» Philosophy » PURPOSE OF HUMANITY, MANI SINGH [black male authors TXT] 📗

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Human tendency and the childhood

Life is not all about fulfilling the basic needs and acquiring the worldly objects only. However we are here to make a spiritual contribution between each other. When an infant reside in the womb of women , he doesn't know anything about his mother or father and in womb he is only conscious about his relationship with the almighty God. During this time period of 9 months he beg to god to let him go to the next world and he make promises to him that after getting into this world , he will sing his praises and will meditate on his true name. But when he get into this world and comes out of the womb of his mother , he cries as he has been seperated from someone else. But when he comes to know his family and the worldly people , he doesnt remind anything about the promises he made to God in the womb. As long as he grow older he doesnt remind anything about the purpose of his life. Of course if God has created us , he expect loyalty from us by singing his praises and always do good for others those are helpless and poor.



A normal child isn't aware of his responsibilities for his family and the societies around him. He is only aware of playing with his favourite toys and his expressions are full of sweetness. However even the layer of countless stars in the sky is just a matter of fun for him that is also full of eternal sweetness and ignorance. On the contrary stars and all the solar systems are a serious matter for the people who have a deep interest in physics and its laws. So there are different stages of man's life when he compare the things with his own visions and opinions.


From the time of one's early childhood to the rest of his life , man remains serious regarding his woldly intentions and by spending his whole life he is unable to solve the mystery of life and some people take the help of poems to proclaim their views and opinions for the world , wether through the philosophy or the practical experiments.


If we try to look into the eyes of our children we can see the whole universe in them but if we look our faces in the mirror we can see a beast who is consuming our youth by teaching us that this world is the real world to live in. Somehow we are not aware of our existence and we have stuck ourselves into the world of materialism.


So what should we do to become conscious about everything that is essential for us??



Purity of soul is the only key of astral freedom and happiness but the question is that how could one figure out the level of purity of his soul. We shouldn't forget that every single action that we do in our daily lives are being recorded by the invisible angels from the other dimensions and we our destiny follows the actions of our KARMA and we are the only one's who are responsible for our current circumstances. In a nutshell people are confused in their lives wether they good lifestyles with money and all but they are not satisfied with it.



If we talk about the purity of soul , it doesnt mean that we should do some deep rituals and change our outer appearances. Neither we need to go somewhere out to impress other people by showing our intelligence. We are here to remove the darkness from our life. We think that we are very happy here with our family and friends but reality is something very different. If God himself look upon a soul with the glance of his grace then the soul of someone else's become God itself.

Light of soul and its cosmological relativity

We often try to find God by doing useless rituals and wandering into the holy places but in reality , God has never stated any quote and direction for us to roaming into the various lands to find his existing form. God has given us a body which is made of sand which is mortal but he has set up a divine light in our body which is called soul. So we are the part of the supreme lord. As it has been beuatifully stated into the Guru granth sahib which is the holy book of sikh relegion and in this book several gurus has added their poetic quotes in the praise of God and they have had a deep romantic relationship with their devotion for God. First of all God is the one who has created the whole universe and he is the only one who is omnipotent , omniscient and omnipresent as well.



It has been beautifully described abouT the dawn of the universe and the god himself was meditating on his own name and it was the time when there was nothing in existence included the physical universe. It was the time of great darkness everywhere and there were no moons and no planets , stars , black holes etc. Suddenly the god who is also called as WAHEGURU chanted the holy quote which is IK ONKAR and through this holy word he created the whole universe and all the living objects and creatures. It means god has already decided everything happening the entire comis chains.


He makes us wonder that how could the god alone controlling the whole universe yet he is not proud of his powers. In our holy book Guru granth sahib it has also been stated that god is a power and being who is fearless and he has no enemity with anyone else and he is beyond the reach of materialistic universe and in reality he has a childlike nature.


God created the whole universe not for any special purpose but he wanted to play a game for his own entertainment and then he created the infinite universe with the living beings. First of all he created the angels of heaven who had the great powers to do anything else they want to but after some time they became egoist and then to make a twist in the story , God created the demons to break the ego of the angels. There have been a great wars between angels and demons all around the past centuries.


God has created humans to learn the skills on planet earth and by doing worldly responsibilities , he also expect from us to chant his name atleast at once in a whole day. But somehow we have lost in this dark world and we think that this is our real home but we dont know that we had departed from the God who is the creator of our soul and he is the one and only source of our happiness but we realise it only on the correct time which is decided by God.


Sometimes we often ask ourselves that what is the purpose of my life here? is i am here to just learn and earn?


As far as my personal experience we are here to do everything that we want to do or want to possess by our efforts but we shouldn't forget that God has given us only one life to obtain the salvation and very few people around the world knows that we get this human body and life after taking the birth of 84 million various species included all the living creatures on lands , sky , seas and oceans as well. So human life is a very rare chance of getting to the right direction through the way of devotion.



In our daily lives we spend our countless minutes to sit idle or doing the useless activities but we never ever thought of doing something beneficial for ourselves and for others as well. Helping poor people and creatures is also the part of the devotion, If you will help a poor person  with food , money and clothes then god will be more pleased with you and will reward you 10 times greater than the commited deeds by you.



Through the way of devotion we can know each and everything about the universe. One who has devoted himself to the supreme lord , he can travel anywhere else in the universe by astral projection. But there are very few souls who are capable of doing it. If we look in the modern time , our modern science is not able to find any life on other planets and moreover their mechanism part is not so good to deal with the required methods for the space explorations.


Our soul itself is a spacecraft which runs with the speed of light and we can leave our body behind by chanting the name of holy lord and then we can fly high into the higher dimensions that are unknown for the whole mankind


We can see the unseen visions of other worlds through our third eye which is hard to be accessed. The key of this eye can be possessed from the true guru means the true teacher who can tell you that how to walk on the path of divinity by facing the great terros of evil things and the great darkness but at the end the saint people who chanted the name of god with the greater efforts achieve the salvation.



We dont like these kind of topics just because we have lost our senses in the mud of worldly desires but all we need is to be aware about the purpose of our existence before start thinking about the cosmoligical relativity and the godly wonders.


Worldly Relations And Responsibilities

 When a child grows up,he comes in contact with various new people in his life and by passing this time period there comes a time when he desires to love someone special by heart and soul. However in modern time people are very much practicle and the true love is just keep on vanishing from this world. So in todays time a single person can be attracted to multiple people and there is no loyalty at all. Money has become a big issue for the modern lovers like if you have good financial background or having luxury cars then multiple personalities would like to date you without

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