» Poetry » Muses, Michael kilcannon [english readers TXT] 📗

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we all stop and ponder. we wonder why we had a good day, why we are having a bad one. Whether you beleive in a higherpower of have doubrs, we all at times wonder, why me. These few muses got their lives from those passing thoughts. Enjoy.

Michael Kilcannon
13 August 2010

This time

every dark cloud passes, and such is life

This time
Not gonna
to back down

in the past

I've been happy
with second place
to survive in
the shadows

I've hidden
from the world
afraid to
chance it
live it
love it
afraid of life

no more

I'm tired
and ready to fight back
to strike back

no more darkness
no more fear
time to take back
what is mine

I've hidden
from the world
afraid to
chance it
live it
love it
afraid of life
no more
No more

time to live
no more
second guessing

Can't be a king
If you're afraid
to come back
the fool

And I've decided
that this is not
how life is meant
to be

I'll fight now
for what is mine

I've hidden
from the world
afraid to
chance it
live it
love it
afraid of life
no more

A magic

This is why songs that define your past should be forgotten

I sway with with the music,
the ever famillar lullabye.
the notes softly weaving a spell,
a spell of yesteryear.

The sounds come back, the smells.
a touch so famillar.
A sweet caress, a moment of tragedy.
Instances of joy, times of regret.

A memory, just a memory
yet it's so real,

an illusion slipped out of time.
We've all been there.

The spell weaved too many times,
in too many ways
In the dark, in the sun.
In a crowd or alone
bathed in twilight's last cast.

Illusions called forth,
illusions cast.

music is the best kind of magic;
Music is the worst kind of magic;
Just when we have forgotten,
the back-beat weaves it's spell and we're back.

Suffering all the heartache,
reliving all the triumph,
feeling all the despair.
And we are right back there

Just when we have forgotten,
the melody brings back a caress,
takes us to happier times,
to better times

And we have the strength to go on.

The lyrics weave that special kind of magic,
take us back to a place we remember,
some with a happy heart;
some, with some despair.
And we are right back there.

The song wraps around me and carries me away.
To a time before, an instance gone by.
Happy or Sad
Good or bad
The song takes me back.....

Bits and pieces
Images tattered and torn.

Just enough to change my mood.
Memories are like stars in the night sky....
Too numerous to count,
we rely on music to make constellations

Taking us from point to point,
just dwelling long enough to make us laugh,
make us cry.

Taking me here, taking me there.
Caressing me, beating me.
Taunting me just enough....

But never enough.

music is the best kind of magic;
Music is the worst kind of magic;
Just when we have forgotten,
the beat weaves it's spell
and we're back.

Suffering all the heartache,
reliving all the triumph,
feeling all the despair.
And we are right back there

Just when we have forgotten,
the melody brings back a caress,
takes us to happier times,
to better times
And we have the strength to go on.

The lyrics weave that special kind of magic,
take us back to a place we remember,
some, with a happy heart;
some, with some despair.
And we are right back there.
The song is always there, the melody just below the waves...

Just when I find myself in a mood,
the song can take me there.
Take me back to you

Mirror, Mirror

dedicated to her, my life mate, my best friend....

I was never one
to believe in fairy tells
I never fell for
happily ever after
i could never be
prince charming.
the princess never
awoke to my kiss

As time went on,
I felt like the troll
under the bridge;
convinced myself I was
the big bad wolf
at the door

Life made me the hunchback,
made me as outcast as that
Phantom of the opera

then she came along,
and tempted me,
sang for me,
pulled off the mask,
made me see
something else in the mirror

Life has turned my heart to stone
betrayal has shoved
a sword through my heart,
is she the one
to pull it out?

I was never the knight
clad in shining armor
did not always do what was right

I was lost as the hero
in the white hat
riding off into the sunset;
too busy chasing windmills
in the distance

happier to embrace the night
i could hide the tears
disguise the fears

then she came along
made me see something worthy
in the mirror
life had turned me heart to stone
Betrayal has pierced my heart
with a sword
is she the one
to pull it out?

so mirror, mirror
is she the one for me?

Moonlight Sonata

Don't you just hate it when you lie awake at night and think about every miss-step you have taken. Ever notice how vivid those are compared to your other memories?

has seen me cry alone
held by the memory of days gone
touches and events
people come and gone in my life
triumph and despair
moonlight you have made me
relive them all.

I am tired of your glow
making me see my past
each event played out
days that I cannot bear to
see again
each memory so real
the smell, the taste and touch
and the pain so terribly real
please leave me alone.

piercing that fog of yesteryear
making me travel
back down that road
and live it again
each and every moment
is full of terrifying clarity
haunting me
with images

can't you leave me alone?

You Called Me

self-doubt can be a kiiller. Take it from someone that spent his school years afraid of being made fun of.

You must remember me.
The doubt in the darkness.
The millions of could have beens
The Countless should of beens.

The girl you didn't have
the guts to apporach.
The brass ring,
you hesitated to reach for.
The goal you felt out ouf reach.

You called me
the impossible dream
You called me
the uncrossable stream.
Unfortunately, in the end
you never really called for me....
did you?

How many times
did you stare,
How many times
did you want and need?

I could have
been yours,
I could have
been everything to you.

Afraid of shun

Afraid of failure

You never tried.

You called me
the impossible dream
You called me
the uncrossable stream.
Unfortunately, in the end
you never really called for me
did you?

What is that thing,
What is that trigger, that instant
That makes us choose between glory and despair...

Between what was...
and what could have been?

How many times does it play over in our minds?
What makes us turn away from reaching for it all...
and makes us lament what might have been?

The stars
could have been your oyster...
The planet
your play thing...

But you never felt you could...

So why despair in what could have been?

You called me
the impossible dream
You called me
the uncrossable stream.
Unfortunately, in the end
you never really called for me....

did you?

So walk on
into the abyss,
So continue down
the path you have chosen

It was what you felt you could achieve
And in the end you did.

You must remember me.
The doubt in the darkness.
The millions of could have beens
The Countless should of beens.
The many never will be's.

Red Dragon

I have starved
in the land of plenty
I have felt weakened
in the land of the brave
I have tasted bitterly
in the world of milk and honey

they tell us our better days are behind us
as they steal our future without remorse
thirty pieces of silver from the red dragon
can buy a leader

We are told that we must pay more
while fat cats take more
Do they work for us?
Or we toil for them?

We beg for the rule of law
we are called racists
we expect better of the 537 kings
and we are called misguided

all the while the red dragon smacks his lips

I have starved
in the land of plenty
I have felt weakened
in the land of the brave
i have tasted bitterly
in the world of milk and honey

they promise the moon and stars
to capture our hearts
then smile benignly
as they lift our wallets
thirty pieces of silver from the red dragon
can buy a leader

we demand better
we're marked as extremists
lion fodder for
the new

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