» Poetry » Unheard Whispers Creates Lost Souls, storiesuntold{PattyDeGroff} [cheapest way to read ebooks txt] 📗

Book online «Unheard Whispers Creates Lost Souls, storiesuntold{PattyDeGroff} [cheapest way to read ebooks txt] 📗». Author storiesuntold{PattyDeGroff}

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Christmas On The Smallest Of Scale

Do we really think Christmas is ours alone,
when in fact even the smallest of creatures have shown.
That Christmas is a magical time indeed,
just look about today and you shall see.

With a magnifying glass I went on a safari one day ,
checked out an ant den and oh what a display .
I saw a group working diligently,
carrying pieces of twigs and mistletoe with such glee.

There was one who sported the tinniest red hat,
he was a sight bigger than the rest thats a fact .
I saw this little cart made from a leaf and small twigs,
and a jolly little ant doing the jig.

Upon the leaf lay some wheet and some corn and rice,
gifts for the queen from their Santa that very night.
I saw many little ants scurrying about,
and oh if you listened real close carols they did shout.

As I moved about the yard and found a spider web there,
through the magnifying glass I becme so aware .
The tiniest flickering of lights a reflection I suppose,
from the dew that had rested on the web made it silver and gold.

Out amongst the trees the birds sang in delight,
with their nests and babies all twinkling bright eyes.
I heard the lovelest carol,I ever did hear,
from a mockinbird that learned some of our tunes so dear.

As I turned and followed my muse to my surprise,
I saw a pastle of beautiful butterflies.
Like faireies dancing amongst the trees,
and enjoying all the years festivities.

So always remember we arent the only ones blessed,
try to be kind to the little critters about us you bet .
For it is a time of love and giving no mattter how big or smal,l
it is a time of enlightenment of life for all.

I found myself a quiet place and took it all in,
for amongst all of this the sounds all joined in.
It brought me to a place in jungle book you see,
to hear the cricket and the bullfrog in harmony.

Author notes;
I hope all children this year learnes to get out with nature and find such magic for them to behold . Things like doodle bugs and catapillar a coccon and how its mysteries unfurl into a lovely butterfly . The construction of a spider web and the songs on the air . Learn to be aware of what is about you every day . It will bring joy to your heart and let that child within out to play.

Hope Is Yours To Embrace

H ow often have you prayed for peace,
O n each waking day on bended knee.
P utting your faith for all to see,
E ntering into the kingdom with a plea.

I n this moment do you feel the rush,
S licing through the atmosphere without a crutch.

Y earning to see humanity humbled and free,
O ut to help our bretherins to see.
U nconditional love has always been at hand,
R eversing the sorrows across the land .
S aving our world and joining of hands.

T ruth and honesty place in the lead,
O ld ways tossed out to sea.

E mbracing our faith and let the light shine within,
M oments of purity from beginning to end .
B rought forth to save our children from pending doom,
R acing to save the world together let it be soon.
A nother dawning will it be without fear,
C ould it be today his voice we can hear;
E ternities vacume ever so near.

Author notes:
Together we must embrace life and save the children

If You Feel Lost Go Talk To Grandma or Grandpa

For all of the kids today,
locked up in their rooms refusing to play.
How old were you when your magic was displaced,
when you traded your smile for a frown on your face.

I say when did you lose the magic all children are born with indeed,
When did you feel you were all grown up and was without need.
How does it feel to know so much yet feel so all alone ,
if this question passes through your mind then honey come back home.

Go talk to your Grandma or Grandpa,
tell them you so need their help.
And give them the time to fuss a little,
for all the times you ignored them and put them through hell.

Now listen very close and know you most likely wont like what you will hear,
For Grandma and Grandpa didnt get to where they are by not knowing even your kind of fear.
Listen intently and know what they say is true,
and if you want to find joy again then follow their muse.

Grandparents can just look at a child and tell you what went wrong,
They can say in very few words what you need to get back home.
So if you are tired of being hurt and want that magic again,
then follow their muse and honey you will find yourself smiling with them.

Young poeple look upon the elders as dumb to the ways of today,
Yet no one asks them how to help them find their way.
They are so full of knowledge on what it takes to live,
but first your time and respect to them you must give.

They see their grand child in such a rush to be like others indeed,
They saw you when you carried that smile and was oh so free.
They saw you through each change and the day you left them behind,
and only one thing you never saw was the tears in their eyes.

Author notes:
You see there isnt a thing that you have been doing that your Grand parents havent witnessed in their lifetime .They saw kid falling away from their families in their time as well and they also saw what damage they can do to themselves because of it . Why would a child work so hard against their families to end up so miserable when if they had taken the time to listen and follow a few rules they would be happy and loved and never feeling alone . You have to give love to receive it and to love others you have to show thm respect so while you are looking there in the mirror where do you fit in all of this .

Who Is Taking Childrens Joy Away

Oh Christmas was always such a special time for me,
as a child it was such a magical time indeed.
Such excitment and decorations that sparkled in such a way,
brought out such love and joy in the children in my day.

Who is taking childrens joy away?
Adults who think not of the children today.
They have refused them to hug refused them of prayer and a tree,
and have refused them Christmas magic indeed.

Now as they have left them with nothing to believe,
what do you think the children will turn to indeed.
All work no play makes little children become lost and alone,
all because adults refuse to believe all along.

Who is taking the joy from our children today?
Adults who refuses to believe I would say.
The adults had their time when they were growing up,
so tell me why would you deny your children such joy such love.

I see their faces when the tree is taken away,
do you take the time to see your angel fall from the expression on their face.
Cant you see by makeing them adults before their time,
the child becomes lost along the line.

Rushing them off to nursuries and schools from day one,
taught by who knows makes a child come undone.
Unknowing of the love of the parent indeed ,
leaves a soul lost afraid and refusing life as it should be.

So who is taking the joy from our children today?
What good is it acomplishing for you to have your way.
The child needs such time to see magic and know love,
and I myself think we should give them back their joy
and bring back love.

Author notes;
So many children I talk to every day that feels they are lost .Not being able to see magic in their life leaves no room to believe anything at all .Children are very smart often smarter than those raising them for they know right from wtrong and see their parents doing wrong every day .Yet they being children arent given a say in how life should be along the way . I say its time we give those children their time back .Stand up and be heard and let them embrace one another and let them have their Christmas as it should be .If some family doesnt believe in Christmas then thats OK to but all children shouldnt be punished from joy just to please you .
It has always been celebrated from day one so who gives you the right to take this joy from my daughters and sons.
Who has taken the joy away from our children today?
Everyone for we dont stand up and keep it alive I would say .

Whos Hands Have I Chosen To Lead Me This Day


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