» Poetry » Eloquence, Rohith [feel good fiction books txt] 📗

Book online «Eloquence, Rohith [feel good fiction books txt] 📗». Author Rohith

A fuzzy cat lies under the table
resisting the digital storms
with its beautiful glittering eyes!
Studying the uncertainties of
life's extraordinary rhythms
mesmerizing unknown probabilities
in the rhetoric fights of surreal life!
Seeing the burning gash
she kindled her soul
in that cold night
remembering the blissful adventure
the rejoicing morning!
She clenched her teeth
as her wrinkling memories reverse perystalsed the moments of her time with her mate!
Riping the layers of time
she materialized her 3D souvenir
feeling the warmth of his mane
reaching the unlimited edges of life!

Licence of silence

Silence as a license
let our hearts fly in sky
with the doves of peaceful white
shedding the sin from our wings
making them light!
Let the brightest of the seconds
illuminate in our hearts
and strongest of poetry
reverberate in our muscles!
With the pride of
unstoppable poetry
let out heart fly in sky
waving our wands
and let the magic be spread in air
of brutal oppressions!

Blah blah blah

LeAVes rusTled
synthetic senses
rhetoric pains!
Colorful tears
{High impulse...flowing my figures...get something new...forcing the type writer!}
elated suspense
blah blah blah!
In that cave
of no more lights
in my heart
of insensible rhythms
in deepest oceans
in the farthest skies
{Its not still a very new thing...think you foolish ...try to get something out}
lending virginity
painting emotions
blah blah blah
{forcing reality...good old poetry...something new ..something...good...musical}
ting ting ting~!
Choking time
grunting alarm
its early in the morning
no, its 11:59 PM
erotic erosions
volcanic ink
destructive reality
redness bubbled
withering zeal NO NO NO
dont come in
im writing
within is an infernal factory
dont come in
or else love to see
your flesh as black ash
boom boom boom
ting ting ting
blah blah blah!

Dead leaf

The creepy silence
intensified the reason of his thoughts
as the gestures of winds
tried to cleanse his missing emotions!
The rustling trees
winding their reaches
establishing a new rhythm of melody
imparting an insinuation of a dark castle
in the ultimate reaches of emotions.
The nostalgic ideas antagonistically
revolted my intensities of innovations
embedding a rhetoric question mark
questing the mythology of my psychology!
Coldness entered my nerves
gazing insanely at my hazy heart
as the past i know diffused in silence
and the present i am seeing is a dead leaf!

Counting the seconds...

Counting the seconds
gazing at the rinsed minces
of liquefied mirrors
falling hastily from the rusted sky.
Hazy breezes
and whimsical winds
blowing sassily
with ethical seductive reaches!
ecstatic tears
recoiling ideas
reverberating pasts
aloof thoughts
stirred drowsily with the
rhythms of rain drops
as the mists of pain
obscured her love
in the deserts of time!

Unconditional rhythms

In the lost memories
roding my boat
of the musical silence
in the drowned city of
lentic mysteries...Hmm!
No no...miseries!
Irrevocable rhythms
dusk shines in my hungry face
dancing rumors
grinding torrents
of blissful love!
Listening to
mild rhythms of
my surrealistic heart
creating reminiscential luminescence
marking the theme of my existence
in the withering coldness of
horrifying pain
terrifying suspense!
The panic is the dream of mine yesterday
echoing in my
lazy muscles...
shocks of no rhythms
tuning the violence in my life
grunting silence
currents of steam
whirling winds
lewd tears
solar eclipse
in my soul
last drops of tears
being vain
dancing on Indian bowl
for the unconditional rhythms of
unlimited fantasy
on the edge of that contemporary evening!

Meditation or hibernation?

Silky shade painted melancholy
and the mist rustled the senses!
Reality questioned-
Meditation or Hibernation?
as the steams of tea smoothened
the uttermost chillness!
Like a moth in the cyst
dreaming of metamorphosis
like the infant in the womb
struggling to mark his existence!
Deepest of the wounds started reverberating
as the densest of the musics tumulted!
Silent tantrums gathered in muscles
as the withering emotions
burnt in the wilderness of seductive ethics!
String of poetry tugged by enlightenment
as the dream of her turmoil yesterday
is the deepest truth today!

Insensible rhythms

Insensible heart beat
oppressions kindled soul
worried rhythms
flowing like unstoppable streams!
Withering silence
in the utmost depths of
Like a barbarous brute
starving for sumptuous wine!
Phone reverberated in the dark shed
as the only me sitting in a corner
sung a song
with absurd violence
winding the curled hair
binding my bum
on that teared seat of old motorcycle!
Whimsical pain materialized
as the tear drops ploughed out
of my sassy eyes!
Wind rustled
as the clinks and clanks
of the rusted corpse of old cars
seduced the feeling of being guilty
rhyming with the intolerable song
of my drowned sol!
Nasty flies...sucked my panic
tasting the patience
irking senses!
Insanity reached it peaks
saintly rhythms of past
mattered nothing!
No rhythms any more
not even those insensible things!

Poetry in India

Narrow streets of India
the phone in the booth reverberating with
mysterious sound...tring tring...all the time!
Water gushing out of drainage
and the wild clouds continued to shout in joy
and laugh showing its teeth of lightening!
A thin tension of creativity...started irking my heart
conglomeration of intense silence and loneliness
rhymed with the agitation of hand
over my roughly scattered beard
innovating the depths of my romanticizing ink
like the hermit entertained by the inner music!

In the fire of her burning blue eyes...

In the fire of your burning blue eyes...
With an unknown power of destructive emptiness-
veiled in the cloak of beauty,
...squeezing the heart,
strucked by your face of serenity
which hypnotized my startled soul
to diffuse in your sassy breath
as i exploited the aroma of insane rose
discovering my drowned ship of love
in the ocean of your arrogant heart!
seeing your,
...a cold tension of materialistic impotency
continued to resonate with the rhythms of
surreal sciences of human emotions
hidden behind the risks of turmoil reaches!
Trying to resist the glow of your rhetoric eyes
taking away the virginity of the rose once again
to subdue the uncontrolled emotions
controlling my senses
with a deep maximum breath of
unresistant excitement
relaxing heart...supplying it with more oxygen
as you peeped at me through the
veiled pinkness of innocence
like a witch exorcising my soul
and chortled with joy
and the fragments of flowers
fell from the valves of heaven!


Dusk shines
in the uttermost depths of his
brutal life!
rinsed imagination...
ceased his ears!
Steams of tea
never risked to greet his hazy reaches
which were wrinkled with the stains of
his sassy tears!
A petechial spark...
burned in the darkest corners of his
crepuscular flesh
trans located the scene
enthralled his senses
hypnotized the time
trickled his emotions...
a new era started
enhancing a new zeal

Frantic of love

There in the middle of a ruined city
i sat on a hot rock...with her
as the sweetness of her perfume...
lessened the infernal suspense...within!
The rats...stunned to see
living men after so many decades!
The hands lingered with each other
leaving dry wind wet with sweat!
A magical current within...restricted by a
logical thought...reverberating..."WHAT IF....?"
clouded my heart
making it more fragile...coward!
Winding her an angel
she turned to me
with a drowsy...callous...emotion
which questioned my existence...
as i am lost in the say her...
the ultimate thing!
The sun is smarter than before
melting my heart...
raising its frantic!
She stood at once and said...smirking at me
" seems your frantic heart love me...
come and hug me...feel the heaven
kiss me
and write the words you want to tell in my heart!

A poem of a crusader

Heart wounded with drab desires
accelerating dreams of liberty
on a insomniac hidden mid night
where every one are trapped by dreams
except the crusader at his unlucky edge
with a lot of impotency on himself
waiting for a revolution with impunity
to face a immortal combat against truth
like a mysterious hermit
trying to catch the velocity of hallucinated storms
rocking his brain here and there
and forcing him to intensify a immortal war of
rude immunity!


Listening to the rhythms of uncertainties
like a crusader...
glaring insanely at magnolia
tickled by rain drops...
walking along the muddy roads
of wet pasts
feeling the friction of
sarcastically laughing life and melancholy of time
Moving forward...
like a callous drowsy beast...lazily
preparing for hibernation
to bear the heat of love
as the cloak of imagination
tugged to stinging spines of Rosa
rendering a sense of reverse peristalsis
to turn back
in the times of my languorous life!

Letter of suspense

Tea on the table
liberating mysterious steam...
Its raining outside
charging my dreamy rustles
insinuating an image of a bravado hero
deep inside invisibly embedded
dark castle of mine!
Clinks and clanks of stinking old metals...
blinking at me like an uppity ape!
The spasms of shocks
tickled my soul
innovating the intensities of my reaches
violating the peace within
like an agent of infernal mortality
with love on my pen
romanticizing the fire within
softening the minutes
seeing the beautiful magnolia
I wrote a letter of suspense
to the reader of the poem!


Lightening...trans located my dream
storms and streams gushing out
of the wild steam of fury
silver drops of tears forced me to cry
as the crepuscular fog entered my flesh
charging my muscles...
to dance for the music of inner rage
mingling the melody of my heart
which rhetorically started reverberating
the strings of my inner guitar
called poetry!


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Publication Date: 01-30-2010

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