» Poetry » Songs of the Heart, Megan Whitlock [well read books txt] 📗

Book online «Songs of the Heart, Megan Whitlock [well read books txt] 📗». Author Megan Whitlock

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My Most Favorite Thing

Old man winter as settled in
A blanket of white has settled over the
Once green land
The trees now bare
No longer do they have their once brightly
Colored leaves
In their place are frozen
Streams of water
Now icicles beautifully decorate
The trees
Snow now falls from the heavens
It sticks to my eyelashes
Everything is a beautiful white
It is as if an angel of purity
Sent by god
Came to the earth
And painted the world anew
And when leaving
Covered the once sunny sky
With a quilt of fluffy white clouds
That you would think
Would only be seen
Within the gates of heaven
Mothers wrap their children tight
Fires kindle
Keeping houses warm all through
The cold winter night
The roads are iced
So you find children out at play
Because school was canceled for that day
I breathe in the cold winter air
And it fills my lungs
These are a few of my favorite things
About winter
I gaze in wonder at winter’s beautiful sight
I go for a walk on this cold winter day
With you
We see two people dancing on frozen water
They are ice-skating
And they look oh so graceful
As graceful as moonlight swans swimming
Upon a lake
This is another one of my favorite things
Everyone is joyful at the beautiful sights
But alas I am now ready
To go home
And sit with you
By a warm fire
Drinking hot chocolate
Wrapped in a warm blanket
Out of all the things I like
About winter
The long walks
The sight of children playing in the snow
The sight of the beautifully decorated land
My most favorite thing
Is being wrapped in your arms
In front of a warm fire
And my most favorite sight is not
The white land
But the sight of your smile and looking into your eyes
My most favorite thing about winter
Is being with you

This Letter

Days grow shorter
And the nights get colder
A lonely teardrop hits the page
As the writes this letter
And to him it reads
It is time to leave
No more will I feel that
I have been left all
Alone in a fog
A lighthouse has broke through the fog
Of my life and guided me
No more will I be alone
You could have reached out to me
If you would just reach out
Maybe I could forget about all the times
That you let me down
All the times that you hurt me
But these big blue eyes are crying
From the things you never say
Deep inside Im dying
There is no love at all
So goodbye
I leave you this letter
With all the pain and sorrow
The lonely nights that I waited for you
The ocean blue tears that I have shed
All in this letter to you
Keep in remembrance of me
Of what we use to have
And how this came to be
Look at this letter
At the places where
My tears have dropped
Smell the hint of my perfume
And read the sorrowful words
That I have written
This is all I leave you
So goodbye and remember
This letter is all you
Have left of me
All you will find are pages
Full of words that I
Never said
And words that I
Wish you had said
Goodbye, this is all I leave you
This letter from me
And that’s all she left
This letter to him


Days have passed
Four times has the sun set
Since I have dwelled here
Though it feels as if it has set 400 times
Time has all but passed by quickly
Like a tortoise making its way across
The beach of life
I feel that the sands of time
The winds of change
And the ever turning earth itself
Has stopped
Silly thoughts
For I know time is forever unstoppable
No force nor law of man could stop it
It feels as if I have had
And eternity to
Think about you
Alas this is both a blessing and a curse
For while sweet thoughts of you fill my mind
It is but in moments
That I am hit by a tidal wave
Of fear and sadness
Fear for I know not what to do
Whether to stay with you
Or leave you
The whole thought confuses me
Fear of you being unfaithful
Once again while
I am away
Sadness the thought that I am
Not good enough for you
Destroys me
I question myself worth
And doubt myself
The thought that you need
Another girl
To make you happy
Is more than I can bare
I feel all but beautiful despite
Your kind words spoken to me
You say you love me
But doubt fills my mind
You don’t love me
I know I should leave
But I am afraid
I create my own prison
I don’t want to be alone
It is this fear
That binds me in chains
And forces me to hold on to you
I don’t know what to do
I have the keys
In my hand
I could easily unlock these
But alas my fear
Of being alone
Is greater than my will to be free
So for the time being
I am chained to my sadness
And to my fears
Chained to all my troubles
I am chained
To you

Blue Jay in my Backyard

I failed yet once again
It saddens me for I can do nothing right
I approach the doors leading to my backyard
And open them with great frustration
I must clear my mind of this terrible feeling
So that I may think without and ominous cloud
Obstructing my vision
The day is young
The sun puts forth rays of golden light
That warm my face
The grass is green as well are the other
Plants and trees
The flowers are all a blossom
So many colors
They paint a picture
It is as walking into a painting
Created by an extravagant artist
So many reds, pinks, blues, and yellows
At this sight I feel the storm within me
Calm from a massive hurricane to not but rain
It is a breath taking sight
The heavenly perfume that the flowers doth
Radiate fill my nostrils
It is that time of year
Everything comes alive once again
Bears awake from their deep slumber
And birds perform what sounds like a musical
A sound of so many beautiful voices
Combined into one
They sing there sweet song
It feels as if it is surrounding me
Digging itself deep into my soul
Opening my eyes to things that to
Me have been unseen
Things hidden beneath my worn and tattered soul
The birds begin to take flight
One flies here and one flies there
They are everywhere
One draws near
Colorful and bright
Red feathered and orange beaked
Black beady eyes look at me
With a flap of a wing he then takes his leave
What a wonderful creature
How magnificent it must be to soar
High above the trees
High above the clouds
Where you are free
No laws nor troubles to tear you down
It must be wonderful to break free
To take flight on wings and soar high
Above the heavens and gaze with wonder at
Gods great creation
It is a wonderful thing
But if only I had wings
Another bird catches my eye
Its feathers are a deep ocean blue
They shine like silk in the bright sunlight
It is a young Blue Jay learning to fly
It try's and fails
Try's and fails
Reminding me of my own failures
The young bird try's yet again
He flaps his wings with
Great speed, runs and then jumps
I expected him to fail once again
But to my surprise the little bird
Took flight
Now he soars wild and free
High up in the clouds
For all to see
A lesson is to be learned
From this little bird
Believe you can do something and you will
Don’t be still in thoughts or actions
The only true failure is when
You stop trying
So now more determined than ever
I take my leave
First the Blue Jay in my backyard
And now me

Just You and Me

We’re walking through the park
looking at the stars that seem to be
Dancing in the dark
Your holding me
I’m holding you to
I look in your eyes and
I know I love you
I know that in a split second
That I would give my own life to save yours
The very breath that god has given me
I would ask him to take it away to give it to you
That he would take the heart from my chest
I would give up my life to ensure
That you could continue to live yours
And I hope that you know as long as there is still life in me
As long as I have a breath to breathe
And a heart that beats
That I will love you
I will love you until I draw my last breath
And I close my eyes
It’s easy to see
You’re the only one for me
There is no other person on earth
That I could love more
You lean in
This is so perfect
Could it be a sin
I’m looking into your eyes.
It’s like looking into your soul
What a beautiful soul you doth have
It shines so bright
And it lights up this dark night
It’s brighter than the moon and the stars
That god has placed in the heavens
To light up our night
It is even brighter than the light
Of the ever burning sun
Your eyes shine like the sun reflecting off
The big blue sea
I don’t want to hide from your eyes
Like the moon pulls the tide
They pull me in
I lean in
Your lips meet mine
How divine could this be
Knowing it’s just you and me
We drive to a lake
My heart is beating so hard
As we sit gazing at the stars
Just you and me
The moonlight is beaming of the water
We're smiling
And laughing
And just talking
I don’t recognize this place
You had taken me to different places
Like where we first met, our first kiss
I know all these places so well
But the lake I didn’t remember
It was all new to me
I don’t know this place I said
I looked at him
He looked nervous
Then got down on one knee and said
I love you more than anything
I love you so much
That there is no way I can communicate it in human form
I want to be by your side
Until the end of time
I want you to be in my arms
Again and again
I want to be there to help you through life
I want to protect you
And make you happy
I want to give my life to you
I want to be the one that is beside you
When everyone else turns away
Through sickness

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