» Poetry » MY POEMS, Marissa Romero [best ereader for pc .TXT] 📗

Book online «MY POEMS, Marissa Romero [best ereader for pc .TXT] 📗». Author Marissa Romero


   Roses are red violets are blue
love never crossed my mind
till the day I met you

  If only you knew.......
how much I love you

   I can feel your
heart when
we're apart

   I’ve learned
that life
and love are

   If only you knew...
how much I need you

   I could say so much
but I love you says it all

   Every example of
love I've had has
ended in goodbye

   My love will always
wait for you

   Love is butterflies in your
stomach all the time. the human
soul needs and craves it. i want you to
feel that all the time.

   Love will wait
for the right person

   And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was "Goodbye".

1000 broken hearts caired by 1000 broken wings

   NEVER say hello if you really mean goodbye NEVER hold my hand if you plan to let go NEVER walk beside me iff you plan to walk away NEVER say ''i will'' if you don't inteand to start NEVER say ''i love'' if you really dont mean it NEVER say FOREVER because FOREVER makes me cry

   Don't break my heart Before i give it to you Don't tell me no before i ask you to Don't say it dosent fit before you try it on There's to much to loose to be wrong And it feels like there's something here But i wanna see it before it disappers And if there's something real between me and you are we both open to All these possibiliy's So many little possibility's


You broke my heart but i still love you with all the peices

   Love hurts,so why do we fall in love?
We fall in love because we want the hurt to go away.
The hurt that we feel when we're lonely.
When we have no one,when nobody is there for us.
When the one you love love's someone else.
So why don't we just stop falling in love?
We don't stop falling in love because love is
the closest thing we have to magic.
And magic is the closest thing
we have to love.

   FOR WE ALL MUST LOVE BUT SOME OF US DIE.......................
for friends and that's good
or maybe it's
their time but the
good thing about
dieing for a friend is
that they mean a lot to you....

I don't be live in love
and neither should you
when you love to much
it'll kill you or one of you'll
end up giving up your life
for the other one to live
then you'll feel guilty
for not giving your life
but either way you'll feel guilty


Text: 22
Images: 22
Editing: 22
Translation: 22
Publication Date: 02-28-2012

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