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and BaseBall, ...never Had a girlfriend...

- So how Am I supposed to use this information as advantage?

(Note: Looks like I ain't gonna get free good- But whatever!)

(Note: Are you stupid or Yes?)

(P.S. - Yeah, yeah I get that fuck that I hate that logic. But this logic was created by a friend (But is he the real creator?) but ain't me in that's for sure, but still it bothers me the question... Who did created that logic?... If ain't me... then ain't you... then who?)

I mean how could I take this as something positive and just to get what I want?

(Note: I am so bad... I am one dann FUCKING bad boy... I just keep and keep asking questions... until I get what I want.)

Chapter 17.4 - Speak

 Yeah, there isn't any type of problem, feel free to speak... laugh and share, but know as we speak somebody could be recoring this. Somebody could analysis our discussion.


As for me, I don't have anything to hide, what you read that's my pure soul.


But sadly if I was a good hacker, it doesn't mean all hackers are good. Sometimes such people could be the checkpoint which moves the world into something much... much greater or they simply could be a chaos.


If you asking me about topic messing with them, I really don't suggest to do that.You Never know who is behind that computer and what in real is he capable.

Chapter 18 - Fake

If you don't know, let me give you little light. To do that I will just need few candles!

Before vs After days to be honest I had the chance to meet people which just say stuff... like

TURNING OFF - Internet...

Stopping my computer from working and many other threats.

Probably some of them are funny as hell and one moment you freeze and other you just can't stop laughing.

If these group we name it = fakers then you really don't want to meet the real hackers. They could be everywhere, working behind proxies and even VPN' S.. . All kinds of locations different IP Adresses.

IP Adresses - If you start hacking you at least should know what's an Ip Adress. Take it as like your Adress - Wall Street 5th Building, Floor 4, Room 453...

The same gOes and here, Ip adress is the internet generated numbers whigh are used to surf in the internet... they could be changed by Using VPN. However if these numbers are tracked properly they could tell, where you live?... Where are you from?

So far these numbers could answer all kinds of questions which could create an area = area in which you probably are living in. Or to be more correct, you are now living.

You don't know who is really hacker, sometimes hackers want to become famous and do stuff which are damn insane, others they stay as much in the shadows as possible. Others comes people like hacker@email.prot or hacker4@df.bhkl

(Note: These emails are just an examples and they aren't real)

Some people don't know how a computer works... For example it saves data like -


Other people don't know how viruses work and how dangerous in real are, and even to know... - still it doesn't make you a hacker. A hacker is somebody who in the same time knows how to make applications and programs, also knowing how to make viruses... good in coding... - And many other types of benefits.

(P.S. - If you are asking me... "Can I put muse of = as hacker", the answer is "No"... mainly because I have done half from everything... but still it doesn't mean that I can't be a hacker... right?)

And still they aren't who they think they are... - DeYtH Banger

Chapter 18.2 - END

Note: We started and we can't stop... it's for sure it  won't stop the ride here!



Today is the day in which everything is going to reach and end.

Today it should be the day in which the words which are used for secret stuff sharing.. . These day is going to be put into the end.

But before all and after all... I want the voices from my head to be silenced.. .

Chapter 18.3 - Connection


What you have read... you already know it ... what you see, you have already saw it in Women, Men and Children - This is the movie which is showing what's now happening in the world.

- But not just world and then to put it as in the fiction world, the truth is that this here is ain't fiction, if it was it will be the best good news ever told.


If I was saying before around the 15 century... people will put it as fiction... but today is nothing more than the day in which magic has taken places... in such levels....

(Note: Neither them... neither you were interested in deeper thinking...)

It's the truth.. we have lost connection with people... eyes in eyes?...

That's the old school, nowadays we talk by using social media... we post on this social media all types of shit. But this is the beginning... we just don't post it... we even talk with our friends about it.

We have feelings inside our bodies which can't be explained. We feel love... but what's love?... Care and respect?

Or even define... the problem is the brain...

The way to solve such type of problem...!? i Is just to remove the brain and to become a non-brainer.

We feel love... but what's love?... Care and respect?


Come on, these are three different words... probably somewhere meet around the railroad, but still meeting by itself is not an explanation, is it?

We Nowadays use words to explain words, it sounds as fucked up as you hear it.

Repeat It - At Least once
Repeat It - At least twice, after all you started it and you gonna end it like these?

Repeat It - At Least tripple, this is a nipple... nipples are ripples which means you gonna do this because in the name of luck.






Human actions and reactions, we have lost so much. Before hoping for the better and rejecting ... what now we miss.

In the other words we do and choose without even thinking what We have done... this biatch has made a deep throat... she has sucked a cock... but a cock owner is black race...


Few hints... Few thoughts!


After all did in her FUCKING mind came... ever the thoughts?

Like diseases?

(But still there are strangers... in one level or in other... stranger is a danger)






It's the talking skill, we just can't talk or speak... we can't write. But still because of few people... whole nation is going to be judged?

There is any type of FUCKING sense and logic inside this. We just can't judge and do such critical judgements. Facts, as always have never been the way or the road connection. Fact is something simple, it could be a fun fact, scart one, creepy, possibility or everything.

Facts, have all kinds of faces, but still moving backward isn't the same as forward.

What has been forggotten are the proper actions... the judge was the beginning, it has never been planted to be the end.


- DeYtH Banger

Chapter 19 - Done

 Note: For What is he talking about?



Done as reaction... everyday is supposed to be different, to make some kinda difference. How much different today home vs yesterday?

The problem isn't only that we are out of food and trying to get better life.

My Life has never been better it always gets horrible more and more... and yeah ... laugh and laugh. I don't have a girlfriend.


Never I did understand humans race logic... !




Chapter 19.2 - Afraid (Part 2)
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