» Poetry » #5 Poem, rose1699.books [readict books TXT] 📗

Book online «#5 Poem, rose1699.books [readict books TXT] 📗». Author rose1699.books

# 5 Poem
Death or Life
We don’t what people say.
We do know that one
Day this earth will die and we
Have to try to survive.
We have to work together and
GOD will know what we do and he
Will be happy and also sad.

Because his world he made is one
Day closer to ending each and everyday.
And we have to survive or we all die
But if we stick together we could live
Though this and nobody can tell us
What to do.

How can we live when DEATH is just
Around the corner? How can we work
Together to survive?
I know what we should do? GOD loves us
And so does his ANGELS.

We cannot
Let DEATH take over us we need to
Stick together and GOD will find us and
Take us to his place we call HAVEN.

HAVEN is what we need to survive we have
To die together.
We need to help our FATHER find where we are needed.
DEATH is peaceful, but LIFE is harder then DEATH.
Only GOD knows what that mean.

And we need to find out ourselves
We CANNOT die alone when DEATH is near us all.
That is what GOD wants us to do.
Because we are his CHILDEREN.


Publication Date: 02-07-2011

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