» Poetry » Echo Of Subtle Voices, Shweta [red white and royal blue hardcover TXT] 📗

Book online «Echo Of Subtle Voices, Shweta [red white and royal blue hardcover TXT] 📗». Author Shweta

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1. Ephemeral relationship
2. A fairy of hope
3. In the theater of mind
4. The working people
5. Trapped by my own mind
6. The life and the soul
7. A vampire lover
8. Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide
9. This too shall pass
10. River soliloquy


A relationship is like the waves of oceans,
Comes and goes like the capricious seasons.
Always keep forming like never ending,
Some long-lasting, some ephemeral,
Sometimes like spring, sometimes like autumn.

But never exists to eternity,
No assurance ever of fraternity.
Just supports itself with a warrantee,
So that it stands a chance,
Any possibility, any hope, to be mended.

But never heals to its originality,
Lost in the clouds of infidelity.
It becomes rusted and rotten,
Putting lives into lunatic asylum,
With feelings dead and promises forgotten.

The strings binding heart long broken,
Cheerful and glorious time being shaken.
Gradually everything sleeps – away,
Invading the delicate bondage of love,
Like the coastline marred with hurricane.

Finally, after all this cataclysm,
Everything so clear, now veiled in abstractionism.
Peace restored once again, no doubt,
Yet there is cacophony in that peace,
Only heard by the subtle mind.

Now it stings like the thorns of rose,
The inevitable end of a relationship being close.
Another relationship once again ripples,
To be cherished before it flickers.
Every relationship has its ending,
No matter how hard being tried on its mending.


Tugged softly in my cozy bed,
In the coolness of my pillow,
Moonlight spreading through,
The transparent curtains.

In my deep slumber,
With happy memories,
Came a sweet Fairy,
Bringing Hopes with her.

In the moonlit night,
I could see her face,
So innocent and ethereal,
And so pleasant her behavior.

Her presence lifted all worries up,
Instilled faith in my heart,
With a promise she'll be always there,
She bid a sweet goodbye.

"Oh! No don't go, not now,
Please, come back Hope Fairy"
I found myself muttering,
In my bed next morning.

May be it was just a dream,
But so real and ennobling,
She has done her good deeds,
And, gone to make another dream.



In the darkest corner of mind,
Silent like that of a theater,
There runs a picture,
So vivid and lively.

Sometimes of the past,
And, sometimes of the future,
Of lost memories,
Graying slowly and slowly.

Of blooming memories,
Yet itself to actualize,
Some images so sweet,
Wafting its soft fragrance.

Hopes, aspirations, desires,
Love, emotions, empathy,
All together weaving a picture,
Perfectly in the theater of mind.



Curse the people, who say,
Change is the only constant, don't fray.

Life's been always the same,
It's not interesting like a chess game.

Dulled with monotonous day,
With little time to lay.

Days devoured by the factory,
Lives shackled by the machinery.

Advancing one more step to the grave,
Shorting the days of their lives as slaves.

Wrangling with themselves as they work,
Every bit of accumulated energy being sucked.

No innovative ideas ever streamed through their minds,
Only occupied by the heavy hum as that of trains.

Life's been always like that,
Grimy, greasy, stinky and matt.

Only delight on which life delicately sustained,
Was the evening when supper and rest awaited.

Sinking eyes once again glittered,
Oil-smeared faces lit and glistened.

Respectable married ones longed for their family,
Privileged bachelors resorted to ale anxiously.

Their tired bodies go into deep slumber,
Dead still not even daring to lumber.

Feeling of complacency killing all life-long desire,
Awaiting eagerly to be kindled by any angel of fire.

Romancing through the slippery night,
Just to wake up and start another day's fight.

Eyes protruding and bodies crumpled,
Faces grimaced and hair rumpled.

Scuttling out of their little gray houses,
Like a hoard of frightened cockroaches.

Basking in the crisp and dusty air of dawn,
Huddling towards the factory out of the town.

Lives sacrificed in serving the so- called privileged people,
With certain solicitude, officialdoms call them: THE WORKING PEOPLE.


I asked my mind,“ How are you, Dear?”
My jubilant mind replied,
“Oh! My home base, bring me some beer,
And joyfully cried,
I feel like on cloud nine, what else to say.”
I giggled and said, “You seem to be so gay,
This makes me smell something fishy.”
Up came the reply from my unpredictable mind,
There is nothing fishy Oh my Sushi!
Don't you believe your loyal mind?
I want you to take on an ecstatic ride,
And let you explore this world so wide,
Come out of your cacophony and embellish you life.”
I asked, “What if I land up on the edge of a knife ‘
Sorry! I cannot risk my life, I am afraid.”
“Oh my all kinds of pies! Why don't you understand,
The sentiment of my merriment!!!!”
I gave a hearty laugh and yielded to his desire,
Unaware and unseen of a possible nearby mire.
Together we went on a joyride so profound,
That my happiness knew no bound.
He made me visit places like Never Never Land,
On the beaches, we built castles of sand.
He made me do things, of which I wasn't sure,
And once addicted to them, there was no cure.
We spent whole day in carousing,
And then whole night in snoozing.
He kindled my all carnal desires,
Delighted with my carte blanche which never tires.
I started flying on a carpet of ecstasy,
Wanted always to be dipped in the liquor of fantasy.
And then suddenly, one day,
Without having me anything to say.
My sultry mind started sowing seeds of infatuation,
I was taken aback and asked,
“Are you aware of its ramification?”
My miscreant mind replied,
‘Don’t be afraid of repercussion,
I'll unravel a world of unprecedented event.”
Hearing this I wanted to faint.
And said, “Don't trespass this forbidden line,
You'll be blamed for this desire so divine.
I thwarted my mind a lot.
But all in vain.
So, I have now surrendered to him like a tot.
And now the situation somewhat is like –
My mind is not under my control,
Instead I'm under his control.
As a foreseen consequence, things didn't go well,
And now my somber mind has nothing to tell.
He now just thinks thoughts of his own,
And keeps inflicting me on and on.
Now I feel like trapped in a stingy cell,
Where not even a single ray of Sun fell.
He always pines for his beloved and remains blue,
Along with him, I'm too, bound to rue.
I want to end it but have been so badly repressed,
Oh! How desperately I want to it to be redressed.
Now I look upon for my amicable conscience's birth,
With my bloodshot eyes and a bloodstained heart.
I wish her to take me to a state of nothingness,
And tell her, “See my fickle mind has become so meaningless.”
Help my freaky mind to take some rest,
So that he once again start to work at best.
Refurbish, revamp my rotten mind,
This is no longer to me kind.
Oh! Sweet conscience,
Come and save my beleaguered MIND


Lost in the myriad miseries of life,
Tormented by the ongoing inner strife.

Desolate, forlorn and left bereft,
Not even a single ray of hope left.

Still many years to live and surge,
But left with no desire and urge.

Life within, pleading for mercy,
To revamp and get rid of its vacancy.

Life's desire to live was overwhelming,
But this melancholy soul was restraining.

Defeated and hopeless, Soul couldn't take anymore,
Surrendered itself to Life and wanted to soar.

Life took this challenge eagerly and gleefully,
Came to its rescue and comforted it kindly.

Filled the Soul once again with lively desires,
Disciplined it as it had gone a lot haywire.

This deadened Soul furbished and nurtured,
Once again woke up its hope, so badly tortured.

Life and Soul together started blooming,
Zipping, zapping and zooming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh! Baby, I see, you miss me,
I see your crying face,
Which breaks me apart,
Tears my soul into million pieces,
Wounds my heart, never to be healed again.
I can perceive your desperation,
To be near me and into my arms.
How much it hurts me.
I can't embrace you as before,
Can't kiss your sweet lips.
This helplessness kills me every moment.
And, I know you would be wondering,
But, sweetie , you would never know.
I'm around you but you can't feel me.
I cry for you every now and then
But, Baby, can you hear me?
I'm walking in the streets all alone,
Just me and the silver moon.
Unseen, lost, trashed and forbidden.
Baby, can you hear my heart weep?
I can't see this veil of sorrow,
Descending on your sweet serene face.
But, Baby, I'm helpless, I can't redress.

I can't forget that fateful day,
When my blood turned cold blue.
And, when I started craving,
To suck sweet pious human blood.
I can't fight this feeling anymore,
I'm torned between two desires,
To suck human blood and
To love a human that is
You, Baby, only and only you.
Why this happened to me?
Why I have been made like this?
Neither I'm of a Vampire domain, nor of Human kingdom.
Baby, I feel so hungry at times,
And, nothing but only human blood ,
Can satiate me, but I resist my craving,
And , I just pick some blood
From blood banks and savor it.
I'm so afraid of approaching you,
I wanna touch you, feel you, caress you,
But I can't.
What if that demonic desire overwhelms me,
Your sweet smell of blood allures me.
I would rather die than hurt you.
Baby, I've lost myself, lost forever,
I can be now only in your memories
And, I'm tired of being sorry all the time,
Hope, time heals everything for you
And, once again you find your happiness.
Once again I see your cheerful and lovely smile.
Right from the heaven above,
Because I'm going to dwell there now,
Goodbye Baby, Goodbye forever and ever more.


Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide.
In this world full of sorrow,
Lost souls, humanity ceased.
Mist of corruption veiling,
The innocent and honest.
Pub filled with bacchanalians,
All having a mirthless laugh.
Haggard look on the young faces,
Dubious of being in ambivalence.
Feelings dead as ashes in the hearth.
Dignity sold at the cost of monetary gain.
Hunger shrieking in lonely silence.
Diseased, withered and decaying,
Are the virtues and convictions.
Promises are meant to be broken,
The only principle to be ruled.
Fiscal deficit going up and high,
A sweep of global recession,
Reason for youngsters’ suicide.
Global economy in a big crunch,
Where to go, where to hide?
Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide.


No one spared from the glitches of life
Brings in

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