» Poetry » Friends, Laura Fern [best novels for students txt] 📗

Book online «Friends, Laura Fern [best novels for students txt] 📗». Author Laura Fern

True Friends

Dedicated to: All of my friends

A true friend listens,
Makes fun of you,
Pushes you around,
And in return,
You do the same,
You think about them,
Wish you were with them,
Miss them,
But unlike most guys,
True friends will be there,
They'll stick with you through thick and thin,
They won't leave you,
Hurt you,
Make you feel bad,
Sometimes we question ourselves,
"Is she really my friend?"
But we all know,
Underneath all the doubt,
That they are true friends,

The Squirrel

He soared,
Snatching the branch,
Zigzaging down the trunk,
Others joined in,
Cautiously placing each foot on the rope,
High in the air,
They all scolded eachother as they went,
Up and down,
Side to side,
They stop,
Placing their finds in one pile,
Waiting for applause.

The Moon

I have always believed that the moon is God,
His way of showing us that He is watching us,
Shinning brightly over us,
Like God,
The moon is everywhere,
No matter where you are,
It's always there,
Why can't you see the moon during the day?
Because that's when God sees us clearly,
The moon is like His night goggles,
So He knows we are safe.


My hair is always messy,
I am constantly tripping over things,
My grades aren't as good as they could be,
I sometimes lose my temper,
Or be mean to others,
Nothing fits me the way I want it to,
And sometimes I'm so sad I feel like screaming forever and ever,
Then I look at myself,
and see that I don't have to be the stereotypical perfect person,
I can just be my unperfect self.

Bus Ride Poem

I am on the bus,
Watching the buildings and green trees go by,
The sun is in my eyes,
The sky is bright blue,
The window is open,
Now the wind is in my face,
My hair blowing everywhere,
The cranky bus driver stares at me with his evil eyes,
In the seat ahead of me my younger sister and her friends are giggling and talking,
In the seats behind me,
Sit the cranky high schoolers with too much eye makeup and giant purses,
I am trying to write neatly,
but the bumps make my writing look like scribbles,
I look out the window once more,
Seeing the cars go by,
And the soft green grass blowing in the wind.


One summer day,
All we saw was green.
No flowers in the grass,
Just green.
Sure, there were flowers,
Just no scattered color,
Until a girl with a pink bow in her hair,
Decided to paint a picture on a beautiful day,
She had all the colors of the rainbow,
Blue, green, red, orange, and yellow,
On her way out the door,
She dropped her small bottle of yellow paint in the grass;
Splatters of yellow went everywhere,
The whole world was covered in dandelions.


If I could reincarnate into anything I always thought an elephant or a whale,
Noone judges them by their weight,
or looks.
Noone cares whether you have a wart on your foot,
or if you have a messy hair day.
Noone cares if you are wealthy,
or how big your home is.
Noone cares if you have perfect nails,
or if you are famous,
So I have to wonder...
Why do we care?


He's short and fat,
Wearing a green suit with sparkling trim,
That seems on fire when the sun it beating down,
Step by step,
He's getting tired looking for that huge pot of gold,
Then he thinks he saw a rainbow,
Where the bottom of the colorful arc,
Lays the pot of rich money,
The leprechaun started to run,
Pat, pat, pat,

He ran on,
Searching for the rainbow,
Still running,
Pat, pat, pat,

He finally sees the huge black pot,
The fat leprehaun looked in,

I don't

I don't want to be the one to spill all the secrets,
I don't want to be the one to admit that I was wrong,
I don't want to be mean,
I don't want to be the person who is too naive to see what's right in front of them,
I don't want to be the person with the broken heart,
I don't want to be afraid of the dark,
I don't want to be the one in the spotlight,
I don't want to worry,
I don't want to cry,
I don't want to be the one that doesn't listen,
I don't want to regret,
I don't want a lot of things,
but I know I'm going to face them all someday,
So I'm going to hold my head up high,
and face all of my wants with such force it'll knock them on their back.

Greedy Gravity

There once was a mouse named gravity,
He floated this way, and that,
Being completely free of that pull to the ground.
One day, Gravity was just floating along,
When the king called upon him,
The king asked Gravity nicely,
"Please float along until you find the perfect completion of my crown. It's to dull to be fit for a king."
Gravity went searching,
Along the way,
He found the perfect cloud to add to the king's crown,
but Gravity was greedy.
He kept the perfect cloud and left the king without an answer,
but the king knew everything there was to know and he knew about greedy Gravity,
So he banished Gravity to the lowest kingdom,
He was so mad he punished all living things on Earth to belong and live on the lowly ground,
away from the clouds and sky.
From that day on,
We all stayed on the ground,
Closer to the lowest kingdom,
All because of greedy Gravity.

Writing Magic

I take my pencil and start to write,
My pencil flows easily,
Forming each letter,
The letters blend together to make words,
The words stick together to tell a story,
It's almost like magic.

Peanut Butter

A poem about one of my favorite things.

Creamy... Sticky... Peanut Butter,
Smack, smack, smack,

It's stuck on the roof of your mouth,
Smack, smack, smack,

You think it will stay there,
It will turn hard, rotting your teeth...
Smack, smack, smack,

It comes off!
Your happy and continue to eat the peanut butter,
Smack, smack, smack.

I love

I love my dog,
he barks a lot.

Ilove my book,
its too long.

I love my basketball

I dropped it in the mud.

I love my friends,
we got in a fight today.

I love chicken,
my mom dropped it down the stairs.

I love to ride bike,
I skinned my knee.

I love 4-H,
my younger brother destroyed my projects,

I love my waterbed,
it sprung a leak and flooded the house.

I love school,
my dog ate my homework,

Ilove "Dawn" dish soap,
I put it in the dishwasher...


From the clouds,
to the grass,
from the rain,
to the drought,
from the rainforest,
to the desert,
from tornados,
to rainbows,
from howl,
to chirp,
from the stars,
to the rocks,
from the moon,
to the sun,
from the bear,
to the bird,
from the house,
to the deserted island.
I love Earth.


Sometimes I wonder what's really beyond the clouds,
beyond the stars,
beyond pluto,
beyond the milky way,
Are we just a small grain of dust stuck in a giant couch,
or are we alone in this giant space?
Maybe there are aliens and UFOs,
but we just can't see beyond.
This is what makes life worth living,
knowing that there might be dragons,
or the Easter Bunny,
or a Loch Ness Monster,
or if the world is going to end in 2012.
Not knowing leaves us guessing,
After wondering I think, "Hey, maybe life's mysteries aren't meant to be answered."

A poem about what I love to do most...

The smooth leather of the saddle beneath me,
The slight dip in his smooth back,
The tangle in his mane,
The flare of his nostrils,
The beat of his hoves,
The slight twitch of his ear,
The reflection of myself in his eyes,
The twist of his tail,
His broad shoulders and strong legs moving swiftly,
Until we are flying,
We become one moving creature,
Trampling all the clouds into dust,
The sun into sparks,
and the moon into rain,
Until we both grow tired and stop on the stars,

Holding each other in a warm embrace


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Publication Date: 04-02-2010

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