» Poetry » I'll make you dream my name, Lucia Morosanu [best reads of all time txt] 📗

Book online «I'll make you dream my name, Lucia Morosanu [best reads of all time txt] 📗». Author Lucia Morosanu

I'll make you dream my name

Remember when your voice echoed,

Bouncing around the rooms?

Words could never hurt, but fuck were you wrong

Your venom was so sweet that you engulfed yourself in it

Your ego demanded other’s failure

As humor demands intelligence.

You’ve built yourself a heart of hate

Pumping spite to keep you moving

Tell me again how I’ve hindered your lustre

Tell me again how I’ve held you from glory

Even though repetition would never grant it force

The manipulative melody sharpened the delusion

Step by small step, you’ve dug your own grave

But you never admitted to holding the spade

People broke and people went, but the fault was never yours

I had to stay, to feel the significant suffering

So I could be worthy of inclusion.

As the shadows surreptitiously stuttered:

It…it…it’s not you

Bla…bla… blame it on them

Your eyes sparkled with relief

The blood spilled was not on your knife

The tears cried were not by your hands

Time may not heal, but it most definitely won’t stop.

Yet everything has an end, even pain

I’ve learned that the most agonizing way.


But today it’s a new start; today is point zero

Tell your poison I’m coming for it

Be prepared, this time the tides have turned

You’ve always been my evil Everest

So I’ll look you in those dead eyes of yours

And bring to life all I thought long dead


I’ll make you dream my name


Text: Lucia Morosanu
Images: Lucia Morosanu
Editing: Lucia Morosanu
Publication Date: 06-07-2013

All Rights Reserved

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