» Poetry » Poems, Heather Decker [ebook reader below 3000 .TXT] 📗

Book online «Poems, Heather Decker [ebook reader below 3000 .TXT] 📗». Author Heather Decker

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Blood Red Tears

Blood red tears fall down my cheek,
landing silently on the paper.
I try to brush them away,
but they just smear.
This is my mark I have to live with,
for this is what happened
When I loved you…
You took my heart,
Ripped it into a thousand pieces,
Like a piece of paper caught in a sharp claw,
I lied for you,
And I died for you,
Now I forever cry,
Blood red tears

I Loved You

I cared about you
I had hoped you loved me back
I gave you my all

Broken Heart on 9/11

I can still hear the sounds of screams
As the building collapsed
Almost as easily
As a stack of cards
I was on the bottom floor
When those planes crashed
Was the first one out
One of the few who survived
I loved you to death
But death we did not part
You were on the 20th story
I couldn’t save you
You died there
Now all I have left
Is a torn photograph
You gave me when you said
This marriage is over
Not even two minuets ago
You left me on the bottom floor
Eyes filled with tears
And with a broken heart.


I sit by your bed,
Staring at your body,
Once so strong,
Now weak with sickness and death,
Turning paler with each ticking second,
I hear your breathing slow,
Your heart beat slower,
As I press my cheek against your chest,
Straining to hear a sign of reviving life,
I look into your eyes,
As tears flow from mine
As I see your life ebb away
And the light in your eyes
Dim as you move on,
You were everything I had left
I lay my head on your chest and beg for you back
Knowing I have nothing to live for
I let my breathing slow,
And my heart crawl to a stop,
Thinking of seeing you again
My life drains from my body
Just to see you again in heaven
Just to hold you in my arms again
Just to once again,
Say I love you.


Butterfly kisses
Shows warmth, caring, family
Friend ships, love and more

Hidden Secrets

I can hear your heart pounding, pulling your chest in and out as you breath.
I can see the tears running down your cheek, making sorrow form in my empty soul.
I can feel your soft tender neck at my lips, you shiver at the touch.
I can smell the blood running through your veins, making my mouth water.
Then I can taste the blood on my lips, it happens so quickly even I didn’t notice.
This is my way of life, I’m a monster, I feed for a living and I can’t stop.
My thirst is quenched, but my love is gone, I always seem to do this.
So I think…maybe I shouldn’t love at all……
You probably guessed what I am, but if you haven’t, don’t try.
It might scare you…

Master and Me

For my Master I would do anything,
Make the bird’s sing,
make the bells ring,
If he had ever leaved me,
So empty I would be,
my heart would bleed you’d see,
My life would fade,
my eyes would cry,
My heart would stop,
my soul would die.
But he is still here with me,
My heart and soul still happy and free
Will him I hope I’ll always be,
Loved to death for eternity.

My Love

When I think of u,
my spirit soars,
when I breath your name,
the love in my heart shines,
when I touch your hand,
the very breath of me is whisked away,
the touch of your lips makes my head spin,
but the sound of your voice brings me back again,
life was dull before I met u,
filled with only tears and sorrow and pain,
now I have u and my life is happy once again,
for our love will withstand anything,
as long as we face it hand in hand


He has me confused. 
He has my mind spinning like a top that lost control.
Have you ever been on a spinning ride that made you wanna throw up?
Just before you get back on just to experiance once again, the thrill.
That what he makes me feel like, thats what he makes me want.
He is a child, always playing games.
He is a monster, scary but fake.
A lover, gentle and sweet.
A rocking chair, soothing yet old.
He is everything i want and more.
But he is taken, and has a heart that is to far away to reach.

Save Me
Please Save me.
          Take this shattered heart.
                                      Hold it close.
                            Lock it away.
    Never to be hurt agian.
Please hold me.
              Without your arms.
                                  I shatter.
               Keep me together.
    I need you here.
Please love me.
             Without your love.
                             I am nothing.
                 Less then dust.
    Less then satan.
Please keep me.
             Forever and always.
                       Though everything.
             Pain and pleasure.
  Light and dark.
Please take me.
                   I need you.
                            More then breathing.
                       I am unworthy.
 Stained compared to you.
Keep me
        Love me
                Hold me
                       Take me
                               Save me
           I beg of you.



Living Dead Girl.

Fear, betrayal, dead
Look into my eyes and this is what you’ll probably see.
He always told me he loved me, he would never hurt me,
he lied.
But he is my Master and I’d anything for him,
He is a god-monster,
Ruler of my world,
The killer of my soul,
There is no way away from him,
No where to run,
Night after night, he strokes my hair,
Whispering he loves me,
Before pulling me in his lap and claiming me as his…


The cold to the bone,
Makes you shake,
Freezing your blood,
Stopping your heart.
The blackness of the shadow,
Clogging your lungs,
Every breath in,
Is a deep struggle inside.
you breath out,
The window frosts,
For your heart is stone cold,
You scream,
The glass breaks.
Sending terrified shivers,
Up my spine

Turning Cold

As the summer breeze moves through the trees,
I can’t believe next week,
The sun will start hiding,
The snow will start falling,
The winds will stay here,
But they will not be warm and gentle,
But turn cold and harsh,
Turn bitter with the seasons.
Summer is warm,
Winter is cold,
Same with my family,
Except it changes daily,
Not monthly,
This is a poem,
Don’t make it a song.
This is a poem,
I spent my whole heart on

Fallen American Bomber

Rain drops fall down my forehead,
Mixing with the tears already on my cheeks,
Streaming down my face as I walk through the cold.
Bitter wind slapping my body,
Tossing my body from side to side ,
Like a rag doll caught in fierce hands.
My naked feet smack hard against the ground,
As I run from my pain and suffering,
Splashing dirty water into my eyes.
I know this is the end of the rope,
I wait impatiently for the bangs to ring through the air,
The pain to sear through my body like a thorn.
But the air is as quiet as a whisper,
So quiet I could hear my breath hit the still air.
I turn to look behind me and gasp.
Rows and rows of men line the walls with guns,
Staring blankly into the eyes of a killer,
I smile and scream “BRING IT ON!”
My gaze clouds with fiery lights,
Pain shoots through me before my body grows limp
And I fall into a eternity of peace.


I carved your name into my arm for i can't reach my heart to carve it there.
I can never live without you so please don't leave me and I'll give you anything you want.
Love can turn in crazy ways and i want you by my side all the way.


Once so beautiful,
Now broken and corrupt,
Deadly and poisoned.
Now your wings are tattered,
Your halo gone missing.
Stab the angel,
Laugh as you watch it writher away,
Into dust then to nothing.

What is wrong with me?

I hold books closer to my heart then I hold people.
Books are safe,
Never changing.
People are dangerous,
Book’s are there forever.
People stay around for days, months, maybe years
But one day, they leave.
An empty hole in your heart that can never be filled
But the ache and pain of it can be forgotten.
Books are readable,
They have no boundaries,
Able to do anything!
But people are limited,
I hold books closer to my heart then I hold people.

I see

I see tears, rolling down their faces.
I see bruises tied behind the laces
I see sorrow, fill their eyes to the brim.
I see weight to heavy make people dim
I see coldness, behind the warmest skin.
I see the darkness behind a sin.
I see torcher, unspoken misery.
I see people living lives, but are not free.
I see pain, locked behind fake laughter.
I see people buying dead ones flowers.
I see black behind a rainbow.
I see a broken heart shot with an arrow.
I see an angel with no wings
I am a downer, looking at the bad side of things.


Loneliness is something you think will never happen,
Not to you,
You have friends,
People who love you.
I thought that.
I was wrong
Now I fear loneliness,
Though I always live with it, 
I now know that,
It can hit anybody.
It is a big hole to crawl out of.

Why is the sacrifice for what you
Always have to be something you

When I laugh I am surrounded by faces,
When I am angry there is always another person,
When I’m tired there is one person

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