even testing the interactions of yourself with your family, or in later states with the groups in the society, whether these groups are living things or not. Algorithm is the step by step solution of a problem. A problem is whatever that doesn’t let you reach your goal. There rises an important question which is, how would I find an algorithm for trusting on God (The Sustainer)?

The author of this book already mentioned that the condition for building the trust, is love. So, when you experience or know the love of The Creator, you create the only algorithm that says, if God loves me this much (the much that you see in the universe) and created all these systems for me, feeding me, clothing me, giving me knowledge, sustaining me, giving me love, making me the ruler of the universe, with all the systems and rules that he has created in this universe, only for me, and I experience all/most of it, then I trust him, as if I know him more than anyone.

After reading the above paragraph a question rises, which is, if God (The Sustainer) loves me, then why does he give me pain, sorrow, illness, problem and all these dis-eases. After answering this question, we will jump back to the System of Trust in a society (the next statements are important, they relate to the society). Pain exists, so that you know the value of having calmness. Illness exists, so that you know the value of health. You have sorrow because you have to know the value of happiness. You have problems so you learn skills and become more creative. In general, dis-eases exist so that you know the value of ease. You know the value of 1000 dollars when there is 500 dollars or less, or in another example you know the value of 10 dollars when there is 1 dollar. To make a general statement, you know the value of something, when there is something from the same group of that thing, that has lesser value than that thing. After each pain, sorrow or illness you increase the value of health, happiness and calmness. Sometimes, during a pain, God (The Lover) gives you happiness. Sometimes, during a problem he gives you calmness, all, throughout the laws that he created in his universe. So, this is all about that.

The system of how trust works is easy, your algorithm determines the trust level on something. For example, in order to check the level of trust on your parents, from childhood till your death, you check the falsity of their words, the badness of their actions, their behavior with you and their love towards you. In other word, their interactions with you. Something is bad, when it is harmful, in any way. A harmful thing is something that makes something away from the usual way that God has set for that thing, in his universe. The more trust you build on your surroundings the more you are comfortable with them (your surroundings). There is the state that you don’t search for serenity, happiness, calmness, skills, creativity and health from anything other than what God has given you. In other words, you trust God (The Lover), more than anyone else, even more than your parents. Creativity is the process of reaching a conclusion after processing and analyzing the data in your mind. God is important. Something is important, when it has a value. Something is valuable, when you need it. Everything needs God (The Important). Atoms and molecules need the will of God, in order to exist and move on. If God wills that the atoms exist, they exist. If God (The Important) wills that the atoms move on forever, they move on forever. God (The Sustainer) doesn’t need a way to do things. The reason for this is that, there is no way you could create everything from nothing. Then, the question is, why does God do some of the actions or create other things, using a way? The answer for this question is that, he does it because he wants to keep the logic/knowledge that he has created for you, the way that he created it. Knowledge is the way of how systems in the universe, work. God (The Wisest) knows the whole knowledge. Because he is the creator of it. How would you not know about something that you have created? He is the only one that can create out of nothing. You use knowledge for your own benefit. An important question rises, why did God (The Needless) create human? The answer that most might give is that, he created human to give him gifts and keep him in peace and serenity. But, why would you create something and give him peace and serenity, while you don’t need to do it? The answer for this question is that, that state that God (The Needless) created the human, he willed, not be the Needless. In other words, he wanted to have some fun. Easy as stated. God is Needless, he can be, Needful. God is powerful, he can be not powerful (weak). But he is still God. The word “God” is his name. The question is, how do I know that God made himself Needful? In logic, if you have four choices, and three of them failed to prove something, then about the forth one you check it logically, if it succeeds to prove that thing, then the forth choice is the right answer for the existence/proof of that thing. Trinity sucks. God has given us knowledge, so that we can use it for our own benefit and to know him through his knowledge. Through his knowledge, you can’t reach a statement that says 1 equals 3. God can have different forms in different states. But not all, in the same state for us. This is called logic/knowledge. He can have different forms at the same state, but he has to change the logic/knowledge for you. If he changes the logic for you, then the whole universe will become a weird place for you. You will feel sucked/abused. And you will not be able to use the logic/knowledge to understand what he is. In other words, you will forget about God (The Sustainer). Logic is the knowledge of how intellectualities work. Intellectualities are whatever that are in your, mind. Intellectualities consist of three things. Shapes, knowledge and feelings. You have the shape of your car in your mind, on the other hand, you have it in your garage. This indicates that anything that has a materialistic form, it has an intellectual form too. And it indicates that anything that has an intellectual form need not have a materialistic form. So, when you simulate a formula in your mind on a piece of white paper, the paper and formula that you simulated don’t have a materialistic form. The previous statements and paragraphs state the importance of trust on God, in our lives, especially in our families.

So, what happens when we trust on each other? When we trust on each other, we can seek help from each other for resolving our requirements. The previous statement states an important point. Love creates trust, trust does, what the previous statement states. Through trust, humans are comfortable in their lives, through that everybody will live in peace. Remember, it is all because of what your lord

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