Musing Of A Would Be Hermit, Sixto Ofnine [story reading txt] 📗

- Author: Sixto Ofnine
Book online «Musing Of A Would Be Hermit, Sixto Ofnine [story reading txt] 📗». Author Sixto Ofnine
To Self
No need to explain our woes to them, if they didn’t ask.
Nothing Left
There is a saying that when starting a new phase in life, “you should turn over a new leaf”, but what if you have turned over so many leaves that the tree is stripped bare of them?
I am existing in my own little bubble of denial, for that’s safer than reality, right?
Don’t ask for any details or even ask a semi intelligent question. Just run with the innuendo and here say as you throw everyone under the bus you disagree with.
Heart Felt?
Should you feel bad for a person who continues a bad behavior knowing it adversely affects their health?
The way they go thru life is; either someone else takes care of it, or it just doesn’t happen.
Losing My Mind
Lost My Mind
Misplaced My Mind
Did I Have Even Have A Mind
Never Mind
Sorry I can’t hear you over the sound of me not paying attention.
Broken Link
You may believe you’re superior to others, but you’re only as strong as your weakest point.
Time Please
I don’t want a smart watch; I want one that’s stupid as shit.
Nobody is a law on to themselves, unless they think so, but even then no.
All Theirs
It’s not up to us to psychoanalyze if their feelings are real or not, because they’re still their feelings.
I shall return sooner or later, but hopefully later.
Yeah, yeah, such problems you don’t have.
Some people drop out before they even try.
Don’t make me come down there and do absolutely nothing about it.
I might be broken up about that, but I’d have to first care.
So Inclined
We know you’re not inclined to except responsibility for your actions, however, we’re inclined to hold you responsible for them.
Locked Out
If information is the key, what happens if you lose them?
Don’t buy into the program of others, rather be yourself.
I didn’t do it, I meant to, but I didn’t.
I don’t have anything important to say, so why aren’t you listening? I still need to be heard.
You should accept them for who they are, since we accept you for who you are, at least most of the time.
When truth and facts no longer matter, that’s when my Cabin In the Woods comes into play.
People put out to the world what they believe is their persona that they have carefully crafted in their mind. The problem arises when others don’t perceive that image, but see them for what they are, despite all their efforts.
No Point
If you’re a holy roller, just keep on rolling right on pass me.
Look Inn
If you choose to treat everyone like an idiot, then you shouldn’t be surprised when they don’t let you. They see through your charade for the twit that you are.
Perhaps you are smarter than everyone else, but, are you really? For you can talk circles around other people on many a subject, but, you couldn’t per cure your own food even if your life depends upon it, but only talk about how hungry you are.
Better Off, Not
The issue is you have something to say, but, people don’t want to hear it for it’s too close to the reality their trying to deny.
Anybody is capable of anything, given the right circumstances and that’s a sad truth.
Can’t Find It
I’m just trying to find my little piece of happiness; I seem to have misplaced it.
I’m standing until gravity pulls me down.
Well, The…
Instead of taking responsibility for your screw ups, you put out excuse after excuse as to why it wasn’t really your fault.
I know just enough to forget.
Short Supply
Someone wants to pick my brain, please don’t do that, I don’t have that much left.
Keep Turning
You don’t know which way to turn, but it’s certainly not in my direction.
All Yours
That was your decision, not mine, it was all you. It was not how I would have handled it, but in the end it was your decision.
Move On
You’re lucky I’m self-actualizing, for if I wasn’t, I be really pissed at you.
Knock Down
They don’t know how to support a person, they only know how to criticize and pull them down.
Not Easy
Don’t you understand how much hard work isn’t required to screw things up like this?
You can want whatever you want, but the question begs, is it in the realm of possibility?
I threw it all away because it’s part of the past, it has no relationship to the present and most likely will never have a relationship to the future. But if it does, oh well.
We’re not operating on a mythical best process, but rather a factual one.
They have something to say. It’s too bad most won’t hear it and those that do won’t care.
I hate it when people ignore conventional wisdom and put the rest of us at risk.
You shouldn’t penalize somebody showing you respect over somebody who isn’t.
I’m sure you’re a really nice person, but your actions are really beginning to piss me off.
If you’re part of the complaining and not the solution, then hush yourself.
My Side
People insist that I have to pick a side. No I don’t, especially if I think both sides are idiots.
I don’t want the influence of others; I just want to be myself.
Don’t follow blindly, consider the consequences of such actions.
No Influence
Stop trying to yell at me, your words carry no weight.
Above And Still Here
It’s hard to be futuristic when you only have a budget for reality.
The only thing strong about them is their ego, they are quite pleased with themselves, beyond that they’re a wasteland.
They Have Risen
They are their own self-appointed expert and the rest of us are just idiots.
Been There
You really think you thought of this first, my, aren’t you smart.
You Choose
Do you want to fix the problem or just complain about it? I’m willing to do one of those for you, but not other.
It’s where I came from, but it doesn’t 100% define who I am today.
You can interpret it anyway you want to, but we’re still be going with the official interpretation since it’s based on facts and not your conjecture.
But, But
They called with a pre-determined script in their head and they don’t like it when you try to interject reality and throw them off of it.
Don’t Buy It
They’re more of a heathen than me, because they act like they believe it.
Be You
Don’t build your sense of worth around a job, for someday that job may disappear and then what?
Simple Please
My needs are simple and your goals unnecessary complicate them.
Proof Of Life
Oh my god I have a history! Thing is, if you’ve lived you have one, however, if you didn’t, then you’re good.
Why do people feel the need to make a presentation of themselves to sell to the rest of us?
All In One
I don’t play favorites with my children, I ignore them all equally.
Those that go in, when other are running away, need to be remembered.
Parted Out
I have to look the part! Part of what?
Moved On
You’re reliable up to the point that you decided that you can’t be bothered anymore.
So Proud
Were you raised to be so stupid? If so your parents should be congratulated on doing a great job!
What I
It is what it is until it isn’t and then it is again.
Ignorance is bliss and the fact they fell fight into the ignorance says a lot.
Not that I’m saying their lazy (I am), but by me just waking up in the morning, I’ve already accomplished more than they do all day.
If you believe you’re high and mighty and everybody is your lesser and that you have the divine right to dictate their punishment for things they never did or were even involved in, then it’s time for you to….
Being ignorant of the process and choosing incorrectly is not the same as knowing the process and still doing the wrong thing.
If you do that again, I’m gonna have to take some action, so please kindly tell me what that might perhaps be?
I understand you know “words”, but you don’t have to use them all in the same sentence, shorter is sweeter.
People like to say it’s “sunny as h*ll out”, I’d like to think that there’s no sun in h*ll and further I don’t think they earned a beach day either.
Yes we’re a free society, (as imperfect as it is) but in order to keep those freedoms you need to think in terms of the society and not just placing your needs before everyone else. When you go about your daily routines seeing everything in terms of your own personal freedoms, then you have failed society as a whole and that will leave you wondering what happen to those freedoms, when society decides to take them all away.
I love when people make idle threats and believe that gives them power over you, not so much.
Not Me
You performed your job incorrectly and screwed things up and now that you have to correct those mistakes, you now believe it’s my fault?
Not First
Freedom comes with rules and responsibility and if you think they don’t apply to you, you’re a….
Not Helpful
Please go back to where you came from so your idiocy doesn’t interfere with our plans.
They have a desire to live a long and unproductive life at their Cabin In the Woods.
I’m asking you a yes/no questions and in your response I’m hearing every other word but.
5 Minutes
When someone asks you to hold on for a second, I hope you don’t think it’s a literal second.
Look Around
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