» Poetry » Poetry from the Heart, Elle Marie [the beginning after the end read novel txt] 📗

Book online «Poetry from the Heart, Elle Marie [the beginning after the end read novel txt] 📗». Author Elle Marie

That Touch
Our eyes simply touched. When they say eyes are the window to somebody's soul, you feel everything that person feels. Whenever I do, I feel so much. I still feel the love I had for him. Love that he may still have for me. The love I shouldn't still have. It gets so hard to not still love someone who gave you so much to forget. And then, it was over...

The chains are tough, almost piercing. Sometimes, I just want to break through and run. I struggle and scream from the pain. Yet, I'm still somewhat whole. My heart is confused and lost without return. I don't even know what to do anymore. But then I forget and just live.

It's been awhile, but my feelings really haven't changed. I still feel the same, nonchanging. It's like a everlasting waterfall that engulfs me. I guess I'll always feel the way no matter what I do.

He broke my heart, and what did you do? Nothing. What kind of friend are you? Were we even friends at all? Do you have my back? Of course you don't. Why are you still listening to me? It's not like you really care. So just go away and stop pretending to be something that you never were.

Missing You
I've tried so many times to move on from you, but I keep ending up in the same position. Still being in love with you. I honestly don't think you care anymore and that makes me want to cry. You never truly hurt me, you just confused me. I never understood what happened when I thought we were so good. I'm still in this position, missing you.

People are always asking me, "Are you okay?" And I always reply, "Yeah, I'm fine." But the truth is, I'm not. Sometimes I just want to run off and cry my eyes out. So the truth is, I'm not okay, and may never be. But I'm trying hard every single day; fighting, trying to be strong, and not cry and run.

Nothing will really be the same between us. Nothing will be like it used to. My feelings won't change and I won't stop looking back. Trying just seems useless even though I need to move on and forget. I just can't seem to. I just keep looking back and nothing is changing.

The Old You
I miss how close we were. I miss how you were there for me. I miss when you were the one I always came to when I was upset. I miss when you were the one I was always hanging with. I miss when we were best friends. I guess I just miss the old you.

It's like I'm invisible. I'm here, but nobody sees me. I speak and they don't notice. When I say their name, they act as if they didn't hear me. And even though I shout, it is as if they don't hear a sound escape my mouth. They don't hear me, they don't see me. They don't feel my presence. I suppose I'm stuck in a world where I'm simply invisible.

Not the Same
You don't understand that just because we broke up doesn't mean that I didn't stop loving you. I still love you, but not in the same way you love me. You don't realize that I still care about you. But not in the same way you care about me. But not in the same way you care about me. I don't want you to get hurt and I don't something bad to happen to you. Our feelings are no longer the same anymore, which you do not understand.

Everything Has Changed
People don't realize how much words can hurt a person. One word, and you can be hurting inside. Why do people do this? Our world is becoming one that we cannot recognize anymore. A place where we see more hate then love. And more envy than friendship. Everything that was is no longer viewable and completely different.

I feel lost, trapped, falling without return. Alone, with no one to comfort me. It's as if everyone has left me, and will never be back. Every wall is crumbling down on me and I can't feel anything. Loneliness covers me. I got all of the friends that at one time cared about me, and now it's like I don't exist. It's as I have no one.  


The tears burn just like they did on that day. The tears fall as they did that day. Burning the backs of my eyes as they did then. They fall like pools around me, soundlessly and full of pain. Will they ever stop? No, the tears will continue to fall. All around me as they burn once again.


Publication Date: 03-04-2013

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