» Poetry » I Thought It Was Over, John Reeves [bill gates books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «I Thought It Was Over, John Reeves [bill gates books to read .TXT] 📗». Author John Reeves


In this book are some poems that describe events in my life, some were great moments, others not so great. My name is John Reeves, and I am a writer of horror fiction. I have done poetry in the past, but never have I put any of it in print available for others to see. I guess in ways for a long time I thought it was things best kept as a secret. I am married with two beautiful children a boy, and a girl. I am a family man believing nothing is more important that those that you love. No fear is greater than the fear of letting them down. So as a new writer and, author of Four Stories High I take off into the deep waters of literature, hoping others will give my work a try and, take the journey with me. The first novel I ever read was "Christine" by Stephen King, the book was awesome from cover to cover. I realized that day the power of the written word. I read other books wanting to feel the story as if I was there, I figured out not everyone can write those kind of stories. I hope that I'm able to write the kind of poems that readers can enjoy but, also relate to in some way or another. Life is what it is for all of us, when we were kids our parents always told us "Don't rush to be all grown up, enjoy being a child." It went by so fast proving them right, and now I tell my son to enjoy being a child, because when it's over, it's over.

I Thought It Was over.


It's My Life

The world was different in 1979,
It really was a different place in time,

Born to parents who didn't stay together,
when time had passed they realized,
they didn't love each other,

Somewhere inside their thoughts were me and, my older brother,
every kid needs both a father and a mother,

My biological father never treated me like a son,
more like an older brother running and having fun.

My mother moved on creating a new life,
she met my dad then she became his wife.

Moving to a state he'd never lived in,
with one kid,
and two he'd call his children.

Raised in a family with plenty of love,
I think I answered yes to all of the above,

For 30 years I have lived in life,
Met a good girl to call my wife.

Had two kids I love so much,
even when they're being little butts.

I hope I can be the kind of father that I had,
both the biological, and the one I call my dad.


Ms Cooper

Jane Cooper was a teacher of mine,
until I got to grade number 9.

She hated the guys, I think she only liked the girls,
me, Chris, and Pat she tried to ruin our worlds.

Conjunction, junction, hey Ms Cooper
What's your malfunction.

I believe if there is a Heaven and a Hell,
she will met the red one, and cook very well.

She made my buddy Pat work from the floor,
She was a sick lady who'd probably done a whole lot more,
She hated my brother and me to the middle of the core.

One day she laid her head upon the desk,
this wasn't OK for me, but for her it was I guess.

She told me and my buddies we wouldn't amount to much,
I never took it serious, because I knew she hated our guts.

By my 9th grade year she was gone,
God answered my prayer,
but damn it took so long.


The 50 Yard Line

Friday nights,
up under the lights,
hoping everything goes alright,
the coach isn't mad just uptight,
a friend said we'd lose by 20 hope he's not right,
In the parking lot behind the bleachers there's gonna be a fight,
the purple and gold tigers have a plan in sight,
win the game for MCHS tonight,
the ref flips the coin flying to the right,
I hope the game is called fair by refs in black and white,
the kickoff sailed thorough the sky hiding in the light,
the policeman by the gate is John Wright,
welcome to the game he says so polite,
I learned a 300 pound lineman really isn't light,
before you take the hit make sure your chin strap is tight,
we won the homecoming game outright,
After the dance I went to a party that night,
I hung out with some friends getting high as a kite,
when I left they asked you gonna be alright,
I might be back later, but if not goodnight.


The Tree House

It seemed so high, up in the sky,
we knew if you fell you'd probably die.

Hammers and nails, we built in spare time,
using tool with out asking, what ever we could find.

If you knew the password you're welcome to come inside,
whoa brother running from the cops, come on in and hide.

The rope is tight, it will hold you alright,
get the sling shots and, let's have a fight.

Woke up at about 4:00 in the morning,
Went to work on the tree house while most were in bed snoring.

700 nails in one piece of wood, my friend,
don't tell me it won't hold good, because I know it should.

Where the saw the plank is too long,
you couldn't get the tools 'cause your dad was at home.

We need to paint it so the wood won't rot,
Here's two dollars but, that's all I got.

The Play Boy stash is in a shoe box by the door,
next to the cigarette butts smashed on the floor.

Years later the tree house is gone, but the tree is still fine,
Those were some good memories locked in my mind.


Forever one more Time

Love started on the phone to Indiana,
but found it's way to Sweet Home Alabama.

Using the churches phone, hope they didn't mind,
I wanna hear that sweet voice "J" get her on the line.

The house wasn't haunted and now it's gone,
was two lovers, trying to be together really all that wrong?

Not my girl I left her world in 1996 to my regret,
came back in 97, because my mind was set.

She told me as I arrived that she'd found someone new,
before the conversation ended she said I'm still in love with you.

In the projects lost her phone after not too long,
It was late in 1998 I got the word she was gone.

I always think of the woman that she would've have been,
If there's really a God, why did you take her then.

I'm married now life has seemed to have moved on along,
there's not a day I don't think about her being gone.

Standing in the grass trying to think of something to say,
talking to a stone isn't wrong, just forgot what I was gonna say.

I wish that she could be here even if not with me,
to have her gone for way too long isn't right, you see.

I loved her then I love her now today,
somethings in life never die or go away.

Writing and reliving the sorrow,
that's OK it's not just today,
I'll do it again tomorrow.


Walk the Line
Two hits from the bong,
this feels to right,
too be wrong.

Captivation is a state of mind,
living in a world of you own,
the steady daily grind.

He's in the room again doing his thing,
shouting, demanding, like he's a king.

I think the light is in my eyes,
living in a world full of lies.

First to respond when tragedy hits,
but our own people can't prove they didn't do it.

Miracles happen everyday,
but, most of the time,
science explains them away.

Kid on the street buys drugs,
not because he wants to
he lives in the ghetto with the thugs.

God my God, where have you been,
close your eyes, say goodnight,
it's alright then.



Publication Date: 01-06-2010

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