» Poetry » The Spirit Within, Tammie Brazil [phonics readers txt] 📗

Book online «The Spirit Within, Tammie Brazil [phonics readers txt] 📗». Author Tammie Brazil

Mercy In The Waves

Lost I am in a world of confusion
Seeking what I do not know
Just searching on an endless quest
For peace from all life's woes

Relentless I plod forward
With eyes that are blind
Each step I take seems futile
I know not what I will find

Feeling not the coarse damp sands
That squish up between my toes
Seemingly slowing my progress
Yet the sands are not my foe

Hearing not the raucous cries
Of seagulls o'er my head
That if I would but listen
Would tell me not to dread

Feeling not the sea breeze'
Salty kisses on my cheek
Offering to me comfort
From my world that is so bleak

Suddenly a wave crashes
Upon the golden shore
Snapping me away from
My inner pain and so much more

Blinded eyes are opened
And within feelings awake
My ears are now unstopped
As God's beauty doth make

My awareness rise up
My heart slowly melt
My thoughts become full of hope
God's love is now felt

So now the day ends not
In sorrow and despair
God's mighty mercy has come to me
And now the day ends fair.

by Tammie Brazil


Pushing up through the ground
Tender leaves of first Spring
Eagerly reaching for Sun’s warmth
Relishing cool drops of rain
Thriving in soil’s rich loam
Growing tall, budding bright colors
Of yellows, reds, pinks, purples and blues
Waxy petals opening to receive Mother Nature’s embrace
Greeting the world with arrogant bows
Standing proud in knowing their beauty is
Unmatched, unsurpassed by any other
Tulips herald the royalty that is Spring.

By Tammie Brazil

God’s Throne

At the top of the world, I’m sure there’s a place
Where God sits and views all when He stops by.
The structure rises majestically up high into the sky.
The nature of it’s grandness cannot be explained,
But when your eyes rest upon it you know
It belongs to the King.
I can just imagine Him sitting there
regal robes flowing
as He observes all His creation, seeing all and knowing.
I’m sure at times He’s displeasured at what He sees,
but then His love overflows, encompassing we
who sit below Him, stumbling on the way,
to kneel at the foot of God’s throne on that final day.

By Tammie Brazil

A Season Of Caring

Summer comes with her gift of warmth and
sunny days in which we all embrace with joy.
Blue skies and fluffy clouds dance across the horizon,
Delighting us, causing us to laugh with glee.

Fall brings us gay colours and crisp winds
Blowing through our hair, igniting energy
Within us, causing squirrels to scamper
Briskly about gathering food for Winter’s harshness.

Winter breaks cold and stark, breath pluming in the air,
Trees reaching with outstretched, naked limbs for Sun’s
Warmth, receiving only a blanket of icy crystals of snow,
That promises only death in its rare form of beauty.

Spring begins with song-filled air on wings of gossamer.
Tender leaves stretch forth from the ground, basking in
Sun’s wondrous and tender warmth. Mercy has come to
Nature and all life fills the heart with a Season of caring.

By Tammie Brazil

Sunny Day


By Tammie Brazil

God’s Promise

When God destroyed the earth by flood, He felt regret,
and so He promised never again and a rainbow He did set
into the clouds descending down for all of man to see
and know God’s wondrous promises are true for you and me.
The brilliant hues of colour placed carefully in an arc
Tells us that He loves us and never will He part.
For once we accept Him and invite Him in,
He leads us and guides us as we begin life again.
So the rainbow He has placed as a sign for you and I,
serves to encourage us on our journey
to the sweet by and by.

By Tammie Brazil 9/13/06

He Will Set You Free

There is a path to freedom
That leads you into light
It’s written in the scriptures
To make it, you must fight.

Accepting Jesus as your Saviour
Will start you on your way
As you travel through God’s Word
It will brighten up your day.

Yes, God sent His son Jesus
To pay in full the price
Of setting us all free
So we can see Paradise.

By Tammie Brazil

God’s Laughter

Tumbling down
Gurgling sound
Joyful song
Rushing merrily along
Clear and tinkling
Can’t help thinking
God’s laughter must be
This voice of glee.

By Tammie Brazil

God’s Glory

Brilliant sunlight
Peeking through
Gossamer clouds
Seemingly suspended
Yet weightless
Bringing forth light
Brightening the day
With God’s glory.

By Tammie Brazil

Quiet Solitude

Everyone should have a place
In which they can go
To escape all the chaos
They have come to know

Quiet, serene beauty
Should greet their arrival
This solitude could mean
Ultimate survival

For here alone with God
They’d find serenity
Uplifted and renewed
They would surely be

Communing with God
In this place
Of quiet solitude.

By Tammie Brazil

Through The Mist

Through the mist we must go
In order to reach the light
We must ever press onward
Never giving up the fight.

For though life is full of stumbles
Troubles and mistakes
Our journey through the mist of it all
Is important for us to take.

For when we finally reach the end
And the mist has cleared away
It is there we’ll meet our Savior
On that final blessed day.

By Tammie Brazil


Publication Date: 03-26-2010

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this book to my husband Roger and my children, Joe, Amber and Brittany. I love you all.

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