» Poetry » Stitches of Life, Berta Barnett [inspirational books for women .txt] 📗

Book online «Stitches of Life, Berta Barnett [inspirational books for women .txt] 📗». Author Berta Barnett

I dedicate this book of Life's Stitches,
to all my children.
Whom have always brought great joy and meaning to my lif, Even through their trials. Thank You.


Spring brings hope, and encouragement with all of its new birth and presentation of beginnings.
Summer follows with courageous, brave and reckless adventures.
Autumn brings impulsive, carefree feelings,
That blows through us only to grab us up, just as it captures leaves through their journey, and floats them gently back to earth.
It delivers us over to winter.

Each of these seasons leaves us with little time to ponder, evaluate, or examine the paths we walk.
But Winter…’winter is a season filled with all the emotions of ones life.

Moments to morn losses of the old, Serene secure moments, wrapped up in the warmth of blankets and hot drinks, snuggled up and cozy. A time for our mind rest and memories drift through our thoughts. A time when our eyes and hearts rain out all the joys, accomplishments, regrets and pain our paths have crossed..

Winter…Winter never leaves us there. Just as we feel our memories will never stop drifting through, winter brings a glimmer of bright sunlight beaming rainbows from its crystals of water. Its brilliant colors, give us hope and encouragement and the knowledge that new memories and new beginnings are to follow.

But just as that hope settles into our souls …winter brings its fierce storms and winds reminding us of our impulsive reckless carefree ways. ‘Telling us to be cautious in our paths as it hands us back over to spring.

Winter 2010

Roads of Life

Roads of life and the trials we face.
Our children, our loves set life’s pace

Love encountered and love that’s lost.
We walk the path and pay the cost.

Hurts so deep from the past,
Overwhelming fears, which forever last?

Doors of glass that will not shatter,
Love so true, just doesn’t matter.

Silent nights and silent pain,
Brings silent tears, once again.

With each new dawn, standing strong,
Weak in the night,
What went wrong?

Roads of life and the trials we face,
Soon, will pass with God’s good grace.

Special People

Each individual life is as a building, with only one elevator. The elevator witch carries us through the ups and downs of our lives.

The building is full of the people we encounter and share a piece of our lives with. The elevator is filled with the few people we grow close to in our life and share the ups and downs with.

As we grow from childhood through adulthood some of the people in our elevator change. This only stands to reason, all the people we grow close to would never fit in our elevator, nor would they be able to tolerate each other over the years.

Although it’s never easy to let someone off of our elevator, it’s crowded and the people we grow close to begin to fight for space. Until finally the doors open and those who have been pushed back are let off.

It’s a sad day, we will miss having these special people in our elevator with us, but…we know that they will always be in our building. We can keep in touch, with all of our life’s “ special people”.

Gramma ‘Was A Special One’

Gramma was, a special one
She loved us all, the Same
She gave her heart and encouraging words
Never, placing blame

All her life, she worked real hard
Raising a family of nine
She cooked and cleaned and sewed their clothes
No, complaining throughout the time
Gramma’s aways, in my heart
Her spirit’s always near
When times are tough, her precious voice
Starts ringing in my ears

Choose your words with caution
Keep the Lord in all you do
Remember to pray each day
And He’ll always be with you
A stitch in time will save you nine
Is what she taught me young
And Gramma saved us, many
Through her quilts and gentle tongue

As the years carried on
Her hair grew white and thin
Her seven daughters and two sons
Are now ladies and gentlemen
Gramma watched her family grow
Through generations of six
Each one bringing joy to her
Each a quilt she stitched

Happy Birthday Gramma
We wish that you were here
But in our hearts, we all know
Your spirit’s always near
Choose your words with caution
Keep the Lord in all you do
Remember to pray each day
And he’ll always be with you

Gramma was, a special one
She loved us all the same…..


Who do you look like?
Who do you see?
An acorn Grandma Van Hoosier,
Brought from Tennessee

Pieces of jewelry
To mark the days
Of all the times, she shared Her stories
Of how she grew and all their ways

Her knitted lace, so delicate and patiently made,
To remind us of the loved ones we share
The importance of guiding their paths, tenderly with care

A hand stitched, quilt square,
Made with pieces of… Our days. Our lives,
Each unusual, each uniquely rare.
Securely, she pulled them together, stitch by stitch.
These, were her ways………

A Daughter

A daughter one, so petite and sweet
She blessed my heart and trailed at my feet.

I watched this woman, grow from a little girl,
She filled my life with meaning and joy.
Her hair all filled with curl.

She's now my friend, still close to my heart.
Secrets we share, love and care.
This friend will never part.

My Two Sons

My two sons, so mischief and funny,
They kept me in laughter on my toes and running.

Two scuba divers, swimming down the hall,
Now wearing under-ware for helmets, and bumping into walls.

Charlie Brown and Snoopy up on the bunk bed,
Snoopy slides off and bumps his head.

Sneaking out their bedroom window, two little rascals so wise,
Bathed in mud, I see only the whites of their eyes.

A coloring book sled, held together with tape,
Now the hallway's a mountain to ride and escape.

My two sons so funny, engineering and creative,
Kept me in stitches with laughter, alert and active.

Grandchildren come one by one,
Smiling and bouncing on the run.
Blessed is my heart, blessed being my soul.
The love they bring makes me feel whole.

Adventures to share, accomplishments they’ve made,
Grandma is listening, here’s some lemonade.

Stories to tell, pictures to see,
Grandma who’s this, he looks like me.
That’s Uncle Burt and there’s Uncle Gary,
This hat was worn by your Aunt Mary...

Let’s open my trunk, we’ll find more to admire,
Saved from the days when your daddies were young squires
Trying on clothes from days of the past,
They bounce through the house, “if these moments could last.”

Grandchildren come one by one,
Smiling and bouncing on the run.

The Little Tea Pot

Annie my girl, at age of two,
Would set up the table, “mom, for me and you.”

With a little tea pot, a saucer and cup,
She poured out the water, “mom drink up.”

Her crystal blue eyes twinkled at mine,
Her sweet little smile and dimples so fine.

Be still my worries, quite my thoughts,
It’s time to sit down, with the little tea pot.


Daddy’s hands were big and strong,
To carry me through my days.
His eyes were deep and filled with wisdom,
Of why to live his ways.

His feet were swift, but moved with caution,
Down every path he walked.
His smile was tender and laughter loud,
When humor pierced his talks.

His voice was deep and captivating,
as I listened to his stories.
Of all the wild and crazy adventures,
He shared with my uncle Lorey.

Daddy shared his love with me,
In all the being he was
My memories now are filled with joy,
He was imagined, how coy....


Publication Date: 02-06-2010

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